Konanchuo Station - Yokohama

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Konanchuo Station

住所 :

10番B1 Konanchuodori, Konan Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 233-0003, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Postal code : 233-0003
Webサイト : http://navi.hamabus.city.yokohama.lg.jp/koutuu/pc/detail/Station%3Fid%3D00002453

10番B1 Konanchuodori, Konan Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 233-0003, Japan
tutomu on Google

港南区の行政中心地。駅の近くに港南区役所や港南警察署があります。港南区の商業中心地である上大岡に比べると非常に地味ですが、むしろ商業地と別れていることで立地的に人混みもなくすんなりと区役所や警察署での手続きに向かえる利点があると思います。 駅前を通る鎌倉街道は市営バス、神奈中バス、江ノ電バスなどの多くのバス路線系統が集約されています。洋光台、港南台、栄区、大船方面からバスに乗ってきて市営地下鉄(ブルーライン)に乗り換える際はこの駅で乗り換えたほうが歩く距離が極めて短く便利です。但し快速電車は港南中央駅に停車しませんので逆ルートで地下鉄からバスに乗り換える際は注意してください。 ※バリアフリーに関して 駅構内はトイレや通路・プラットホームへのエレベーターなど特に問題はないのですが、残念ながら駅出入口にエレベーター・エスカレーター(エスカレーターは登りのみ)が完備されているのは区役所側出入口(出口1)のみです。区役所から道路を渡った市立港南中学校側出入口(出口2)には階段しか無いのでご利用の際はお気をつけください。
The administrative center of Konan Ward. There is Konan Ward government office and Konan police station near the station. Compared to Kamiooka, which is the commercial center of Konan Ward, it is very quiet, but rather because it is separated from the commercial area, I think that there is an advantage that it can easily go to the procedure at the ward office or the police station without being crowded due to its location. . The Kamakura Kaido that runs in front of the station is a collection of many bus routes such as municipal buses, Kananaka buses, and Enoden buses. When you get on a bus from Yokodai, Konandai, Sakae Ward, Ofuna and transfer to the municipal subway (Blue Line), it is easier and shorter to walk at this station. However, please note that the rapid train does not stop at Konan Chuo Station, so please be careful when switching from the subway to the bus on the reverse route. ※ About barrier-free There are no particular problems with the toilets, passageways, and elevators to the platform inside the station, but unfortunately, the only entrance / exit to the ward office (exit 1) is the elevator / escalator (the escalator can only climb) at the entrance / exit of the station. . Please be careful when using since there is only a stairway at the entrance (exit 2) of the city Konan Junior High School across the road from the ward office.
沖田圭 on Google

At the nearest station of Yokohama Prison, when you reach the ground, you will find Konan Police, Fire Department, and Ward Office. It's like Sim City. If you take a bus, it is much more convenient than Kami-Ooka (it is not the first train so you can not sit down w).
Ginta T on Google

Convenient, close to ward office, police station and fire station. From the Ofuna area, it is much more convenient to transfer to the subway than Kamiooka (in front of the Konan Ward General Government Building at the bus stop) (especially when carrying a wheelchair, stroller, or large luggage). However, there is an elevator only in front of the ward office.
wadamachi233 on Google

横浜市営地下鉄ブルーラインの駅です。 港南区の中心で、図書館以外の行政施設はここにあります。 上大岡と比べると、商業施設は少ないです。 利用客は、阪東橋や蒔田などと比べると少ないです。 快速は止まりませんが、上大岡よりもバスへの乗り換えが便利です。 また、上大岡や上永谷のように南高校へ歩けます。
It is a station of Yokohama Municipal Subway Blue Line. In the center of Konan Ward, administrative facilities other than the library are located here. Compared to Kamiooka, there are few commercial facilities. There are few users compared to Hanto Bridge and Iwata. Rapid service does not stop, but it is more convenient to transfer to the bus than Kamiooka. You can also walk to Minami High School like Kamiooka and Kaminagaya.
吉田勝春 on Google

港南区のベットタウンであり、区役所とか行政機関の最寄り駅なのに、地下鉄の快速が停まらないのは解せぬ。 でも、それを言ったら、蒔田も同じなのかな・・・
It is a commuter town in Konan Ward, and although it is the closest station to the ward office and government agencies, it is hard to understand that the rapid train does not stop. But if I say that, I wonder if Makita is the same ...
N I on Google

横浜市営地下鉄ブルーラインの港南中央駅です。 地下深いからか、かなり風が強く感じます。 出口付近にあるヨークマートは(少し高いですが)パンがおいしいのでオススメです。 最近(2021年10月)は階段を工事していますが何かできるのでしょうか。
It is Konan Chuo Station on the Yokohama City Blue Line. I feel the wind is quite strong probably because it is deep underground. York Mart near the exit is recommended because the bread is delicious (although it is a little expensive). Recently (October 2021), we are constructing stairs, but can we do anything?
moco moco on Google

It is a station of Yokohama Municipal Subway Blue Line. In the morning, the station staff will greet you at the ticket gate
Morgan on Google

What a frustrating station! I feel like the trains never come... Because it's on a local line, the expresses will zoom by. And the local is so crowded all the time! They do have women's priority cars though during certain times of the day, which is nice. The station is really small and old, with two exits that lead to one side of the street or the other. From up there, you can catch a bus going in either direction. There's not much around besides the government buildings and an Ito Yokado.

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