Koike Chiropractic Center - Sanjo

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Koike Chiropractic Center

住所 :

プレイスメゾンMⅡ101 3 Chome-79 Sugoro, Sanjo, Niigata 955-0092, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 955-0092
Webサイト : http://atlas-japan.net/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 10AM–8PM

プレイスメゾンMⅡ101 3 Chome-79 Sugoro, Sanjo, Niigata 955-0092, Japan
Tatsuya Aida on Google

I have been going to the hospital for a few years because of a headache and stiff shoulders. I have less headaches than before going to the hospital. The waiting room is a little small, but it is rare to batting with other people by reservation.
ザキカズ on Google

This treatment not only stabilizes the body, but also stabilizes the autonomic nerves and stabilizes the mind. This procedure changed my life. I'm just grateful to have met.
たまま on Google

Do you fall asleep when you wake up in the morning? Gickly neck? Even though I was crying because of the pain that I couldn't get up, I went to see my teacher. I didn't notice it because my neck hurt too much, but I heard the cause of this (crying) on ​​my back and hips, words of labor, and coping strategies, and gave me some advice. Not only the body but also the mind became lighter. Thank you very much!
佐野史枝 on Google

こちらに通い続けて6、7年。 昔からギックリクビになるほど首が弱く、疲れが出ると首痛が出ていたのですが、こちらに通い出してからギックリになることがなくなりました!! 月一のメンテナンスで今も通い続けていて 今ではなくてはならない存在です!!
I have been here for 6 or 7 years. My neck was weaker as I got tired and I had a headache when I got tired, but after I came here, I no longer got tired! ! I'm still going with the monthly maintenance A must-have now! !
なおきち on Google

4年程前から通っています。 以前はつらかった肩や首の痛みも、先生の施術と指導のおかげで痛みも減り、日常生活が楽になりました。 気さくで優しい先生で、身体の不調以外にも色々な話を聞いてくださり、心のバランスも整えてくれます。 女性のスタッフの方も、いつも優しく丁寧に接してくれます。 月一回のペースですが、通う日が楽しみになっています。
I have been attending for about 4 years. The pain in my shoulders and neck, which used to be painful, has been reduced thanks to the teacher's treatment and guidance, and my daily life has become easier. He is a friendly and kind teacher who listens to various stories other than physical disorders and balances his mind. The female staff are always kind and polite. It's a monthly pace, but I'm looking forward to the day I go.
Hiroko on Google

腰痛で悩んでいた時に友人が紹介してくれて7年前くらいから通っています。 カイロプラクティックと聞くとバキバキやられるイメージをなんとなく抱いていましたが、小池先生の施術は全く違くて少しビビっていたのが恥ずかしいくらいでしたw おかげさまで今はかつてのようなひどい痛みも無いのですが、好きなスポーツ(負荷高め)を長く続けたいのと、座り仕事で身体が固まりがちなのでメンテナンスとして月に一回通っています。 月に一度でも施術後は明らかに自分の身体の違いを実感できます。 施術中に家でのストレッチ方法を教えてもらえたり、気軽に質問出来るのも長く通っている理由の一つかなと思っています。
When I was suffering from back pain, my friend introduced me to me and I have been there for about 7 years. When I heard that it was chiropractic, I had an image that I could get rid of it, but it was embarrassing that Dr. Koike's treatment was completely different and I was a little scared. Thanks to you, I don't have the terrible pain that I used to have, but I want to continue my favorite sport (heavy load) for a long time, and I tend to get stiff when I sit down, so I go there once a month for maintenance. Even once a month, you can clearly feel the difference in your body after the treatment. I think that one of the reasons why I have been going for a long time is that I can be taught how to stretch at home during the treatment and can ask questions easily.
高橋美和 on Google

一年前から、肩、首のこり。頭痛、めまい、動悸、手のしびれ、不眠と様々な不調で病院へ行きましたが、特に異常なしということで、困っていました。 先生の治療は痛みも無く、私のガチガチになった体を柔らかくしてくれます。仕事上、クセが出やすく、ほぐしてもらう為に、毎月通っています。肩、首のこり以外は治りました。本当に、助かりました。 肩こりがひどいだけの人も、きっと楽になると思います。 今は、首が前に出て、猫背の子供も通っています。首の位置が戻り、スポーツが、上達しました。
Stiff shoulders and neck for a year. I went to the hospital with various problems such as headache, dizziness, palpitation, numbness in my hands, and insomnia, but I was in trouble because there were no particular abnormalities. The teacher's treatment is painless and softens my stiff body. It's easy for me to get addicted to my work, so I go there every month to get it loosened. Except for stiff shoulders and neck, healed. That was a really big help. People with severe stiff shoulders will surely find it easier. Now, the neck is sticking out, and a child with a stoop is also passing by. The position of the neck has returned and the sport has improved.
はるちゃ on Google

I have been going there for about 5 to 6 years since my acquaintance introduced me! I have had stiff shoulders, headaches, dizziness, and nausea for several years before going to school, but the symptoms have alleviated after the doctor's treatment. It is very big that the headache that I have been suffering from for a long time since I started going is gone. Thank you very much! The teachers and other staff members are also very kind and easy to talk to, and you can receive the treatment while relaxing. If you have severe stiff shoulders, please try the treatment by the teacher. I highly recommend it!

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