オーエスドラッグ 三国ヶ丘店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact オーエスドラッグ 三国ヶ丘店

住所 :

Koryo Nakamachi, Sakai Ward, Sakai, 〒590-0024 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : http://www.osdrug.com/
街 : Osaka

Koryo Nakamachi, Sakai Ward, Sakai, 〒590-0024 Osaka,Japan
岡田康弘 on Google

It's very convenient because you can buy regular medicine quickly and relatively cheaply in the station building. Speaking of difficulty, if you put a little more food (bread, confectionery, dried food, etc.), the frequency of use will increase (^^). .. I'm looking forward to it in the future.
河河 on Google

近隣のドラッグストアよりもかなりお安い目玉商品が有り 行くとついつい沢山買い込んでしまいます。 男の店員さんの愛想が良く活気が有ってお買い物し易いです!
There are featured products that are considerably cheaper than nearby drug stores When I go, I just buy a lot. The male clerk is friendly, lively and easy to shop!
南形浩 on Google

JRと南海の乗り換え駅 三国ヶ丘駅の構内にあって小規模ですが、最低限のアイテムは揃っていて便利です。
It's a small train station on the premises of Mikunigaoka Station, which is a transfer station between JR and Nankai, but it's convenient because it has the minimum items.
クミキャン on Google

薬を買いに行きましたが 私の行っているドラッグストアより400~500円位安い物がありビックリです いつ行っても同じ価格で買えるのも魅力です あすすめです
I went to buy medicine, but I was surprised that there was something that was about 400 to 500 yen cheaper than my drug store. It is also attractive that you can buy it at the same price whenever you go.
とだやすひろ on Google

Cheap drugstore It is helpful that it is cheaper than other stores. However, the customer service attitude is bad without greetings and smiling faces! Is it natural that it is bad because it is cheap? Such a place is the same as Don Quijote! I can't shop comfortably ?
King Slime on Google

他ドラッグストアより安い商品が多い感じがします。たまに試供品もいただけるのも嬉しいですね。 支払いがキャッシュオンリーなのでクレジットカード、電子マネーなどが使えたら、より便利に買い物できると思います。
I feel that there are many cheaper products than other drug stores. I'm glad that you can get free samples from time to time. Since payment is cash only, I think that if you can use a credit card, electronic money, etc., you can shop more conveniently.
純江山藤 on Google

のど飴 カラー剤品数豊富 価格も安いです 試供品絆創膏いただきました
Throat candy, abundant color agents, low price, free sample, adhesive plaster
いちごケーキ on Google

サプリ系はかなり安い! 穴場だと思います その他も割と安売りしている時が多い ベビー用品系の取り扱いや化粧品関係も少ないが サポーターや高齢者関係などは充実している 駅近で便利
Supplements are pretty cheap! I think it's a little-known spot Others are often sold at a bargain price There are few baby products and cosmetics, Supporters and relationships with the elderly are substantial Convenient near the station

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