
4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ゴルフプラザ伊奈

住所 :

Komuro, Ina, Kitaadachi District, 〒362-0806 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://www.next-golf.jp/gp_ina/
街 : Saitama

Komuro, Ina, Kitaadachi District, 〒362-0806 Saitama,Japan
ryo (恐竜戦車) on Google

300ヤードって書いてあるね 夜は見づらいけど設備は整っている感じ プリペイドカード方式でチャージするシステムらしい もう少し安いとありがたいのだけれど… 大変良いところです
It says 300 yards It's hard to see at night, but it feels like the facilities are in place It seems to be a system that charges with a prepaid card method I'd be grateful if it was a little cheaper ... It ’s a very good place.
Hiroshi Amino on Google

A practice field that is easy to hit for some reason. Is it because Rye is soft? Use when you lose confidence.
田中浩二 on Google

The attitude of the receptionist employee is too bad, so I went home immediately. As expected, Accordia. Accordia has bad employee attitudes everywhere.
田川未奈子 on Google

主人とゴルフの練習に数度訪れました。 カード式の自動ティーアップで楽チンです。一球単価は決して安くはないですが250ヤード超と長く気持ちよく打てます。しかも綺麗です。手置きで一階屋外にも打席があり、パター、バンカー練習が出来ます。
I went to practice golf with my husband several times. A card-type automatic tee-up makes it easy. The unit price per ball is not cheap, but you can hit it comfortably for more than 250 yards. Moreover, it is beautiful. There is also a bat at the outdoor on the first floor if you place it by hand, you can practice putters and bunker.
わさから on Google

設備もいいしずっと通ってたけど、スタッフの態度が悪すぎる。混雑を避けて遅い時間に行ったら「はやく帰れよ」「若いのはうざい」みたいなあからさまな態度。 数年前までこんなスタッフいなかったのに変わってしまったのか… もう二度と行かない。
The facilities are good and I've been through all the time, but the staff's attitude is too bad. If you go late to avoid the crowds, you will have an overt attitude like "Go home quickly" and "Young people are annoyed". Did it change even though there was no such staff until a few years ago ... I will never go again.
Na Y. on Google

300yあるので、ラウンド前の仕上がり確認で行きます。 一球の単価は割と高めですが、公式球なのでそれなりに練習と参考になるかと思います。
Since there is 300y, I will go to check the finish before the round. The unit price of one ball is relatively high, but since it is an official ball, I think it will be useful for practice and reference.
上尾おやじ on Google

位置は上尾市役所前の交差点を東方向に直進すること5分程度で左手前方に防球ネットが目に入るので分かり易い所にあります。 経営がアコーディアグループになりボール代の支払いがICカード化されました。 ICカードにチャージする際にクレジットカードによる支払いの場合にはクレジット会社が制限されましたので注意が必要です。 1回ポッキリの人はICカード代が無駄になってしまいます。 打席は1階と2階あります。 受付カウンターで打席カードを受取ってからその番号の打席に移動することになります。
The location is easy to understand because you can see the ball-proof net in front of you on your left in about 5 minutes by going straight to the east at the intersection in front of Ageo City Hall. The management became the Accordia Group, and the payment of the ball fee was converted to an IC card. Please note that credit companies are restricted when paying with a credit card when charging an IC card. The IC card fee will be wasted for those who are clear once. At-bats are on the 1st and 2nd floors. After receiving the turn at bat card at the reception counter, you will move to the turn at bat with that number.
岡本正己 on Google

I came to golf practice after a long absence.

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