Kitanagoya City Hall East Building - Kitanagoya

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kitanagoya City Hall East Building

住所 :

Osakaki-60 Kumanosho, Kitanagoya, Aichi 481-8501, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 481-8501
Webサイト :

Osakaki-60 Kumanosho, Kitanagoya, Aichi 481-8501, Japan
江戸川一 on Google

田んぼアートやってた。 ビバ稲葉篤紀!
I was doing rice field art. Atsaki Inaba!
佐藤一弘 on Google

The staff's response was kind and polite, and it was easy to understand. Also, I didn't have an unpleasant attitude, and he always treated me with a smile, which was very helpful. Thank you for the trouble of Corona.
a su on Google

ある年配のおばさんの対応が最悪でした。 私がキレる寸前でしたが、 名前もわかってしまうし静かな場所なのでやめましたが。 幸い、転出するので2度と行くことはないでしょう。暇があれば接客の練習でもしてもらいたい!
The response of an elderly aunt was the worst. I was on the verge I knew the name and stopped because it was a quiet place. Fortunately, you will never go again because you are moving out. If you have time, I want you to practice customer service!
蟹井裕平 on Google

役所とは思えぬ 対応の良さ いつも気持ちいい
I don't think it's a government office Good correspondence Always feels good
Yoshi rg 2GMc 2 on Google

どこの公園もコロナで閉鎖されています。 張り紙には、遊びもがまん。 って書いてあります。 子供の遊び場はどこにあるのか。 そこまでする必要があるのか。 役所は、いくつもある公園に張り紙を作って貼る時間があるなら、もっと他の対策を考えるべきだと思う。
Every park is closed in Corona. There is plenty of play on the poster. It is written. Where is the children's playground? Is it necessary to go that far? I think the government office should consider other measures if it has time to make and paste posters in many parks.
まさ・なち on Google

Kitanagoya City Manhole Cards (8th stage, which will be distributed on August 11, 2018) are distributed here on weekdays from 8:30 to 17:15 at the Sewerage Division on the 3rd floor of the East Government Building of Kitanagoya City Hall. (There is also a color display lid on the 3rd floor.)… By the way, it is distributed at the Kitanagoya City History and Folklore Museum from 9:00 to 17:00 on holidays. However, it is closed on the year-end and New Year holidays and the last day of the month (only for the History and Folklore Museum).
moca on Google

児童課に電話しましたが、対応された女性(50代くらい?)の相槌が全て“うん”で、返答もかぶせ気味で感じ悪かったです。 何様なんですか?改めた方がいいと思いますよ。
I called the Children's Division, but all the women (about 50s?) Who responded to me were "yes", and the response was a little overwhelming and unpleasant. What is it like? I think you should change it.
sachi on Google

市役所東側のゐなカフェに行ってきました。予約していなかったので、15分ほど待ちました。 店内は、落ち着いた雰囲気でした。 ランチは、色々な種類がありました。ただ、一言…お値打ちではないです。あと、急いでいる人は、向いていません。 メニューは、写真付きではなかったので、わかりにくかったです… ローストビーフのランチで、プラス料金で飲み物、デザートを頼みました。ご飯は、雑穀米でした。 ご飯は、美味しくいただきました。
I went to a cafe on the east side of the city hall. I didn't make a reservation, so I waited for about 15 minutes. The inside of the store had a calm atmosphere. There were various types of lunch. But a word ... it's not worth it. Also, those who are in a hurry are not suitable. The menu wasn't with pictures, so it was hard to understand ... At lunch of roast beef, I ordered drinks and dessert for a plus fee. The rice was millet rice. The rice was delicious.

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