3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact VIVID 北浦和

Kitaurawa, Urawa Ward, 〒330-0074 Saitama,Japan
可愛いギズモ on Google

お値段もお手頃で、スタッフさんも良い方でした。 ちょくちょく行ってないけど、とても親切です??
The price was reasonable and the staff was good. I don't go there often, but I'm very kind ??
き“リラックマ”さ on Google

Service is too bad. . . No greeting, no apology for 45 minutes after the appointment. . .
H K on Google

レトロな雰囲気ですが、リーズナブルです。 素敵にカットして頂きました。
It has a retro atmosphere, but it is reasonably priced. I had you cut it nicely.
インコ好きヨシ君 on Google

My wife started it and made it a shortcut. The clerk was also very kind. I also want to go if I have the opportunity.
たみ on Google

It's just the worst word. With shampoo, wash it so that water gets into your ears, and there is a scratch on the outside of the hairline behind your ears, so please be careful. I was told without even looking at the position of the wound, so I was surprised. No, it's supposed to be free from scratches, so I finally washed me, but there is no choice not to wash. How do you dye the color? ? ? After that, I hit the hair dryer only on one place, and I got burned, and I dipped my hair into my eyes to dry my hair. I was tearing up and tearing myself alone, and when I finally got suspicious, my fingers came into my eyes. Are you willing to apologize? I do not know the meaning. I will never go again.
KUMI on Google

北浦和の美容院では、ここ以外行ってないですよー♪ 新しい商品をチェックしてくれてオッジオットとかも速くから入荷してくれたり有難いです!! お得な価格で、しっかりとした薬剤使ってくれるので私は、これからも通います♪ またよろしくお願いします?‍♂️
At the beauty salon in Kitaurawa, I don't go anywhere else! Thank you for checking out the new products and for the Odgiot to arrive early! !! I will continue to go because it is a good price and uses a solid drug ♪ Thank you again ?‍♂️
chi ron on Google

赤裸々にレビューさせていただきます。 不快に感じましたら申し訳ございません。 【美容院の雰囲気】 お手洗いが外にある古そうながらもナチュラルで綺麗な雰囲気の美容院でした。お手洗いにはSABONのハンドソープがあり良い香りで嬉しかったです。 【入店〜】 カルテに急ぐか急がないかの質問が記載されており、急がないにチェックを入れたところ【40分】ほど待ちました。お待たせして申し訳ありません、などの言葉はなく「おまたせしましたー」と普通に案内されました。私は耐えられましたが帰りの時間は何時になるかなと少し心配になりました。他に2名ほど30分は待っていたご様子でした。 忙しい休日の前日に予約してしまったというのも原因かと思います。待ちたくない方は余裕をもって予約、美容師さんに急いでいるとお伝えしたほうが良いかもしれません。 【施術中】 自分や他のお客様への対応を全体的に見て、おしゃべりしてくれる賑やかな美容院だなという印象。入店の際に結構待ったので、カラー時間も長すぎていないかな?と心配にはなりましたが、綺麗に染めてもらい満足。 カットはほんの少しだけなので良くも悪くもなく。勝手に短く切ったりすいたりされず、確認しながらカットしてくれたので安心できました。 古そうなシャンプー台で首を後ろに倒すような感じで私は疲れるタイプの台でした。少し苦しかったくらいです。シャワーの勢いは強め温度は熱めでしたが私には問題なく。熱くないですか?かゆいところないですか?などのお気遣いの言葉が無かった事が気になりました。 大体かかった時間は2時間半ほどでした。 カラーカットトリートメントでしたが、土日祝あまりゆっくりしたくない、お急ぎのお客様には不向きな印象です。 次回も絶対行きたい!とはなりませんが、運良く綺麗にお安く仕上げてもらえたので1日時間がありあまっていて行きたい美容院がなければ行こうかなと思う美容院でした。 ありがとうございました!
I will review it nakedly. I'm sorry if you feel uncomfortable. [Atmosphere of hair dressing shop] It was an old-fashioned but natural and beautiful hair dressing shop with a restroom outside. There was SABON's hand soap in the restroom and I was happy with the good scent. 【enter Shop~】 There is a question in the medical record as to whether to hurry or not, and when I checked "No hurry", I waited for about [40 minutes]. There were no words such as "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting", and I was usually informed that "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting". I could bear it, but I was a little worried about what time it would be on my way home. It seemed that two other people were waiting for about 30 minutes. I think it's also because I made a reservation the day before a busy holiday. If you don't want to wait, you may want to make a reservation with plenty of time and tell the beautician that you are in a hurry. [During treatment] The impression is that it is a lively beauty salon where you can talk to yourself and other customers as a whole. I waited a long time when I entered the store, so I wonder if the color time is too long. I was worried, but I was satisfied with the beautiful dyeing. There are only a few cuts, so it's neither good nor bad. I was relieved because he cut it while checking it without cutting it short or scooping it. I was tired of the old-fashioned shampoo stand, which made me feel like I was tilting my neck back. It was a little painful. The momentum of the shower was strong and the temperature was hot, but there was no problem for me. Isn't it hot? Is it itchy? I was worried that there were no words of concern such as. It took about two and a half hours. Although it was a color cut treatment, it is not suitable for customers in a hurry who do not want to relax too much on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. I definitely want to go next time! It doesn't mean that, but I was lucky enough to finish it cleanly and cheaply, so I had a lot of time for a day and I thought I would go if there was no hairdresser I wanted to go to. Thank you very much!
みぃたん on Google

写真も見せて細かくオーダーしたのに全く違う髪型にされました。左右の長さも違うし後ろはガタガタ。 次の日違う美容院で事情を説明しカットし直してもらいました。『これは…酷いね…新人さんだったのかな…』と言われたので『スタイリスト歴15年って書いてありました』と伝えたら『これで!?』呆れてました。 あと、やたらシャンプーやら物販?を勧めてくる。
I showed the photo and ordered it in detail, but it had a completely different hairstyle. The left and right lengths are different, and the back is rattling. The next day, I explained the situation at a different hairdresser and asked him to cut it again. I was told, "This is ... terrible ... I wonder if he was a newcomer ...", so when I said, "It was written that I had been a stylist for 15 years," he said, "This is it! ?? 』\ I was amazed. Also, shampoo or merchandise sales? Will recommend.

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