
3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 高野青果

住所 :

Koenjikita, Suginami City, 〒166-0002 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : Tokyo

Koenjikita, Suginami City, 〒166-0002 Tokyo,Japan
阪本久美子 on Google

ここの店には週1ぐらいの間隔で買い物をしていますが 夕方の17時頃から少しずつ値段が安くなる物があります。とくに土曜日の夕方は翌日が休みに成るので物によっては2個で○○円なんて物が何種かありますが気をつけて選らばないと傷んだ部分を隠して売っている物もあります。とくに果物系は気をつけて下さい
I shop here about once a week, but there are some items that are getting cheaper from around 17:00 in the evening. Especially on Saturday evening, the next day will be a holiday, so depending on the item, there are several types of items such as XX yen, but if you do not choose carefully, some items are sold by hiding the damaged part. Be especially careful with fruits
リリエン on Google

ここだけ、国が違うんか?って思うくらいに異常に安い(褒めてる) 特に土曜の閉店間際には日曜日が休みのおかげか、 投げ売り価格で売ってくれているので爆得です。 正直、野菜は鮮度落ちているものもあるので、 しっかり見て買った方がいいです。
Is the country different only here? It's unusually cheap (praises) Maybe it's because Sunday is a holiday, especially when the store is about to close on Saturday. It's a great deal because it sells at a fire sale price. To be honest, some vegetables are not fresh, so You should look carefully and buy it.
Hahamichi “osho” Tomino on Google

Obviously it's sticking out on the road at an illegal level. Obstruction of traffic. In addition, a clerk collided and left without apologizing.
けやぐおやぐめやぐ on Google

オープン中は道が道でなく完全に店の物になっている。ユータカラヤのとこの道より混み度合い高く、わりと危険。 安いのはありがたいですが、袋入りりんご買って家で開けたらワキガのにおい(なぜかりんごがくさい、味も今まで食べたりんごの中で最悪)だったり、袋入りさつまいも買って家で開けたら半分は腐ってて捨てるはめになったり。バナナもよそに比べてオセ傷が激しかった。たまに行くとこれなので普段は利用しません。吟味して買いたいけど店内狭くずっと混んでいるのでゆっくり選べる雰囲気でもない。 今のところ肉と魚のコーナーでは特に問題はありませんでした。
During the opening, the road is not a road but a store. It is more crowded than Yutaka Raya's road and is rather dangerous. I'm grateful that it's cheap, but if you buy a bag of apples and open it at home, it smells like armpits (for some reason, the apples are bad and the taste is the worst of all the apples I've ever eaten), or if you buy a bag of sweet potatoes and open it at home Half of it is rotten and you have to throw it away. Bananas also had more severe scratches than the other ones. I don't usually use it because it's this when I go there once in a while. I want to scrutinize and buy it, but it's not an atmosphere where you can choose slowly because the store is small and crowded all the time. So far, there was no problem in the meat and fish section.
モアナ on Google

2022年4月 たまたま通りがかったら行列ができていました。少しのぞいたらいちごが2パックで500円!他にもお買得品がたくさん!けど混雑ぶりに私は引いてしまい…夫が果敢に攻めていろいろ買ってきてくれました。奥には鮮魚もあり、まとめて買ったら割引してくれたらしく、夫はお気に入りのお店になった様子です。たぶん明日の定休日前にセールしていた時間帯らしいので、普段は落ち着いて買い物できるかも。
April 2022 When I happened to pass by, there was a line. If you take a peek, you can get 2 packs of strawberries for 500 yen! There are many other great deals! However, I pulled it for the first time in the crowd ... My husband boldly attacked me and bought me various things. There is also fresh fish in the back, and it seems that my husband has become a favorite shop because it seems that he will give me a discount if I buy it in bulk. Maybe it's the time when it was on sale before tomorrow's regular holiday, so you can usually shop calmly.
まほ on Google

ほぼ毎日店の近くを通りますが、ある男性店員が常にアゴマスクです。(しかもウレタンマスク)。つけているのを見たことがありません。 その状態で声を張って呼び込みをしているので、このご時世不潔な感じがして迂回するようにしています。買い物客の皆さん気にならないのでしょうか。 あと店の前の歩道、目の前の屋根付きバス停、車道まで占拠状態です。 バス停を客が駐輪場代わりに使っていてびっくりします。 車道には大量の在庫段ボールを積み上げ、店員が袋詰め作業をしています。車道で。 歩道には商品が並び在庫段ボールが積まれアゴマスク店員がうろうろし買い物客がごった返しており、とても買い物する気になれません。 警察から指導されないのが不思議です。 古き良き商店街の店…と捉える人もいるのでしょうか。
I pass near the store almost every day, but one male clerk is always an ago mask. (And urethane mask). I've never seen it on. Since I am calling out in that state, I feel filthy at this time and try to detour. Don't you bother the shoppers? Also, the sidewalk in front of the store, the covered bus stop in front of you, and the driveway are occupied. I'm surprised that customers are using the bus stop instead of a bicycle parking lot. A large amount of stock cardboard is piled up on the roadway, and a clerk is packing it in a bag. On the road. Products are lined up on the sidewalk, and stock cardboard boxes are piled up, and the agomask clerk is wandering around and the shoppers are crowded, so I don't feel like shopping. It is strange that the police do not give guidance. I wonder if some people think of it as a good old shopping street store.
Gaspard Chouraqui on Google

Really cheap fresh food
M M on Google

Seasonal fresh produce market. They close pretty early and most the staff are nice! The meat isn’t so cheap but there’s good deals on veggies and fruit.

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