湯谷温泉 弥山荘

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 湯谷温泉 弥山荘

住所 :

Yudani, Kawamoto, Ochi District, 〒696-1222 Shimane,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
街 : Shimane

Yudani, Kawamoto, Ochi District, 〒696-1222 Shimane,Japan
吉野良平 on Google

落ち着いた温泉と、家庭的な食事ができます。 ただ、アクセスの道が狭くてカーブも多い。
You can enjoy a calm hot spring and a homely meal. However, the access road is narrow and there are many curves.
日笠隆治 on Google

I had a dry sauna yesterday in the men's bath, so I slowly entered for a total of 20 minutes. One hour in a flash. I made it slowly.
のじきん on Google

源泉は18度、ほんのり塩味 ありがたいことに、加温かけ流し湯船があり、これが37度ぐらいのぬる湯でとても気持ちいい どれだけでも入っていられる心地よさ 施設に温泉ソムリエの方がいるみたいで、湯使いが良い ミストサウナもあったので入ってみたら、ミストじゃなくて小雨サウナってぐらいにミストがたっぷり出ていてびっくり なかなか面白かったし、癒されました
The source is 18 degrees, slightly salty Thankfully, there is a hot spring bath, which is very comfortable with warm water of about 37 degrees Celsius. Comfortable to enter as much as you want It seems that there is a hot spring sommelier in the facility, so it is good to use hot springs There was also a mist sauna, so when I went in, I was surprised that there was plenty of mist, not a mist but a light rain sauna. It was quite interesting and healed
後長正夫 on Google

It is a bath with only three people who can stretch their feet and take a bath if there is little spring water. Next to that, a clean water bath uses water from a well, and many people can enter it. There are also two bathtubs and a sauna. When I took a bath, I received a cute toilet paper.
ピンアン on Google

It seems that 550 yen is expensive for general bathing hours from 10 to 20 o'clock, but this price is cheap because you can take a bath for 10 hours as much as you want. You can also use the break room. If you think about using the cafeteria for an additional fee, I think 550 yen is cheap for 10 hours for the basic fee. The cost performance of the cafeteria will start at 11 o'clock. I am grateful for this price as I enter the hot springs in total. 100 yen discount for JAF members, so it is especially recommended for JAF members.
宝石箱やー! on Google

2020.7.28来訪。 清潔で手入れされた浴室。フロントのおじさんの丁寧な対応。笑顔が素敵な女性従業員の方のさりげない心配り。休憩室は広く無料。畳でゆっくり休めます。550円でサウナもあって申し訳ないくらい。食事で少しでも貢献したかったけどコロナの関係か昼間はランチタイムのみでした 。今度はご飯食べたいな!この温泉にたくさんの人が来てくれますように。
Visited 2020.7.28. Clean and well maintained bathroom. The polite response of the uncle at the front desk. A female employee with a nice smile is a little worried. The break room is large and free. You can take a rest on a tatami mat. It's 550 yen and there's a sauna, so I'm sorry. I wanted to contribute as much as I could with my meal .. I want to eat rice next time! I hope many people come to this hot spring.
3 921 on Google

赤ちゃんを連れて家族で訪問。 女性用のお風呂に赤ちゃんと一緒に入りました。 更衣室にはベビーベッドがあり、着替えも簡単に行えました。 お風呂が何種類かありましたが、微温(ぬるめ)のお風呂があったのでそこに赤ちゃんと入りましたが、温度がちょうどよかったみたいでずっと浸かっていても全然泣かず、ゆっくり入ることができました。 前に熱めの温泉に浸かったときは熱くてすぐに泣いてしまったので温泉は諦めていたので今回はとても嬉しかったです。 あがった後は休憩スペースとして畳の部屋もあるのでそこも安心でした。
Visit with family with baby. I took a bath for women with my baby. There was a baby cot in the changing room, and it was easy to change clothes. There were several types of baths, but there was a slightly warm (slimy) bath, so I went in with my baby, but the temperature seemed to be just right, so I could take it slowly without crying at all even if I was soaking for a long time. I did. When I was soaked in a hot spring before, it was hot and I cried immediately, so I gave up on the hot spring, so I was very happy this time. After finishing, there was a tatami room as a resting space, so I was relieved there.
David Noumonvi on Google

Awesome location, relaxing water and delicious cheap food

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