タイレストラン コルア バムルン korua bamrung

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact タイレストラン コルア バムルン korua bamrung

住所 :

Arakawaokihigashi, Tsuchiura, 〒300-0837 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89898
街 : Ibaraki

Arakawaokihigashi, Tsuchiura, 〒300-0837 Ibaraki,Japan
Kazuyuki DEGUCHI on Google

The taste is almost Thai. It's not too dark, but it's seasoned like a small local shop.
星降る夜の天文学 on Google

本日、利用。 ガパオライスを注文しました。 いつもガパオライスを頼むとスープが付くのですが別にトムヤンクンを頼んでいたのか 付かず。 ガパオライスは、一味足りないような。。。 後、調味料セットを出してくれないときがあるので絶対に声をかけたのが良いです。 カレー等を食べる際にはライスが別で 350円かかりますので注文の時には注意です。
Used today. I ordered Gapao Rice. Whenever I ask for Gapao Rice, soup comes with it, but did I order Tom Yum Kung separately? Not attached. Gapao rice seems to be a bit lacking. .. .. After that, there are times when the seasoning set will not be served, so it is definitely better to talk to them. Rice is different when eating curry etc. It costs 350 yen, so be careful when ordering.
エルモア on Google

最近オープンしたようで気になっていたので本日伺いしました。 店内はシンプルで綺麗です。お店の方も優しく微笑み美人なお母さんと調理をしているのは男性。 タイラーメンを頼みました。 麺の太さとお肉が選べたので豚肉にしました。お味は控えですが自分で好みの味にして食べるのが好きなので私にはちょうど良かったです。 デザートがあれば良かったけどメニューには無かったので、今後追加していただけると嬉しいです。 またお邪魔すると思います。
I visited today because it seems to have opened recently and I was curious. The inside of the store is simple and beautiful. The shop staff is also kind and smiling. It is a man who cooks with a beautiful mother. I ordered Thai ramen. I chose pork because I could choose the thickness of the noodles and the meat. The taste is modest, but I like to taste it myself and eat it, so it was just right for me. I wish I had dessert, but it wasn't on the menu, so I'd be happy if you could add it in the future. I think it will bother you again.
流光星 on Google

I visited for the first time the other day. Looking at what is written in hiragana on the blackboard and the menu of the photo, you can feel the hard work and Thainess. Ty ramen that I asked for without knowing. Sweet and delicious ~ The taste is the seasoning that is served together. Thank you for serving hot Thai tea. It's quiet but at home, and you'll want to learn Thai.
おじんの徒然日記 on Google

駐車場はお店の横に3台分。 牛久方面から行くと、荒川沖の交差点右折して、直ぐ左の脇道(狭い)を左折が便利です。 ランチに訪問。 メニューはふりがなふってありますが、なんだか内容が分かりませんね。 とりあえず写真で海老のチャーハンらしきものものを注文。 サラダ、大根とセロリのスープと海老チャーハン。 スープはあっさりコンソメかな? チャーハンもなかなか美味いですね。が、あんまりこのチャーハンはエスニック感はありませんでした。 税込み¥1,000。 ごちそうさまでした。
The parking lot is for 3 cars next to the shop. From the direction of Ushiku, it is convenient to turn right at the intersection off Arakawa and then turn left on the side road (narrow) on the immediate left. Visit for lunch. The menu is furigana, but I don't understand what it is. For the time being, I ordered something that looks like fried rice with shrimp. Salad, radish and celery soup and shrimp fried rice. Is the soup lightly consomme? The fried rice is also quite delicious. However, this fried rice didn't have an ethnic feel. Tax included ¥ 1,000. Thank you for the meal.
toshi kawa on Google

