Kohnan Kōhoku Center Minami Store

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kohnan Kōhoku Center Minami Store

住所 :

Chigasakichuo, Tsuzuki Ward, Yokohama, 〒224-0032 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト : https://map.hc-kohnan.com/shop/227
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–9PM
Sunday 9AM–9PM
Monday 9:30AM–9PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–9PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–9PM
Thursday 9:30AM–9PM
Friday 9:30AM–9PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Chigasakichuo, Tsuzuki Ward, Yokohama, 〒224-0032 Kanagawa,Japan
鈴木和夫 on Google

ガーデンシュレッダーの部品を電話で注文しようとしましたが、メーカー名を伝えたら電話では受けられないとの事。コロナが蔓延している時期に受けられないとは? 仕方なく他のホームーセンターへ注文しました。
I tried to order the parts of the garden shredder by phone, but when I told the manufacturer name, I couldn't receive it by phone. What if you can't get it during the corona epidemic? I had no choice but to order from another home center.
toru A. on Google

駐車してから1時間は無料ですが、以降は2,000円以上の購入で3時間無料となります。 店舗合算が出来そうながらも、どこに問い合わせしてよいか、よくわからず。 恐らくコーナン内のサービスカウンターだと思います。
It is free for 1 hour after parking, but after that, it will be free for 3 hours for purchases of 2,000 yen or more. I'm not sure where to contact, even though I think I can add up the stores. I think it's probably a service counter in Kohnan.

店内は凄く広い。 探したい物は、少ないが店員に聞くのが良い。 ペットショップも入っている。 生体有ります。 色々な生活用品や自転車、作業服、アウトドア、家具迄置いていて、 会計時には、楽天ポイントも加算される、 ただ比較的広いのにスタッフが少ない気もする。 対応は良いです。
The inside of the store is very large. There are few things you want to look for, but it's best to ask the clerk. There is also a pet shop. There is a living body. There are various everyday items, bicycles, work clothes, outdoors, furniture, etc. Rakuten points will also be added at the time of checkout, However, although it is relatively large, I feel that there are few staff. Correspondence is good.
a i on Google

大きいホームセンターになります! 日用品・車バイク自転車関連・家具などなどなんでもあって楽しかったです。品揃えが最高でした!! 店舗は広いですが分かりやすく収納されておりました!上側に1つずつ売ってるものが大きく記載されてるものありがたいです。 スタッフさんも対応が丁寧でした! 駐車場が多くあって利用しやすかったです。 駅も近いのでふらっと立ち寄れそうです。 同じ階にフードコート・靴屋さん 別の階に服屋さんなどが入ってます。
It will be a big home improvement store! I enjoyed everything from daily necessities, cars, motorcycles, bicycles, furniture, etc. The assortment was the best! !! The store is large, but it was stored in an easy-to-understand manner! I am grateful for the large items that are sold one by one on the upper side. The staff was also polite! There were many parking lots and it was easy to use. The station is near, so you can drop in. Food court / shoe store on the same floor There is a clothing store on another floor.
P. Marlowe on Google

Home Center Kohnan Kohoku Center Minami is a large home improvement store located between Center Minami Station and Center Minami Station on the Yokohama City Blue Line. It has a large parking lot, so you can buy it and make it a large baggage. It is convenient to come by car to store large items that you cannot carry on foot and daily necessities. There is also a toilet in the parking lot. The interior is large and has a wide selection of items, and of course we sell everyday items and furniture, but there are also cute dogs. There is also an indoor amusement park and restaurants, so it is crowded with families.

Just like a super mall
J K on Google

Konan is a pretty big home center like Cainz and cheaper than others.
iloveboule on Google

Except a supermarket, it got all the shops I need in one building.

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