Kitanakayama Dermatology Clinic - Sendai

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kitanakayama Dermatology Clinic

住所 :

北中山皮膚科医院 2 Chome-32-5 Kitanakayama, Izumi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 981-3215, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 981-3215
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9–11:30AM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9AM–12PM

北中山皮膚科医院 2 Chome-32-5 Kitanakayama, Izumi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 981-3215, Japan
sinonome 7-01 on Google

When it gets crowded, it gets crowded, but there is no such thing as "please come in two weeks", which is common in hospitals. The instruction is easy to understand, and I am satisfied because it improves once. It was even more so because the prescription was a lot of ointment.
てあせ on Google

アレルギーの薬を前もって申告してるにもかかわらずアレルギーの薬を出されて笑って謝れました。 調剤薬局でもお薬手帳にアレルギーの薬が書いてるのに出てきて驚きました。謝罪はありませんでした。 もう行きません
Even though I had declared allergy medicine in advance, I was given allergy medicine and laughed and apologized. I was surprised to see allergy medicines written in the medicine notebook at the dispensing pharmacy. There was no apology. I won't go anymore
みん on Google

二時間待ってようやく名前を呼ばれました。 虫眼鏡で3秒くらい患部をみてもらってすぐ診断されました。 その診断結果が全く腑に落ちず、きちんと調べてほしくて色々病状を説明しましたが、全く話を聞いてくれませんでした。 とても悲しかったです。 待合室でまっている沢山の患者さんを時間内にみるために、診断をお急ぎだったのかもしれませんね。
I waited for two hours and finally called my name. She had a magnifying glass to see the affected area for about 3 seconds and was immediately diagnosed. The diagnosis did not fall into the air at all, and I wanted to investigate it properly and explained various medical conditions, but he did not listen to me at all. I was very sad. Perhaps I was in a hurry to make a diagnosis so that I could see many patients in the waiting room in time.
s s on Google

他の皮膚科に足の痒みで診察してもらった所、水虫と診断され処方された薬を2ヶ月続けましたが、どんどん悪化し、たまたまこちらで診察して頂いた所、これは水虫ではないと違う薬を頂きました。 お陰様ですぐに良くなり完治しました。今はじんま疹で通ってますが、とても良く効いています。 おすすめの皮膚科です。
When I had another dermatologist consult for itchy feet, I was diagnosed with athlete's foot and continued her prescribed medicine for 2 months. I received a different medicine if not. Thanks to you, he got better and healed completely. Now I have hives, but it works very well. It is a recommended dermatology.
ふ(ふ) on Google

きちんと見てくれる感じの良い先生です。 ものすごい密な待合室で大半の方が外出していても混んでいます。予約制、もしくはネット予約なら良いなと思いました
It's a nice teacher who looks at me properly. It's a very dense waiting room and it's crowded even if most people are out. I thought it would be good if it was a reservation system or online reservation
あっちょあっちょ on Google

仕事帰りに寄れる皮膚科を受診してましたが、医師、看護師共に信頼がおけず、以前お世話になっていたこちらの皮膚科を再受診しました。やっぱりいいですね!きちんと症状の説明もしてくれますし、質問しても分かりやすく嫌な感じも全くありません。…当たり前の事ですが。前の皮膚科が酷すぎて…笑。 待ち時間はかなりですが、それだけ信頼のおける医師に診てもらいたいと思う患者が多いというところだと納得です。
I visited a dermatologist who could come to work after work, but I could not trust my doctor and nurse, and I revisited this dermatologist who had been indebted before. After all it is good! It will explain the symptoms properly, and there is no sense of unpleasantness at all when asked. ... It is natural. The previous dermatologist was too bad ... lol. The waiting time is considerable, but I am convinced that there are many patients who want to see a reliable doctor.
c o on Google

かかりつけの皮膚科があるのですが仕事を休めず、土曜日の午後もやっている事と口コミが良さそうだったのでこちらを初めて受診しました。子供のとびひです。 午後診察開始の少し前に行きましたが、駐車場も満車で院内も満員で座れない方もいました。 午前中から午後の受付を行なっているらしく、午後イチで行っても3時間待ちでした。 診察では看護師の方が先生に「とびひのようで」と伝えていて、それは先生が診断する事なのでは?と思いつつ、質問した事には答えていただけますが、途中で看護師の方が話し始め、そうしてる間に先生は他の診察へ。 土曜日の午後に診察している所が少ないので有難いですが、もう行く事はないと思います。
Not resting, but your family is there dermatology work, is that the reviews are also doing Saturday afternoon was the first visit here because it was good. It is a child of flying sparks. We went to a little before the afternoon examination started, but parking hospital also were some who can not sit in the packed in a full car. Seemed carried out the acceptance of the afternoon in the morning, was 3 hours waiting be carried out in the Position afternoon. In the examination have reportedly "flying sparks like a" teacher is more of a nurse, it is of such that the teacher is diagnosed? While I think that, but you can answer is to be questioned, the way began to talk is more of a nurse, teacher while doing so to other examination. I'm thankful because there are few places to see on Saturday afternoon, but I think I will never go there.
R I on Google

混みますが外出できるので良いです。 順番で名前を呼びに来る方が、早口で聞きづらいです…私だったかもと飛ばされると思い、早歩きで中に入って言ったら私でした?
It's crowded, but it's good because you can go out. It's harder to hear the names in turn because it's harder to hear ... I thought I'd be skipped, so I walked in and said it was me ?

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