グリーンカレーを注文しました。 辛さは日本人に合わせて控えめにして頂きました。 ココナッツミルクの風味でとても美味しかったです。具もいっぱいで茄子の食感も良かったです♪ また次回は違うタイカレーを試してみたいです❗️ 追記… またまた来店? 今度は レッドカレー を注文しました(前回の反省を踏まえて「辛くしてください!」とお願いしました) たぶん少し手加減して頂いたのか?尖った辛さで無く、程よい辛さで美味しく頂きました(^^) 具も沢山入って嬉しい? ごちそうさまでした❗️❗️
I ordered green curry. The spiciness was modest according to the Japanese people. The flavor of coconut milk was very delicious. The ingredients were full and the texture of the eggplant was good ♪ I would like to try a different Thai curry next time ❗️ postscript… Visit again ? This time I ordered red curry (I asked you to make it spicy based on my previous reflection) Maybe you made some adjustments? It was delicious with moderate spiciness, not sharp spiciness (^^) I'm glad that a lot of ingredients are included ? Thank you for your feast ❗️❗️
タカユー on Google

2回訪問して牛肉麺とチャーハンを頂きました。 牛肉麺は本格的で出汁も効いていて調味料も手作りで大変美味しかったです。かなり本格的でした。 タイ米のチャーハンが好きでよく他の店でも頼むのですが、大盛りで注文したらこちらは日本米でかなり大盛り、、、珍来の大盛りから更に大盛りって感じで満腹でした。 難点はメニューにタイ語のふりがなは付いてますがなんの料理だか素人には分からない、店員さんが日本語カタコトな点ぐらいですかね。
I visited twice and had beef noodles and fried rice. The beef noodles were authentic, the soup stock was effective, and the seasonings were handmade and very delicious. It was pretty serious. I like Thai rice fried rice and often ask at other stores, but when I ordered a large serving, this was a fairly large serving of Japanese rice ... I was full with the feeling that it was even larger than the rare large serving. The difficulty is that the menu has Thai furigana, but the clerk doesn't know what kind of food it is, and the clerk is Japanese.
F Ita on Google

口コミで評価が高いので、息子と二人で行ってみました。外から店のなかが見えにくく、初めて入るのに少し躊躇しましたが、店内は20人位入れる清潔なお店です。本日のおすすめ料理がひらがなでホワイトボードにタイ語とひらがなで書いてあり、愛らしいです。 男性の店員さんが、やさしい笑顔で親切に心配りをしてくれました。とても居心地の良いお店です。おすすめをきいて、ガパオライス、カオマンガイ、トムヤンクンをいただきました。いずれも大変に美味しかったです。 昨年6月に開店されたようですが、コロナ禍の影響をかなり受けているようです。美味しいタイ料理を出し、丁寧な接客をされるお店ですので、多くの方に知っていただきたいところです。今回は麺類をオーダーしませんでしたが、料理の写真が壁に貼ってあり、次回は家族で行って麺類をいただきたいと思います。 (後日) 家族を連れて再び行きました。写真の麺も美味しかったです。普通の麺の上に揚げた麺が乗っていて食感が面白く、レモンを絞ることで違う風味が楽しめます。料理の名前を覚えるのを忘れましたが、店内に料理の写真が貼ってあります。辛いものが好きな方にオススメです。
The word of mouth is high, so I went with my son. It was hard to see the inside of the store from the outside, so I hesitated a little to enter for the first time, but the inside of the store is a clean store that can accommodate about 20 people. Today's recommended dish is written in hiragana and Thai and hiragana on the whiteboard, which is lovely. A male clerk kindly worried me with a gentle smile. It's a very cozy shop. After listening to the recommendations, I received Gapao Rice, Khao Man Gai, and Tom Yum Kung. Both were very delicious. It seems that the store opened in June last year, but it seems that it has been greatly affected by the corona wreck. It is a restaurant that serves delicious Thai food and serves polite customers, so I would like many people to know about it. I didn't order the noodles this time, but there is a picture of the food on the wall, so I would like to go with my family next time to have the noodles. (at a later date) I went again with my family. The noodles in the photo were also delicious. Fried noodles are on top of ordinary noodles and the texture is interesting, and you can enjoy a different flavor by squeezing the lemon. I forgot to remember the name of the dish, but there is a picture of the dish in the store. Recommended for those who like spicy foods.

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