㈱ハウスマ 駒込店

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ㈱ハウスマ 駒込店

住所 :

Komagome, Toshima City, 〒170-0003 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト : http://www.hausuma.jp/index.php
街 : Tokyo

Komagome, Toshima City, 〒170-0003 Tokyo,Japan
Zabanya Aska on Google

案内が早く、丁寧でとても良い不動産屋さんです。 地域密着型(?)なので、駒込や巣鴨周辺で家を考えている方にとてもオススメです。
It is a very good real estate agent with quick guidance and politeness. Since it is a community-based type (?), It is highly recommended for those who are thinking about a house around Komagome or Sugamo.
今井 on Google

担当していただいた河野さんという方がとても良い対応をしてくださいました。 次回引越しする際も是非お願いしたいと思います。 今回はありがとうございました。
Mr. Kono, who was in charge, gave a very good response. I would like to ask you when you move next time. Thank you for this time.
市原樂 on Google

とても気さくな方で、物件をいろいろな角度から提案してくださりました。 次回もこの近辺に住む機会があれば、同じ方に対応いただきたいです。
He was a very friendly person and suggested the property from various angles. If I have a chance to live in this area next time, I would like the same person to respond.
うじ on Google

こちらで契約させていただきました。 内件案内や説明など丁寧でスピーディーでした。 担当者の対応もよかったです!
I made a contract here. It was polite and speedy, such as internal information and explanations. The correspondence of the person in charge was also good!
西村裕太 on Google

It was my first move, but it was very helpful to have Mr. Shirata, who was in charge of it, respond in a polite and easy-to-understand manner. It's a good impression.
菅原翔輝 on Google

I made a preview reservation today, but I was able to search for a property from 1 and search for a satisfactory property, preview it, and even apply. It was a very good response.
neco hana on Google

こちらで紹介された物件に決め、よりによって旧住居の退去手続きを行ってから、「やはり契約できない」とのこと。 慌てて、別の管理会社物件を紹介してもらい、ようやく契約した物件は、住み始めて当初伝えられていた家賃より高くなっていることが判明する、というオチ。 別の管理会社物件ですが、何かあれば私にご連絡ください、という当時の担当の方は、住居の騒音に付いて相談の連絡を取ったところ、そちらの管理会社に相談してください、とのこと。 別段、恨みや後悔はないですが、プロの居る不動産屋さんではないかと思います。 googleの口コミを★5で投稿するとマクドナルドの500円分の商品券がもらえます。
After deciding on the property introduced here and going through the procedure to move out of the old residence, he said, "I still can't make a contract." In a hurry, he was introduced to another management company's property, and finally the contracted property turned out to be higher than the rent originally reported when he started living. It is a property of another management company, but the person in charge at that time who asked me to contact me if there was anything, when I contacted for consultation regarding the noise of the house, please consult with that management company, And that. I don't have any grudges or regrets, but I think it's a real estate agent with a professional. If you post a google review on ★ 5, you will receive a gift certificate worth 500 yen for McDonald's.
Bob Jones on Google

Very speedy and helpful. Probably the best experience looking for apartments so far.

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