焼肉 和

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 焼肉 和

住所 :

Koishikawa, Bunkyo City, 〒112-0002 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89998
Opening hours :
Saturday 5–9PM
Sunday 5–9PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 5–9PM
Wednesday 5–9PM
Thursday 5–9PM
Friday 5–9PM
街 : Tokyo

Koishikawa, Bunkyo City, 〒112-0002 Tokyo,Japan
Yuichi Yoshi on Google

みなさんが書かれている通り、オーナーと思われる親父の態度が最悪です。肉がいいことと、悪い口コミを店側が消しているために平均点数が低くならないですが、実態は接客面は類を見ない最悪な店です。 時間がまだ30分以上あるのに、親父がいきなりテーブルに来て、さっさと焼いてくれないと困るんだ、と言い放っていきました。 全くこの店はお勧めできませんので、それでも行かれる方はお気をつけください。数回行って美味しいと思って今回も来ましたが、他の方の口コミと同じ不快な思いを引き起こされて、とても残念です。もう行きません。
As you write, the attitude of the father who seems to be the owner is the worst. The average score does not go down because the meat is good and the bad reviews are erased by the shop, but the reality is that it is the worst shop in terms of customer service. Even though I still have more than 30 minutes, my dad suddenly came to the table and said that he would be in trouble if he didn't bake it quickly. We do not recommend this shop at all, so please be careful if you still go. I went there several times and thought it was delicious, but I'm very sorry that it caused the same unpleasant feelings as other people's reviews. I won't go anymore.
近藤裕介 on Google

【最低最悪のおじさん店主】他の口コミにもある通り、店主(50~60代男性)の接客態度が酷すぎます。コロナ関係なしに常時顎マスクで普通に電話対応して喋って飛沫を生肉が置いてあるカウンターにこれでもかと飛ばしてますし、次の予約が入ってるからなのか「笑ってるのもいいけど、早く食え」と言われ、お店に入ってずっと談笑してましたが、1時間くらい経ってから急に「コロナだから笑うの禁止。さっさと食え」と言われ、さすがにこの接客態度は酷すぎると思い「あなたずっと顎にマスクしてますよね?」と言い返すと逆ギレして「ぶん殴る」「お前ふざけんな」「もう来なくていい」「大人の言う事は黙って聞くべきだ」と罵詈雑言の嵐。滞在時間1時間30分でデザートや注文したお肉を残して帰りました。お店で働いてるバイトの若者の方々はこの店主の横暴を知ってか、最後のレジ対応までとても親切でした。申し訳無さそうな感じで対応してくださり、こっちこそ申し訳無い感じでした。こんな店主の下で働いているのがもったいないです…。 コロナの緊急事態宣言下でもお酒(アルコール)を提供してるお店だったので行きました。電話で予約した時は「一人2杯まで」と言われていましたが、実際にお店に行くと何杯でも飲めました。 とにかく店主の接客態度が最悪なので、他の店を探すことを勧めます。
[The worst uncle shopkeeper] As mentioned in other reviews, the shopkeeper (male in his 50s and 60s) has a terrible customer service attitude. Regardless of the corona, I always use my chin mask to answer the phone and talk to the counter where the raw meat is placed. I was told to eat quickly, and I had a chat all the time after entering the restaurant, but after about an hour, I was suddenly told, "Because it's a corona, don't laugh. Eat quickly." I thought, "You've been masking your chin all the time, right?" A storm of miscellaneous words. I left the dessert and the ordered meat for 1 hour and 30 minutes. The young people working at the store were very kind until the last check-in, either because they knew the store owner's domineering. I felt sorry for you, and I felt sorry for you. It's a waste to work under such a shopkeeper ... I went there because it was a shop that served alcohol even under the state of emergency in Corona. When I made a reservation over the phone, it was said that "up to 2 cups per person", but when I actually went to the store, I could drink as many cups as I wanted. Anyway, the shop owner's customer service attitude is the worst, so I recommend you to look for another shop.
Nao Ishii on Google

I made a reservation and visited because it has a good reputation. The meat quality is fair, but the person who seems to be the owner gets angry many times. Don't talk, eat fast, and repeatedly say that you don't know how to bake (but that doesn't mean you teach how to bake). Don't be careful even if the habit is that a close customer is talking. Anyway, I'm frustrated all the time, and I'm confident because it's popular. I hate stores that feel so bad. It's expensive. I will never go again.
Taisei N on Google

本当に他の焼肉屋に行くことをおすすめします。私は2度と行きません。 店長かオーナーか、がんこ親父風な1人だけ黒Tシャツの男性に終始高圧的な態度で言葉を投げかけられ、とても1人1万円もする焼肉屋だとは思えませんでした。 焼き方が違うぞ!と言いつつも、教えてはくれない。どう焼くんですか?と聞いても無視されます。他にも嫌な記憶ばかりで書くのも躊躇われます。 せっかく楽しく焼肉を味わいたいと思ったのに、非常に残念でした。このお店にお金と時間を費やすのは馬鹿ばかしいです。
I really recommend going to another yakiniku restaurant. I will never go again. I didn't think it was a yakiniku restaurant that cost 10,000 yen per person, because the store manager, the owner, or the one who was like a dad with a black T-shirt was always throwing words at me with a high-pressure attitude. The way to bake is different! But he doesn't tell me. How are you yakimono? Will be ignored. I also hesitate to write with only unpleasant memories. I wanted to enjoy yakiniku, but I was very disappointed. It's ridiculous to spend money and time on this shop.
Maple Maple on Google

I made a reservation in advance. Hormones, ribs, tongue, liver, mino. Lettuce salad. The cow tail uncle I saw in the word of mouth. 4 cups of chuhai. About 12,000. Yakiniku sauce is sweet. It feels different from general sauce. When added to eggs and grated radish, it tastes different from grilled meat. All the meat was delicious. Sauce may have a taste. There were many uncles, even small ones. There is fat in the tail, so it was just right to sprinkle a lot of the sauce that came with it.
Syugo Saito on Google

Great casual Japanese style BBQ 'Yakiniku'. Fresh meat and offal, soup and other menus are also good.
Michael Cavallini on Google

Super meat!!! If you are looking for a nice place where to eat some good yakiniku meat, well this definitely for you. The salad is super fresh and healthy with a good taste of sesame oil. Highly recommended it!
Yune W. on Google

This place is far from where I live but worth going. Fresh meat and very tasty rice soup (Ojiya). Always crowded so better make reservation by phone.

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