力餅食堂 ようこそようこそ 古川橋駅前店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 力餅食堂 ようこそようこそ 古川橋駅前店

住所 :

Kofukucho, Kadoma, 〒571-0066 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89798
街 : Osaka

Kofukucho, Kadoma, 〒571-0066 Osaka,Japan
ばいきんまん on Google

I always ask for udon bowls, but they are all delicious. The clerk's amiability is not particularly good, but I have never felt uncomfortable.
梶山晴美 on Google

主人と子供はカレーうどん 私はプチセットCを頼みます! お得感いっぱいのプチセットはワカメうどん、カツ丼、サラダ、切り干し大根の煮物、漬物、デザート! 横から主人と子供に取られてしまいますが、満足感たっぷりです!
My husband and children are curry udon I ask for Petit Set C! The petit set with a great deal of value is wakame udon, katsudon, salad, simmered dried daikon radish, pickles, and dessert! It will be taken by my husband and children from the side, but it is full of satisfaction!
tom keru on Google

Is delicious. The store is also clean and clean for years.
Osaka Mi on Google

古くからある定食屋さん。派手なメニューは無いが何を食べても飽きのこない美味しさで値段もお手頃なお店。 うどんのお出汁が美味しく、特に冬の鍋焼きうどんは絶品。カレーも出汁が利いていてクセになる。ヒレカツも隠れた人気メニュー(自分の中でw)。おはぎ、いなりも関西らしいあっさりめの味つけで美味しいので、ついついお持ち帰りに買ってしまう。ぜひ長く続いて欲しいお店。
A long-established restaurant. There is no flashy menu, but it's delicious with the timeless taste. Udon noodle soup is delicious, especially the hot pot of udon noodles in winter. Curry also has soup stock and becomes a habit. A popular menu (his own w) with hikkatsu also hidden. As it is delicious with Ohagi and Inari's casual flavor like Kansai, it will be bought for take-out just about. Shop I want you to continue for a long time.
カズKaz on Google

Origami Pay 使える!美味しい!繁盛してる!接客いい!雰囲気いい!カレーうどん定食(850円税別)
You can use Origami Pay! delicious! It is prosperous! Good customer service! Good atmosphere! Curry udon set meal (850 yen tax excluding)
小谷修一 on Google

Nabeyaki, which has a high reputation, is glad that you can add hot mochi toppings and make various orders. I am glad that there is no deviation on average. The grandmother who was eating alone next door was surprised to eat this hot pot grilled, Daifuku mochi, and kinako flour mochi.
neko kuro on Google

鍋焼きうどんは変わらずおいしいです。今日は季節がら桜もちがあったのできなこ餅と一緒にテイクアウトしました。楽しみに食べたのですが、一言で言って不味い‼️桜もちが不味いってなかなかないと思いますが…口に含んだ途端 色んな臭いがして 吐き出しました! 確認の為 もう一度食べたのですが、やはり臭いが気になり捨てました! 臭いの正体はわかりませんが 傷んでる臭いではなく 想像するに色んな物を触って握ったのか なんともいえないニオイでした。星1つにするつもりでしたが、ここの娘さんが愛想よくなっていたので星2つにしました。
Nabeyaki udon is still delicious. Today I took out with the kinako mochi, which had seasonal cherry blossoms. I was looking forward to eating it, but in a word, it tastes bad! ️I don't think the sakura mochi tastes bad, but ... As soon as I put it in my mouth, I spit it out! I ate it again for confirmation, but I was still worried about the smell and threw it away! I don't know what it is, but it wasn't a damaged smell, but it was an odor that I couldn't say whether I touched and grasped various things. I intended to give it one star, but my daughter here was so amiable that I gave it two stars.
RYO chan on Google

改築されたけど私が物心がついた昭和48年には既に出来ていたお店。 甘めの出汁のうどんやおはぎ、きな粉餅が美味しい。カレーうどんが好きです。 リーズナブルで楽しめます。
The shop was renovated, but it was already open in 1973 when I got the feeling. Udon noodles, rice cakes, and kinako rice cakes with sweet soup stock are delicious. I like curry udon. You can enjoy it at a reasonable price.

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