Kobai Sushi - Sumida City

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kobai Sushi

住所 :

紅梅 2 Chome-5-7 Kotobashi, Sumida City, Tokyo 130-0022, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 130-0022
Opening hours :
Saturday 5–9PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 5–9PM
Tuesday 5–9PM
Wednesday 5–9PM
Thursday 5–9PM
Friday 5–9PM

紅梅 2 Chome-5-7 Kotobashi, Sumida City, Tokyo 130-0022, Japan
榊原淳 on Google

赤酢のにぎり、美味しかった。 ちょっと高かったので今度はおまかせ3000円を頼んてみたいと思います。
The red vinegar rice balls were delicious. It was a little expensive, so I'd like to ask for 3000 yen this time.
ぷげらっきょ on Google

Sushi shop sometimes goes. The sushi of red Shari is very tasty, and the shop is also a beautiful store that is unexpected to be this place of Kinshicho. Also, the shop's people's correspondence is good, it is also a shop where you can eat pleasantly.
Kunio Osada on Google

久しぶりにお邪魔しました、♪赤酢の握り♪紅梅寿司です。 江戸の老舗の一つです。90年以上の歴史。 小さい頃から行っている、私の隠している「おススメ」です。 平日はよやくがむずかしいあので、土曜日の夕方に行くのが好きです。落ち着きます。 カウンターに並ぶのは、左に店主、そして、ベテランの2人の寿司職人。 広い調理場でも、職人の方が、きびきび動き、ホールのサービスもしっかりしています。 自信を持ってオススメします♪ ++以下 関連サイトの説明です++ 紅梅寿司は、独特の香味ある赤酢を使用した赤しゃりの寿司が堪能できる。貯蔵粕と米を主原料とした醸造酢「赤酢」は江戸時代から受け継がれる伝統の味。
It ’s ♪ sushi with red vinegar. It is one of the long-established stores in Edo. A history of over 90 years. This is my recommendation since I was little. I like to go on Saturday evenings because it's difficult on weekdays. Calm down. Lined up at the counter are the shopkeeper on the left and two veteran sushi chefs. Even in a large kitchen, craftsmen are moving and the service of the hall is solid. I recommend with confidence ♪ ++ Below is a description of related sites ++ You can enjoy red sushi with red vinegar with a unique flavor. “Akazu”, a brewing vinegar made mainly from storage koji and rice, is a traditional taste that has been passed down since the Edo period.
satoshi on Google

得意の過去投稿。 錦糸町の紅梅寿司。 食べログ3.17 升酒飲みながら握らないお寿司最高。ご馳走さまでした!
Good past posts. Kobai Sushi in Kinshicho. Tabelog 3.17 The best sushi that you don't hold while drinking sake. It was a feast!
picnao on Google

先代の花板さんから30年以上通っているお店です。 お寿司は勿論、冬場の各種鍋も絶品でお勧めです。 私の好みは、白身魚(平目、鯛など)の昆布締め (マチュピチュの塩で頂きます)、赤貝、中トロ 新子、子持ち昆布、さび入りかんぴょう巻き等です。 以前(かなり前)はランチ営業もしていて梅ちらし (通常の梅<竹<松 では無く 竹<松<梅)が 豪華で旨かったです。 値段は高めですが、それ以上の満足感が得られます。
It is a shop that has been going to the previous Hanaita for over 30 years. Not only sushi, but also various hot pots in winter are recommended. My favorite is white fish (flatfish, sea bream, etc.) with kelp (I'll have it with Machu Picchu salt), ark shell, medium fatty tuna Newborn kelp, kelp with kelp, Kanpyo roll with rust, etc. Before (a long time ago), I was also open for lunch and plum leaflets (Bamboo
basukiti001 on Google

The sushi restaurant near my parents' house, Corona, was closed for a long time, but I was finally able to come to the store. I ordered red vinegar rice balls and Omakase 3000 yen, which was delicious. It was quite voluminous sushi. As a poor man, I could only ask for it, but I was confused because there was no price on the menu even though I ordered the nigiri individually. After all, I was so full that I didn't place an order. .. .. The shop staff were all very kind and pleasant, so maybe I should have asked. Itamae-san also smiled and felt good.
Husse Harman on Google

They refused us because they accept only Japanese customers. Awful
Jerry Soer on Google

No English service available so I dunno? Looks nice from the outside

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