麺屋KON - Kitaakita

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 麺屋KON

住所 :

Sumiyoshicho, Kitaakita, 〒018-3322 Akita,Japan

Postal code : 018-3322
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : Akita

Sumiyoshicho, Kitaakita, 〒018-3322 Akita,Japan
レッドアイ on Google

マスコミでいろいろと取り上げられ、レビューにも美味いとの投稿があり、気になって行って来ました。注文したのは塩とんこつの大盛り! 見た目はグッド!スープはそれなりに美味しかったけど、ちょいぬるめでもう少し熱い方がいいな。それと食べるうちに味が薄く感じられてきた。麺は細麺だけど少し硬くスープにも馴染まず美味しさは感じられなかった!まぁ一度食べればそれで良いかなってレベルでした。もう行かないかなぁ? また店内の床には段ボールとか荷物などが乱雑に積まれ雰囲気は台無しです。
It was taken up in various media, and there was a post that it was delicious in the review, so I went there. I ordered a large serving of salted tonkotsu! It looks good! The soup was delicious as it was, but it should be a little lukewarm and a little hotter. Also, as I ate it, the taste became lighter. The noodles are thin, but they are a little hard and don't fit in the soup, so I didn't feel the taste! Well, once I ate it, it was a good level. I wonder if I can go anymore? In addition, cardboard boxes and luggage are messed up on the floor inside the store, ruining the atmosphere.
森谷光夫 on Google

秋田県能代出張も来週末で終わり お盆休みはコロナが猛威を奮ってるので帰らないことに。そうなれば秋田ラーメン巡りも能代が出ようと北秋田へ? ネットで評判の麺屋KONさんへ走ります。 開店10分前で家族連れさんとご夫婦2組が既に並んでましたが開店と同時に満席? 僕は塩とんこつラーメンを注文 運ばれて来たラーメンを見れば美味いのがわかる❣️スープを飲んでも麺を食べても凄く美味い?麺の硬さもバツグン❣️ 能代出張がまたあれば寄りたいお店です。 ご馳走様でした。
Akita Prefecture Noshiro business trip will end next weekend During the Obon holidays, Corona is in a rage, so I decided not to go home. If that happens, I will go to Kitaakita for Noshiro to go around Akita ramen ? I will run to KON, a noodle shop that has a good reputation on the net. 10 minutes before the store opened, a family and two couples were already lined up, but it was full at the same time as the store opened ? I ordered salt tonkotsu ramen You can see that it is delicious by looking at the ramen that was brought in ❣️ It is very delicious whether you drink soup or eat noodles ? The hardness of the noodles is also outstanding ❣️ If you have another business trip to Noshiro, this is the shop you want to visit. It was a treat.
すずりん on Google

It was a shop that I arrived at after searching for something nearby. I felt particular about the dashi stock. Among them, the char siu was soaked in the taste and was soft and not greasy ... It was delicious that was ranked high in my ranking. I want to go again.

最近、人気上昇中~の「麺屋KON」さんにお邪魔しました。外ならびは無かったが、店内は満員状態。「肉中華そば950円」いただきました。スープ旨い。麺も旨い。ただ、残念だったのがチャーシュー。赤身肉ばかりで、固い。しかも噛んでると歯の隙間に引っ掛かる事。このスープと麺なら、例えば、「会津喜多方ラーメン坂内」さんの焼豚チャーシューのような、歯ごたえがありつつ脂身もある。肉の旨味の強いチャーシューを使う事により、満足感の強いラーメンになるなぁ~なんて思いながらスープまで完食。美味しかったですよ。 水はセルフ。 駐車場はお店の右側に9台止められます。
Recently, I visited "Menya KON" who is growing in popularity. There was no outside line, but the store was full. I received "Meat Chinese noodles 950 yen". The soup is delicious. The noodles are also delicious. However, it was a pity that the char siu. Only lean meat, hard. Moreover, if you chew it, it will get caught in the gaps between your teeth. This soup and noodles are chewy and fat, like the grilled pork char siu from "Aizu Kitakata Ramen Sakauchi". By using char siu, which has a strong meat flavor, the ramen will be very satisfying. It was delicious. Water is self. Nine parking lots can be parked on the right side of the shop.
Chiro S on Google

あさりで修行された方のお店ということで訪問しました。 肉煮干しそば1000円を頂きました。 スープはあさりと同じ系統で煮干しが利いております。僅かに苦味が感じられます。 麺は低加水のストレートで良い味。 チャーシューは柔らかな肩ロースが8枚ほど。 他にメンマと葱が乗ります。 味玉等が無いので1000円は気持ち高めに感じました。 トータルでは、あさりと比べ盛付け、味とも僅かに雑な感じが見受けられましたが、なかなか美味しいと思います。 鷹巣でラーメン食べるならオススメです。
I visited the shop because it was a shop for those who trained in clams. I received 1000 yen for dried soba noodles. The soup is the same system as the clams and is boiled and dried. A slight bitterness is felt. The noodles are straight with low water content and have a good taste. Char siu has about 8 soft shoulder loins. Besides, Menma and green onions ride. Since there are no taste balls, I felt that 1000 yen was a high feeling. In total, it was served more than the clams, and the taste was slightly rough, but I think it is quite delicious. Recommended if you want to eat ramen in Takanosu.
H F on Google

