Komine Bakery - Shinagawa City

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Komine Bakery

住所 :

3 Chome-5-11 Ebara, Shinagawa City, Tokyo 142-0063, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Postal code : 142-0063
Webサイト : http://www.musashikoyama-palm.com/rs/sp/detail/186
Opening hours :
Saturday 6AM–8PM
Sunday 6AM–8PM
Monday 6AM–8PM
Tuesday 6AM–8PM
Wednesday 6AM–8PM
Thursday 6AM–8PM
Friday 6AM–8PM

3 Chome-5-11 Ebara, Shinagawa City, Tokyo 142-0063, Japan
mikimomo on Google

パンの種類が豊富です。 お値段も比較的お安い。 お店の若いお姉さんの接客に少し疑問を感じました。 パンは美味しいだけに何だか残念です、、、。 別の方がレジの時に購入したいと思います。
There are many types of bread. The price is also relatively cheap. I was a little skeptical about the customer service of the younger sister in the store. It's a shame because the bread is delicious ... Another person would like to purchase at the cash register.
わたなべさん on Google

商店街の入り口にあります。 パンの写真の看板がぱっと目をひきます! 一番のオススメは、もっチーズと食パンです! もっチーズはチーズを練りこんだパンで、オーブンで30秒ほど焼くと表面がカリっとして美味しいです。 店内と、路面側でラインナップが違いますが、もっちーズは路面側です。 その他お惣菜パンの系統や、クッキー、ラスク等も揃っているので見ていて楽しいです! ただ、路面側のパンは店員さんに自分で取れなくて店員さんに頼むしかないのに店員さんが長い間外に出てこないことがあるので そこが改善されると★5つです!
It is located at the entrance of the shopping street. The signboard of the bread picture catches my eye! The best recommendations are moche cheese and bread! Moccheese is a bread that is made by kneading cheese. The surface is crispy and delicious when baked for 30 seconds in the oven. The line-up differs between the inside of the store and the road side, but the mozzies are on the road side. Other side dishes such as bread, cookies and rusks are also available, so it's fun to see! However, the bread on the road surface can not be taken out by the clerk for a long time, but the clerk may not come out for a long time because I have to ask the clerk to do it myself. There are five things that can be improved!
onigiri miyan on Google

とっても人気のあるお店を発見 おばぁちゃんにとっても美味しいのよと言われ 買っちゃいました⤴︎ 友達と食パンは、半分こ もっちーずが気になったので買いました もちもちパンを揚げた感じで 揚げなくていいのにって、思っちゃいました コーヒーパンがめっちゃ気になったので 次回は、コーヒーパン買っちゃいます
Discover a very popular shop It ’s said that it ’s delicious for my aunt. I bought it ⤴︎ Half the bread with my friends I bought it because I was curious about Mocchizu Like fried chewy bread I thought I didn't have to fried I was really interested in coffee bread Next time, I will buy coffee bread
Naoko H on Google

アップルパイを買ったのですが、確か220円くらいで、林檎もたっぷり、杏ジャムもたっぷり、シナモンも効いてきて、それでいて甘さ控えめ。とても美味しかったです。 どこかにお土産で持って行くのに、1900円のホールで買ってもいいかも?って思いました。 クリームパンなどもクリームがたっぷりで、すごく美味しいんですよね。そしてとても安い。 食パンも美味しいです。確か280円。普通なら500円くらいすると思います。 昔ながらの懐かしいパン屋さん、大ファンです。
I bought an apple pie, but it was about 220 yen, with plenty of apples, plenty of apricot jam, and cinnamon, but the sweetness was modest. It was very delicious. May I buy it at the 1900 yen hall to bring it somewhere as a souvenir? I tought. Cream buns are also full of cream and are very delicious. And very cheap. The bread is also delicious. Certainly 280 yen. I think it's usually about 500 yen. I'm a big fan of old-fashioned nostalgic bakeries.
野村希一 on Google

This is my favorite bakery. The bread here has delicious dough and is filled with ingredients. A bakery that kids love very much. Anpan is the strongest, but it is reasonably priced and delicious no matter what you eat. For cheese lovers, we recommend Camembert, which is surprisingly included.
MARK DJ on Google

ここの店で良く買わせていただいてます?。ここは武蔵小山のパルム商店街の終わりの方に有り、いつもにぎわってます。本当に終わりの方なので中村橋の交差点に近いです!どのパンもずっしりしてて食べ応え凄いですよ???? その割に買い求め易いプライスなので、とてもありがたいです☺️。私のお気に入りは、ハムエッグドック?です...コッペパンの中にハムと溢れんばかりのタマゴが入っていてひと口パクりとするとタマゴが溢れてきます。もう最高です✨是非、おすすめします!行ってみて下さいませ!!????
I often buy it at this store ?. This is near the end of the Palm shopping street in Musashi-Koyama and is always busy. It's really near the end, so it's close to the Nakamurabashi intersection! All the bread is heavy and it's amazing to eat ???? The price is easy to buy for that reason, so I am very grateful ☺️. My favorite is the ham and eggs dock ? ... There are ham and overflowing eggs in the koppe-pan, and if you take a bite, the eggs will overflow. It's great ✨ I highly recommend it! Please go! !! ????
blue myumyu on Google

フランスパンとシベリアが好きです フランスパンはそのままちぎって食べて とても美味しいです オリーブ油をつけたり 何もつけなかったり 何かをはさんでも 美味しいフランスパンです 外皮はしっかりしてるのに パリパリしてなくて しっとり柔らかいパンとのバランスが好きです 栗あんパンと柚子あんパンも餡子タップリで美味しいです シベリアのアンコはぶ厚くて これ1つで満足する良いおやつです
I like French bread and Siberia The French bread is torn and eaten as it is, which is very delicious. It's a delicious French bread with olive oil or nothing on it. Although the outer skin is solid, it is not crispy and I like the balance with moist and soft bread. Chestnut anpan and yuzu anpan are also delicious with bean paste. Anko in Siberia is thick and it is a good snack that you can be satisfied with this one.
Kathy Wan on Google

The bread here tastes like home. They have a good variety of bread going on and the quality and taste is very consistent. The potato bread is to die for, as well as their chocolate croissants. The prices are unbeatable for what you get! They start selling things at a discount in the evenings when they are closing up. They also have two other satellite stores in the area if this one is slightly out of the way.

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