Konnaikodomo Clinic - Iwaki

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Konnaikodomo Clinic

住所 :

1 Chome-2-1 Onahamaokaona, Iwaki, Fukushima 971-8151, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Postal code : 971-8151
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM

1 Chome-2-1 Onahamaokaona, Iwaki, Fukushima 971-8151, Japan
te te on Google

先生,話もろくに聞いてくれないし 受付にいる事務の人が最悪でした, あいさつもしないし 事務の人らで話していて不愉快になりました, 二度と行かないです, 人がいない理由がわかりました!笑
Sensei, they do n’t listen to me The clerk at the reception was the worst, I don't say hello I was uncomfortable talking with the clerks, I wo n’t go again, I understand why there are no people! Lol
うぃはさはさ on Google

ここの病院のお医者さんは話は聞いてくれるし優しいのですが 他院にかかったりすると、すごく嫌な顔をします。あと、出すと言っていた薬が出されてなくて 次行った時にそれを言ってお薬手帳を見せてるのに 出したの一点張りでした。残念です
The doctor at the hospital here listens to me and is kind When I go to another hospital, I have a very unpleasant face. Also, the medicine I was told to give was not given The next time I went, I said that and showed my medicine notebook It was a single point that I put out. I'm sorry
ゆぴゆっぴ(アンパンみぃ) on Google

かかりつけが休みでこちらを受診。 2時間近く待たされるのに、オモチャが全く置いてないから小さい子が我慢していられない。 医者もろくに話を聞かず意見を押し付けてくるので好感が持てなかった。
I went to see this because my family was on holiday. I've been waiting for almost two hours, but I can't stand the little one because I don't have any toys. I didn't like it because the doctors didn't listen to me and pushed my opinions.
なな777 on Google

現在はコロナの影響で予約制ですので、電話をしてから行くと確実です。 アドバイスは的確です。心配や不安があれば、聞けばきちんと答えてくれます。熱が長引いたり、状態に心配な点ある時など検査が必要かなと思われた時は医療センターへ紹介状を書いてくれ、そちらで検査等をします。
Currently, reservations are required due to the influence of Corona, so it is sure to go after calling. The advice is accurate. If you have any worries or anxieties, just ask and they will answer properly. If you think that you need an examination, such as when you have a prolonged fever or you are worried about your condition, write a letter of introduction to the medical center and we will do the examination there.
ki ki on Google

淡々としてますが、的確な指示をしてくれるいい先生だと思います。看護師さんや受付の方も落ち着いた雰囲気で、感じのいい方ばかりです。 病院の設備としては、レントゲンや鼻水吸引等は無いです。耳も診てはくれないので、小さな子で鼻水が出ていたり、中耳炎の疑いもある場合だと、耳鼻科に行くか他院に行くか…。 待合い室は一部カーペット敷の所がありますが前は有った玩具がないで、病院ですし、病気の子が来る場所なので玩具を舐めてしまったり、触ったりで病気を貰うなどの心配はなくていいとおもいます。絵本は置いてありました。
It's plain, but I think he's a good teacher who gives accurate instructions. The nurses and receptionists also have a calm atmosphere, and all of them feel good. There are no X-rays or runny nose suction as hospital equipment. They don't even look at your ears, so if you have a runny nose or suspected otitis media in a small child, you should go to an otolaryngologist or another hospital. There is a part of the waiting room with carpet, but there are no toys that I had before, it is a hospital, and since it is a place where sick children come, there is no worry of getting sick by licking or touching the toys. I think it's okay. There was a picture book.
Ri Sa on Google

症状もきちんと確認してくれますし、それに対しての薬の説明もしてくれます。 受け付けの方も含め、対応がとても良いと思います!マスク越しでも笑顔が伝わる☺️ 親として、先生との相性もあるかと思いますが、穏やかで優しい先生ですよ✨
It will check your symptoms properly and explain the medicine for them. I think that the correspondence is very good, including the receptionist! A smile is transmitted even through the mask ☺️ As a parent, I think it goes well with the teacher, but he is a gentle and kind teacher.
m m on Google

先生は穏やかで的確なアドバイスを下さり、受付の方や看護師の方も親切です。 引っ越してから少し遠くなってしまったので他の小児科で予防接種や診察をしてもらいましたが、院内の清潔感や対応など合わない所があり、結局こちらに通っています。
The teacher gives gentle and accurate advice, and the receptionist and nurses are also kind. It's been a little far since I moved, so I had vaccinations and medical examinations at other pediatrics, but there were some things that didn't suit the cleanliness and response of the hospital, so I went here after all.
Steve Young on Google

He is a very thorough and friendly doctor

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