何回も来ましたが、駐車場まできて断念してました笑(満席すぎて笑) で、やっと初入店!何を頼むか色々迷いましたが、煮干しそばにしました✨ 結論から言いますと、個人的にはめっちゃうまいです?✨⤴️他にもいくつか気になるメニューがあるので、再訪確定です笑?ただの興味本位ではなくて、リピーター確定ですね??? 食べてる間、美女店員がレジ付近で待機してるのが気になりましたが笑? 店主さんも好印象でした?? ごちそうさまでしたー?✨
I've been there many times, but I gave up because I got to the parking lot lol (laughs because it's too full) And finally, I entered the store for the first time! I wasn't sure what to order, but I chose Niboshi soba. From the conclusion, personally it's really good ? ✨ ⤴️ There are some other menus that I'm interested in, so it's confirmed to return again lol ? It's not just interest-oriented, it's a repeater confirmed ? ? ? While I was eating, I was worried that a beautiful clerk was waiting near the cash register, but lol ? The shop owner was also impressed ?? Thank you for your feast ?✨
Chihaya Komatsu on Google

煮干しそばを注文しました。個人的に煮干しのだしが好きだし、実際にスープはとても美味しかったです。ただし、一般向けにラーメンとしてすべての人を唸らせられるかというとちょっと疑問です。 1つ目は、煮干味の雑味が多少感じられること。これは人によっては癖になる美味しさだし、逆に煮干しの旨味でなく臭みと感じる両刃の剣かもしれません。実際におろしにんにくを一匙だけ加えるだけで消え、スープがずっと美味しく感じられたので煮込みに加えるハーブをほんの少しだけ工夫すれば、もっと多くの人が素直に美味しいと思えるかもしれません。 次は麺が細麺で何の特徴もないもので、スープのガツンと来る深みに対してとっても物足りなく、スープの中にお愛想で浮いてるだけの感じ。これではラーメンである必要性がないです。麺は太麺も用意されているようなので、それならいいのでしょうか?でも同じ作りの麺が太いだけなら、うーん、、、 ごめんなさい!! 悪口を言うつもりはまったくないのです。ただ、物凄く美味しいスープがラーメンとしてのバランスにほんのちょっとだけ欠けている点が気になったと言うことで、本当にあとちょっとなんです。頑張って!
I ordered Niboshi soba. I personally like the dried sardines, and the soup was actually very delicious. However, it is a little doubtful that everyone can be groaned as ramen for the general public. The first is that you can feel some of the miscellaneous taste of dried sardines. This is a delicious taste that some people get addicted to, and on the contrary, it may be a double-edged sword that feels like an odor rather than the umami of dried sardines. In fact, adding just one spoonful of grated garlic disappeared, and the soup felt much more delicious, so with just a little ingenuity in the herbs added to the stew, more people may find it obediently delicious. Next, the noodles are thin noodles that have no characteristics, and they are very unsatisfactory for the depth of the soup, and it just feels like they are floating in the soup. This doesn't have to be ramen. It seems that thick noodles are also available, so is that okay? But if the noodles of the same make are only thick, hmm ... sorry!! I have no intention of saying bad things. However, I was worried that the extremely delicious soup was a little lacking in the balance as a ramen, so it's really a little more. Good luck!
はながたかいぞう on Google

店主のラーメンに対する真摯な姿勢がわかる一杯です? スープまで完食できる! 煮干しがメインです。エグくはなく、旨味をうまく引き出したスープです。 麺は細麺なので好き嫌い別れるかもしれません。自分はニボラーは中太麺がベストマッチだと思っているので? 煮干し中華以外の中華そばもイケます? どこか懐かしい味で、今はなき福士の中華を彷彿とさせるような…まぁ違うんですけどね✋ 大盛でちょうど良い感じ、特盛はどんぶりが違ってけっこーなボリュームありそうでした! オープンしたばっかでも行列するあたり、前の店での実績と実力がある証拠かと思います。 ハズレメニュー無しでしょう✨ 煮卵などのトッピングが出来ればなお良しなんですが。 今後は九州ラーメン跡地ということで、ボリュームがあってお得なメニューを期待したいですね?ぜひとも二郎系ラーメンの提供求む!!!笑 後日、塩豚骨もいただきました!これに無料の背脂トッピングが自分の中では一番かな~?️ 臭みなくて旨味を引き出した絶妙な豚骨スープと背脂がベストマッチです。大好きな中太麺も選べるようになってて最高の組み合わせです?
It's full of information about the owner's sincere attitude toward ramen ? You can even eat the soup! Mainly dried sardines. It's a soup that brings out the umami well, without being harsh. Noodles are thin noodles, so you may like or dislike them. I think Niboler is the best match for medium-thick noodles ? Chinese noodles other than dried sardines are also cool ? It has a nostalgic taste and is reminiscent of the now-defunct Fukushi's Chinese food ... well, it's different ✋ It feels just right in a large serving, and the special serving seems to have a nice volume with a different bowl! I think that it is proof that there is a track record and ability in the previous store as it is lined up even if it is open. There will be no lost menu ✨ It would be even better if we could make toppings such as boiled eggs. In the future, since it is the site of Kyushu ramen, I would like to expect a great menu with a lot of volume ? I definitely want to offer Jiro ramen! !! !! Lol Later, I also got salt pork bones! I wonder if the free lard topping is the best for me ~ ?️ The best match is the exquisite pork bone soup and backfat that bring out the flavor without smell. You can also choose your favorite medium-thick noodles, which is the best combination ?

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