Fine Stretch Orthopedic Clinic - Nara

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fine Stretch Orthopedic Clinic

住所 :

3 Chome-1531 Minamikyobatecho, Nara, 630-8141, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 630-8141
Webサイト :

3 Chome-1531 Minamikyobatecho, Nara, 630-8141, Japan
KISHI ON on Google

最初は何?全然気持ち良く無いって思ってましたけど 回数を重ねるたびに身体の変化を実感しています。 姿勢も良くなって、意識しなくても背筋が伸びる様になりました。元々、ヘルニアと五十肩を治したくて通いはじめましたが、それ以上の効果がありびっくりデス‼️ 騙されたと思ってお試しあれ?
What is the beginning? I thought it was n’t comfortable at all I feel a change in my body every time I repeat it. The posture has improved, and my back has stretched without being conscious. Originally I wanted to cure hernia and fifty shoulders, but I was surprised to see that it was more effective. ️ Try it if you think it was deceived
kanou on Google

It looks like magic! I've tried going through massages and trying various things so far, but after going out here, it was clearly better than when I found healing in the relaxation effect of massages! Migraine due to stiff shoulders has decreased. that? Does it work like this? Yes. It works! I believe and keep going. My mother recently started to take care of her. Thank you always, teacher! It is a very friendly and well-suited suit, and it is easy for women to go to. Thanks
谷村朝子 on Google

It's been a year since I went back with a backache in May. I wanted to see the treatment of AKA Hakata method for a long time, and when I searched for it, I met him. I was anxious about the first 3 months without any change, but my back pain was alleviated from the 4th month, and I improved half a year later, forgetting my visit date. If you are suffering from low back pain, please try it! ️ The teacher is kind and very kind.
矢田由美子 on Google

先日からふともものしびれで治療を受けています。 整形外科では湿布だけで、不安な日々を過ごしていました。治療は丁寧な説明をいただいたり一つ一つのストレッチにも説明してもらえてわかりやすいです。少しずつよくなって兆しがありますので根気よく治療して行こうと思います。
I have been receiving treatment for numbness in my thighs since the other day. In orthopedics, I had anxious days with only compresses. The treatment is easy to understand with a polite explanation and explanation for each stretch. There are signs that it is getting better little by little, so I will treat it patiently.
sayaka on Google

全く痛みもないのに、終わった後の可動域が広がりすごく楽になってびっくりしました! だんだん腰と膝の痛みが出てくる頻度が減ってきているので、効果を実感しています。 姿勢の改善もしているので、これからが楽しみです♪
Even though there was no pain at all, I was surprised that the range of motion after the end was widened and it became very easy! The frequency of lower back and knee pain is decreasing, so I'm feeling the effect. I'm also improving my posture, so I'm looking forward to it ♪
CHIZU UE on Google

I have been indebted for about 5 years since I became a hernia. It didn't work as quickly as medicines and injections, but after the procedure, my posture improved a lot. My hernia has healed now, but I go there because I have back pain and neck pain, but when it's over, my range of motion expands and I'm getting better before it becomes severe pain.
u__ichi on Google

初めて施術を受けたときはこれで効くのかな?と思ってましたが 回数を重ねる度に効果がはっきり出て良くなっていく事が実感できます。 施術を受ける前と受けた後の腰や首周りの可動域の広がりを身をもって感じられ痛みも改善されとても楽になりました。
Does this work when I receive the treatment for the first time? I thought You can feel that the effect becomes clearer and better as the number of times increases. I felt the range of motion around my waist and neck before and after the treatment, and my pain was improved and it became much easier.
M,s on Google

今まで姿勢が悪く腰や首背中よく痛め、接骨院いろいろ行きましたが、電気マッサージ、赤外線で温め、腰や首引っ張り、他治療してもらってましたが なかなか改善せず、ここえたどり着きました。まだ通院して2ヶ月ほどですが最初は皆さんと同じでこれで楽になるのか?と思う施術でしたが、終わるたび体が楽になります。もちろん日常生活も自分で意識して体調よくなるようやってます。施術内容もなんとなく理解しつつ当分通っていこうと思います^_^
I had a bad posture and hurt my lower back and neck and back, and I went to various osteopathic clinics, but I had electric massage, warming with infrared rays, pulling my lower back and neck, and other treatments, but it did not improve easily and I arrived here. .. It's been about two months since I went to the hospital, but at first it's the same as everyone else, will this make it easier? It was a treatment that I thought, but every time it is over, my body feels better. Of course, I am also conscious of my daily life so that I can feel better. I will go through for the time being while understanding the treatment contents somehow ^ _ ^

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