Kohama Onsen Saichi-no-yu - Oda

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kohama Onsen Saichi-no-yu

住所 :

Yunotsucho Kohama, Oda, Shimane 699-2511, Japan

Postal code : 699-2511

Yunotsucho Kohama, Oda, Shimane 699-2511, Japan
松本明 on Google

It's a shame that it's only open from the evening, but it's cheaper than Motoyu and Yakushiyu in Yunotsu Onsen, and there are showers, so it's probably the best place to go in Cospa. May the quality of the hot springs not change much?
門田哲也 on Google

町に3つある銭湯の一つ。他の2つは駅からは小山を超えないと行けないため、ここが一番近く便利なはずだが、他の2つは観光担当、コチラは地元用みたいな立ち位置。 営業も夕方からとやや立ち寄りにくいのが残念。
One of the three public baths in town. Since the other two can only go from the station to Oyama, this place should be the closest, but the other two are in charge of sightseeing, and here is a standing position like a local one. It's a pity that the business is a little hard to stop by in the evening.
3216 Mr on Google

年季の入った見た目で、近所の人達によく利用されている。お湯は金色で、源泉に加温してあるため適温で入りやすい。 入浴料300円、16:00-20:30(月曜休み)
It looks like a season and is often used by neighbors. The hot water is golden and warm at the source, making it easy to enter at a suitable temperature. Bathing fee 300 yen, 16: 00-20: 30 (closed on Mondays)
源泉たれ流し on Google

JR山陰本線、温泉津から近い共同湯。メインの温泉津温泉はさらに北側の筋に温泉街が開けますが、こちらは大正時代に掘削した別泉源らしく、実際の湯も一見似ているようで、かなり別物と言えます。 浴場はD型の湯船のみで、そこに加温・加水された湯が掛け流されます。黄土色で炭酸味や鉄分によるエグ味はなく土っぽい匂いと塩味がする、見た目よりは癖に乏しいというか、かなり捉えどころの難しい湯です。 温泉津の共同湯は地元の方と観光客が共存する場ですが、こちらはほぼ地元専用といった印象でした。16時開店ですが、地元向けに少し早めに営業開始しているようでした。
A communal hot spring near JR Sanin Main Line and Yunotsu. The main hot spring Tsu Onsen has a hot spring town on the northern side, but this is a source of a separate spring excavated in the Taisho era. The bath is only a D-shaped bathtub, and hot water that has been heated and hydrated is sprinkled there. It is an ocher-colored hot spring that has a soily smell and salty taste without a carbonated or irony taste. The hot spring in Yunotsu is a place where locals and tourists can coexist, but this was almost like a local one. It was opened at 16:00, but it seemed to be opening a little earlier for the locals.
今井祥順(陰陽師) on Google

温泉津(ゆのつ)温泉に3つある外湯のうちのひとつ。 JR温泉津駅から温泉街中心に向かう手前にあります。 外観は昭和中期頃の匂い漂う小さな銭湯っぽい造りです。 時間の関係で入浴は叶わず仕舞いでしたが、他の方が投稿なさっている通り男女に浴槽がひとつだけの小さな温泉です。 泉質は他のふたつの外湯とは違うような事が他のクチコミで記載されていますが、実際に入浴していないのでその真偽は不明です。 基本情報に記載されている内容が一部間違っていましたので、修正をgoogleに依頼中です。 営業時間は火曜~日曜16:00~20:30。定休日は毎週月曜となってます。 その他料金や泉質、効能等は添付の写真をご覧下さい。
One of the 3 outdoor baths at Yunotsu Onsen. It is just before JR Onsentsu Station heading to the hot spring town center. The appearance is a small public bath-like structure with the smell of the middle of Showa era. Bathing did not come true because of the time, but as others have posted, it is a small hot spring with only one bathtub for men and women. Although other reviews have stated that the quality of the spring is different from the other two outdoor baths, the truth is unknown because the bath is not actually bathed. The contents described in the basic information were partly wrong, so we are requesting corrections from google. Opening hours are Tuesday to Sunday from 16:00 to 20:30. Regular holiday is every Monday. For other fees, quality of springs, and effects, please see the attached photo.
温泉トリコ on Google

Hot Spring Tsu Hot spring area is a communal bath of Obama Onsen. Heat and flush a total of 7,430 mg of sodium calcium chloride spring at 25.2 ° C. Unlike Hot Springs, the temperature of the source is low, and a heated source and a non-heated source have been introduced to obtain the appropriate temperature. There is a strong presence of earth, earthy odor, weak gold odor, saltiness, bitterness, and agony.
のじきん on Google

温泉津温泉の温泉街にある元湯、薬師湯と少し離れた所にある、温泉津駅近くの温泉銭湯 源泉は25度のナトリウム・カルシウム-塩化物温泉、それを加温、加水して使用 営業時間が夕方からなのでなかなか時間も合わず、今回やっと訪問できました。 加温して燃料費がかかる割に料金は安く、浴室に入ると元湯の真ん中の湯船のような、馬蹄形の湯船がひとつ 湯船の小さく仕切られた所に非加熱源泉が注がれて、それをボイラーで温める仕組み なので加温加水の割にはお湯の匂いや味もしっかり残っていて、なかなかいい感じ 駐車場がないので番台の方に聞いたら、停めていい場所を教えてもらえました。
Onsen sento near Onsen station, which is a little far from Motoyu and Yakushiyu in the Onsen district of Onsen The source is 25 ° C sodium-calcium chloride hot spring, which is heated and watered before use. Since the business hours are from the evening, it was difficult to match the time, so I finally visited this time. It costs a lot of money to heat and costs fuel, but when you enter the bathroom, there is one horseshoe-shaped bathtub, like the bathtub in the middle of Motoyu. A non-heating source is poured into a small partition of a bathtub and heated by a boiler. Therefore, the smell and taste of hot water remain well for warming and adding water, so it feels good Since I don't have a parking lot, I asked the person on the stand to tell me where to park.
S K on Google

20210327 駅と温泉津温泉街の間ぐらいにある銭湯風の共同浴場 浴室には大きな窓が2面にあって明るい 半円の浴槽が左の壁にくっついている 大きさは5人入れればいいくらい 深さは2段階で外側は座れる感じで中心はそこそこ深い 壁際の機械で加熱しているっぽくてそこそこあつ湯 茶色と緑の中間のような色で濁っている 地元の人で賑わっていて建物の前にはかなり車が止まっていた 300
20210327 A public bath-style communal bath located between the station and Yunotsu Onsen town The bathroom is bright with two large windows A semi-circular bathtub sticks to the left wall The size is enough to accommodate 5 people There are two levels of depth, and the outside feels like you can sit down, and the center is reasonably deep. It seems to be heated by a machine near the wall, so it's hot water It is cloudy with a color that is between brown and green It was crowded with locals and there were quite a few cars parked in front of the building 300

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