Kohaku - Kasukabe

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kohaku

住所 :

2869 Fujitsuka, Kasukabe, Saitama 344-0011, Japan

Postal code : 344-0011

2869 Fujitsuka, Kasukabe, Saitama 344-0011, Japan
Aki Shimura on Google

This egg sandwich is very delicious. That's why I'm worried about the poor customer service.
ヤマハMT on Google

朝早くからやっていて夜勤に行ってます。 早くからモーニングを食べて、コーヒーを飲めるので助かります。 味は中だと思いました。
I've been doing it early in the morning and going to night shift. It helps because I can eat morning and drink coffee from early on. I thought the taste was medium.
Engineer K on Google

モーニングで伺いました。 今回でコロナ前含めて5回目くらいかな? 久しぶりにいきましたが、サンドイッチのボリュームも味も大満足でした。某チェーン店のモーニングの価格考えると、自分は琥珀の方が好みです。 コロナ後のレビュー見てて、会話の注意を心配していましたが、普通の会話なら問題ありませんでした(声のデフォルトが大きい人、ファミレスのノリをしたい人は知らんw)。 接客態度も1年前くらいは、少し「ん?」と感じたこともあったけど、今回は別に気にならなかったです。 (高級店なら割りと気にしますけど、個人店?ぽいし) 朝の利用しかしていませんが、モーニングのサンドイッチセットは、個人的にとても好みです^^ 最近リモート勤務なんで、朝の眠気覚まし&お腹満たしに、またお邪魔します~
I visited in the morning. Is this about the 5th time including before Corona? I went there for the first time in a while, but I was very satisfied with the volume and taste of the sandwich. Considering the morning price of a certain chain store, I prefer amber. Looking at the post-Corona review, I was worried about the attention of the conversation, but it was okay for normal conversation (I don't know who has a loud voice default or who wants to have a family restaurant). About a year ago, I felt that the customer service attitude was a little "Hmm?", But this time I didn't really care. (I'm afraid if it's a luxury store, but is it a private store?) I only use it in the morning, but I personally like the morning sandwich set ^^ I've been working remotely lately, so I'll bother you again to wake you up in the morning and fill your stomach ~
もポ on Google

(Translated by Google) I am dissatisfied with the taste and customer service. Others have also written it, but the customer service is particularly bad. The toast is slightly burnt. The salad was too tasty even though the dressing was completely bland. Boiled eggs are also dry. If you go in the same price range, it is better to go to the nearby Komeda coffee shop Kamusashi no Mori coffee shop. Regarding customer service It seems that the store is not a store where you can go and enjoy conversations with multiple people. There are stickers all over the store to refrain from talking (it's noisy. You can't enjoy eating and drinking at first sight) Due to the corona, the clerk will come and stop as soon as the conversation bounces. It seems that regular customers in this shop usually have a long and enjoyable conversation without paying attention even if they don't have a mask. There are also scenes where the clerk is talking about something all the time. It was very unpleasant for the clerk to be calm and talk long when asking the customer not to talk. The toasted coffee, which was originally not so delicious, felt even worse thanks to the wonderful customer service attitude, so I left there. As many reviews say, it's easy to understand that there is a problem with customer service regardless of the corona. Looking at the reviews in the past, it seems that the store that had a problem before Corona has accelerated the bad customer service attitude due to Corona support. I think it's only a matter of time before the store closes. Customers choose a store just as a store chooses a customer. The food is bad and the coffee has an instant taste, so I will never go there again and I will let my local acquaintances know. There is a hamburger steak shop in Kasukabe that is also noisy with sticky paper, but it is a famous restaurant that you still want to go because the taste is excellent. When I talk to the shopkeeper, I can understand the policy regarding the sticker. I feel like trying to eat so as not to bother me even if it's a little annoying. This isn't a place that has a great taste in the first place, so it's not a place where you can feel the charm that you want to go even if you have a little trouble. If you want to enjoy the morning with more than one person, we recommend the Komeda Coffee Shop Kamusashi no Mori Coffee Shop mentioned above. If you dare to recommend it to people, this shop is for those who want to spend their time quietly alone. If you want to spend 500 yen or more and spend time alone surrounded by burnt toast, noisy sticker and selfish clerk, I think you should not go anywhere (> _ _<)
You Uchida on Google

I'm glad that all seats are non smoking
もふDev on Google

Amber after a long time! I got a blend in Morning B. After all, the morning here is delicious (^^) Cospa is good, and I haven't talked about it, but I think his wife's smile is also wonderful (^^) I'll go again!
大津芳之 on Google

モーニングセット「B」を頂きに 夫婦2人で出掛けています。ボリュームが有り朝昼兼ねる時も有ります。何時も手を抜かないでcoffee共々美味しいですね。
Two couples go out to get the morning set "B". There is a lot of volume and there are times when it doubles as morning and noon. It's always delicious with coffee without cutting corners.
加藤亮介 on Google

昭和レトロ感が漂う喫茶店。 朝食を頂きました。 建物外観はお世辞にも綺麗とは言えませんが、店内はとても綺麗で流れてる曲もリチャードクレイダーマンだったり、ポール・モーリアだったり、昭和世代には何とも懐かしさを感じる時間を過ごさせていただきました。 お食事は、比較的リーズナブルな値段設定で、メニュー数は多くないですが、とても美味しかったです。
A coffee shop with a retro Showa era. I had breakfast. The exterior of the building is not beautiful to compliment, but the inside of the store is very beautiful and the songs that are playing are Richard Clayderman, Paul Mauriat, and I spent time feeling nostalgic for the Showa generation. .. The food was relatively reasonably priced and the menu was not large, but it was very delicious.

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