
3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 中国物産

住所 :

Koenjikita, Suginami City, 〒166-0002 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–7PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11:30AM–7PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–7PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–7PM
Thursday 11:30AM–7PM
Friday 11:30AM–7PM
街 : Tokyo

Koenjikita, Suginami City, 〒166-0002 Tokyo,Japan
kazuyoshi yoshizawa on Google

There are slightly fewer things. The price is high. But popular goods have
郑鸿滨 on Google

Fake cigarettes. Ha ha. I didn't pay attention at first, and I felt that the smoke kept turning off and it was uncomfortable. Now I understand. Chinese, it shouldn't be!
海新金属 on Google

There are a lot of new foods that have just arrived
Suzuki Morito on Google

I'm addicted to cooking mapo tofu and hot pot. There are many unfamiliar ingredients and Chinese medicine. The customer service is loose but very kind.
たかぎなるお on Google

You can get a set of Chinese seasonings at a reasonable price. You can easily get the nearest purchased item.
Kota Alcott on Google

店は大きくないので商品は限られている。 自分はいつも「○○を買う」のではなく、「欲しいものがあったら買う」くらいの気持ちで寄っています。 先日、寄った際には入店後急に雨が降ってきましたが、店員さんが「余ってる傘あるけど使う?」と言ってくれました。結局傘は借りずに帰りましたが、店員さんの緩い接客が東京では珍しくローカル感があって自分好みです。
The store is not big, so the products are limited. I don't always "buy XX", but rather "buy if I have something I want". The other day, when I stopped by, it suddenly rained after I entered the store, but the clerk said, "I have an extra umbrella, but would you like to use it?" After all, I went home without borrowing an umbrella, but the clerk's loose customer service is unusual in Tokyo and I like it because it has a local feel.
Mori Shinichiro on Google

店舗はエレベーターの無い雑居ビルので4階に有ります。 店に入ると店員の方から ニイハオと挨拶が有りました。 予め買おうと思っていた火鍋のスープの素を購入しました。 お会計後、謝謝 再見 と言われました。 中国語は良く分かりませんが、ありがとう、またねという意味かなと思い、謝謝と挨拶をして店を出ました。 日本にいながら中国滞在を感じた一瞬でした。
The store is on the 4th floor because it is a multi-tenant building without an elevator. When I entered the store, a clerk greeted me with Niihao. I bought the hot pot soup base that I was thinking of buying in advance. After the checkout, I was told to thank you for revisiting. I don't understand Chinese well, but I thought it meant thank you and see you again, so I said thank you and greeted me and left the store. It was a moment when I felt staying in China while I was in Japan.
きのこきのこ on Google

I go there once a month because I can get valuable Chinese ingredients. Hot pot ingredients, Chinese pepper, chili oil with an aunt's mark, seasonings, and other daily necessities are my daily necessities, and I would be in trouble if this shop disappeared. The owner is also friendly and very nice. You have to climb the stairs to the 4th floor, but it's worth the trip.

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