
2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 石井正記念石井医院

住所 :

Onahama, Iwaki, 〒971-8101 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM
街 : Fukushima

Onahama, Iwaki, 〒971-8101 Fukushima,Japan
佐藤敏秀 on Google

ーみるきい on Google

A teacher who changes every time. It was the worst this time when I went because it was good last time. I won't go anymore
彼方へ on Google

The office staff and nurses were very polite and I was very relieved.
さなぽん on Google

スズメバチに刺され、痒み止めの漢方薬と痒みどめの練り薬のみ処方されました。 蜂に刺されて漢方薬は、不安でした。
I was bitten by a wasp and prescribed only an anti-itch herbal medicine and a pruritus paste. Being stung by a bee, I was worried about herbal medicine.
Kaneko Isao (いさぽん) on Google

暴言を吐く最低な医者。 初めてかかったときに、あなたと私は初対面なのですから口の利き方を気をつけなさいと言われ、風邪をひいてしまったと言うと、風邪ひいたって素人が何で判る。と言われ、酷すぎる医者です。 そもそも、医者といえども患者は医者から取れば客のはず。 それなのにその口の利き方は逆に無いのではなかろうか。 医者はそんなに偉いのか? 仕事とは、みんな一生懸命お客様の為にやっているのである。 客を客と思えない医者などあり得ない。 クライアントをクライアントとして対等に思えないなどあり得ない。 クランケは、医者から取ればお客様! お客様は神様ではなかろうか? 考えるのはどっちだ! いい加減にしろ! ps:お父様は真夜中でもすぐに見てくださる医者の鏡だったのに…お父様が可哀想なこと。
The worst doctor who speaks rants. The first time you take it, you and I are the first time you meet, and you are told to be careful about your mouth. It is said that it is too cruel doctor. In the first place, even if it is a doctor, patients should be customers if taken from a doctor. Nevertheless, there is no way to speak it. Is the doctor so great? Jobs are all working hard for our customers. There can be no doctor who doesn't think of a customer as a customer. It's impossible to think of clients as equal. If you get a crunch from a doctor, you are the customer! Isn't the customer God? Which way to think! Take care! ps: Even though he was a doctor's mirror that he could see immediately, even at midnight ... he was poor.
研志 on Google

It was very crowded with people who were vaccinated against influenza and corona vaccines.
RENO koba on Google

I feel uncomfortable trying to finish the diagnosis early. When I hear about the causes of symptoms and countermeasures, I get an unpleasant face. I don't hear much about it, I'm worried if I get medicine for the time being, and I don't feel like going to the doctor.
佐川洋子 on Google

受付、看護師、医師の対応はとてもいいと思います 院内も清潔です。 漢方薬を主にすすめられます。 蜂に刺された時も、風邪をひいて子供が高熱の時も漢方薬でした なのでずっと熱が下がらなく子供がぐったりしていたのをみると、やはり解熱薬や症状を早く良くするお薬が欲しかったです。その後、医療センターで検査し お薬を処方してもらったらすぐに元気になりました。 先生も凄く親切で感じが良かったので 私は病院は使い分けています。 予防接種や皮膚科、軽い風邪の時に この病院でお世話になります。 ある意味、漢方の方がいい時もありますから。 処方された薬を飲み1日たってもに良くならない時には 違う病院へ行くことをおすすめします 今は「医者だから」という安心感は捨てた方がいいと思います 自分や大切な人を救えるのは 近くにいる方の判断力にかかってると思います
I think the reception, nurses and doctors are very helpful. The hospital is also clean. Mainly recommended for Chinese herbs. It was a herbal medicine when I was bitten by a bee and when my child had a cold and had a high fever. So when I saw that my child was tired because my fever didn't go down all the time, I still wanted an antipyretic drug and a drug that would improve my symptoms quickly. Then inspect at the medical center As soon as I got my prescription, I got well. The teacher was also very kind and felt good I use different hospitals. For vaccinations, dermatology, and mild colds Thank you for your support at this hospital. In a sense, there are times when Kampo is better. When you take the prescribed medicine and it doesn't improve after a day I recommend going to a different hospital Now I think it's better to throw away the sense of security that "because it's a doctor" What can save you and your loved ones I think it depends on the judgment of those who are nearby

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