浪速のたこ焼き 八ぽん 香里園店

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 浪速のたこ焼き 八ぽん 香里園店

住所 :

Kori Minaminocho, Neyagawa, 〒572-0084 Osaka,Japan

街 : Osaka

Kori Minaminocho, Neyagawa, 〒572-0084 Osaka,Japan
excel period on Google

店員さんが丁寧で素晴らしいですね。 たこ焼きも最高にトロトロで美味しかったです。 この店のたこ焼きで大阪のたこ焼きは凄い!って思いました。 次は唐揚げを食べたかったのですが都合が悪く買えませんでした…悲しい。
The clerk is polite and wonderful. Takoyaki was also the best and delicious. Takoyaki in Osaka is amazing at this shop! I tought. Next time I wanted to eat fried chicken, but I couldn't buy it because of my inconvenience ... sad.
katsu k on Google

いつも利用させていただいております。 たこ焼き醤油味は本当オススメですよ。 店員さんとの会話も楽しいから、待ち時間が とっても楽しみになります。 たこ焼きの他にも、焼きそばや唐揚げがあり、どれも美味しいですよ。ぜひ行ってみてください。 またお伺いさせていただきます。
I always use it. I really recommend the takoyaki soy sauce flavor. The conversation with the clerk is also fun, so there is a waiting time I'm really looking forward to it. Besides takoyaki, there are yakisoba and fried chicken, all of which are delicious. Please go by all means. I will visit you again.
kunta kururu on Google

店長が威勢良く、元気なお店です。 近所にもう一軒たこ焼き屋がありましたが、焼きたてでなかったのでこの店に。 焼きところからなので時間が掛かりましたが、出来たてのたこ焼きは大変美味しかったです。 たまに買っています。
The store manager is dashing and energetic. There was another takoyaki restaurant in the neighborhood, but it wasn't freshly baked, so I went to this restaurant. It took a long time because it was from the grill, but the freshly made takoyaki was very delicious. I buy it once in a while.
K Kakeru on Google

唐揚げうますぎ 50円でネギ追加できて100円出したお釣りもらったっけなぁー まぁ後から言ったしいいか
Deep-fried eel I was able to add leek for 50 yen and got a change of 100 yen I want to say later
岡田敏彦 on Google

This shop ? Yakiya is the place where Okuyama used to be, and in the old days, it was run by ? Uncle and ? Aunt! The shop is also eight ponds, maybe it's a grandchild or a cousin, and Ni-chan can eat various things little by little ? Because she was dating 40 years ago in the neighborhood Korien ? Squatting down Next door is Happon, with cabbage in Kyoto ? You can eat octopus grilled ? Neyagawa and Takatsuki have many beautiful girls, so high school girls in the neighborhood also came to buy ? Cute beautiful girls! ? Good ? Recommended ?‍♂️
sin T on Google

The outside is crispy, and the inside is trolly takoyaki. The rich flavor of octopus that you can understand by eating a bite. Yet, it is a reasonable price that even students can buy. The biggest seller is the cheerful store manager. You can see that people of all ages and genders gather in the shop. Adults can eat while drinking a little, so feel free to drop by.
Aya Asagiri on Google

追記: 久々に行ったけど味落ちた? 正直元の味は忘れましたが、去年か一昨年にした口コミ(↓)読み返して、この味でこうは書かないなと。 その口コミした後にも一度訪れてますが(多分1年前とか)、その時は変わらず美味しかったことは覚えています。自分の中でここのたこ焼きはかなりの物だという認識があったばかりに今回衝撃を受けました。 作り置きしてたものだったからなのか?出汁の味も効いてないしフワトロでもなかったですね。いわゆる「普通のたこ焼き」「及第点」レベルに成り下がってました。。 これだともう行かないかな… ↓以下、1〜2年前にした口コミ↓ 口コミを見て期待して行きました! たこやき12個で500円。安いですよね! 味も満点でした。外はふわふわ、中はこれ以上ないってくらいトロトロで、一言で言えば最高。 また行きたいですね…唐揚げやイカ焼きなどもあったので、色々食べてみたい…
postscript: I went there after a long time, but did it taste bad? To be honest, I forgot the original taste, but I read back the word-of-mouth (↓) I made last year or two years ago and said that I shouldn't write this with this taste. I visited once after the word of mouth (maybe a year ago), but I remember it was still delicious at that time. I was shocked this time just because I realized that takoyaki here was quite a thing. Is it because it was made up? The taste of the soup stock didn't work and it wasn't fluffy. It has fallen to the so-called "ordinary takoyaki" and "points" level. .. I wonder if this will go anymore ... ↓ Below, the word of mouth one or two years ago ↓ I was looking forward to seeing the reviews! Takoyaki 12 pieces for 500 yen. It's cheap! The taste was perfect. The outside is fluffy, and the inside is so fluffy that there is no more inside. In a word, it's the best. I want to go again ... I also had fried chicken and grilled squid, so I want to try various things ...
あい on Google

味は美味しいのですが、店員さんによって愛想良くサービスいい人と、そうでない人がおられます。 サービスいい店員さんは、10%引きクーポンを快く使わせてくれ、180円引きのところを200円引いておきますね!(^o^)と。クーポンも回収せず、また使って下さい!(^o^)と言ってくれます。店頭に置いてあるクーポンをその場で取っても快く使わせてくれました。こんな店員さんだと何度でもリピートしたくなります。 愛想のいい店員さん、ずっと香里園店にいてください!
The taste is delicious, but depending on the clerk, there are people who are friendly and service good, and people who are not. A clerk with good service will be happy to use the 10% discount coupon, and the 180 yen discount will be discounted by 200 yen! (^ o ^) and. Please do not collect the coupon and use it again! It says (^ o ^). Even if I took the coupon at the store on the spot, I was happy to use it. Such a clerk wants to repeat as many times as he wants. A friendly clerk, please stay at the Korien store all the time!

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