Komaki City Hall - Komaki

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Komaki City Hall

住所 :

1番地 3 Chome Horinouchi, Komaki, Aichi 485-8650, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 485-8650
Webサイト : http://www.city.komaki.aichi.jp/

1番地 3 Chome Horinouchi, Komaki, Aichi 485-8650, Japan
Stay Gold on Google

西の建物の6階にレストランがあります レストランのおもてに食券の券売機があります お昼時はそこそこ混んでます ランチは個数限定なようで早めに売り切れます 13時半頃には券売機の半数以上が売りきれ状態になります レストランの北側の窓からは小牧城見えます。 レストランを含め庁舎全体が喫煙は禁止のようですが 6階のレストラン近くの階段から上がった所 屋上の扉を開けて外に出ると狭いスペースですが喫煙する場所がありました まるで檻の中みたいなところでした「檻の中に隔離された珍動物」状態でタバコを吸わなきゃならない感じです。
There is a restaurant on the 6th floor of the west building There is a ticket vending machine at the front of the restaurant It's crowded at noon Lunch seems to be limited and sells out early At about 13:30, more than half of the ticket machines will be sold out Komaki Castle can be seen from the window on the north side of the restaurant. It seems that smoking is prohibited in the whole government building including the restaurant Upstairs from the stairs near the restaurant on the 6th floor Opening the rooftop door and going outside is a small space, but there was a place to smoke. I felt like I had to smoke a cigarette in a "rare animal isolated in a cage" that was almost like a cage.
Hot Mot on Google

愛知県小牧市の男性職員が上司からのパワハラを受けたことを示すメモを残し自殺した問題で、市が6900万円を支払うことで和解する見通しとなったことが分かりました。 3年前、小牧市の情報システム課に勤務していた男性職員(当時30)が自殺し、市の第三者委員会は「上司のパワハラが自殺に繋がった可能性が高い」と認定、市は上司の女性係長を停職の懲戒処分としました。 また去年1月には、民間企業の労災に当たる「公務災害」に認定されています。 この問題を受け市側と遺族側は損害賠償などについて協議を続けてきましたが、市が遺族におよそ6900万円を支払うことで和解する見通しであることが関係者への取材でわかりました。市と遺族は今後、最終的な文書を取り交わすということです。 男性職員の遺族は「小牧市には去年8月に家族側の要望を提案し、回答は10カ月後の今年6月でした。回答までにあまりにも長い時間が経過し、さらに裁判となれば今後かなりの時間を要すことから、話し合いによる解決を模索し、この度『苦渋の終結』とすることにしました。小牧市には息子の死を無駄にすることなく、二度と同様な事件を起こさない、ハラスメントの無い職場を構築して欲しい」とコメントしています。 また小牧市は「遺族側の代理弁護士と協議中で、協議が整えば適切に対応します。市としては誠意をもって対応していきたい」としています。
It turned out that a male employee in Komaki City, Aichi Prefecture, committed suicide by leaving a memo showing that he had received power harassment from his boss, and the city is expected to settle by paying 69 million yen. Three years ago, a male employee (30 at the time) who was working in the information system section of Komaki City committed suicide, and the city's third-party committee confirmed that "the power harassment of his boss is likely to have led to suicide." The city has disciplined the female chief of her boss for suspension. In January of last year, it was certified as a "public servant accident", which is an industrial accident of a private company. In response to this problem, the city side and the bereaved family have continued discussions on compensation for damages, but it was found by interviewing the people concerned that the city is expected to settle by paying the bereaved family about 69 million yen. .. The city and the bereaved will exchange final documents in the future. The bereaved family of a male employee said, "I proposed a request from the family to Komaki City in August last year, and the response was in June this year, 10 months later. Since it will take a considerable amount of time in the future, we sought a solution through discussions and decided to call it "the end of the bitterness". Komaki City caused the same incident again without wasting his son's death. I want you to build a workplace that is free of harassment. " In addition, Komaki City says, "We are in discussions with a lawyer representing the bereaved family, and if the discussions are completed, we will respond appropriately. The city wants to respond in good faith."
Makoto Shimizu on Google

Free Parking for bikes, information center, many attendants, fast and efficient service, translators available, e.g. Portuguese ( there are many Brazilians in Komaki) Estacionamento grátis de bicicletas, atendimento rápido e eficiente, tradutor disponível
Free Parking for bikes, information center, many attendants, fast and efficient service, translators available, e.g. Portuguese ( there are many Brazilians in Komaki) Free bicycle parking, fast and efficient service, translator available
みぃにゃん on Google

職員さんもとても親切です。 障害者駐車場は庁舎の前に3台分あります。 地下駐車場もあって、雨の日などは便利かも
The staff are also very kind. There are 3 parking lots for the disabled in front of the government building. There is also an underground parking lot, so it may be convenient on rainy days etc.
ohitorisama go on Google

たまたま近くまで行き散策、各階に小さな休憩スペースがある、誰でも使用して良いそうなので学生さんとか勉強に利用すると良いと思う 6階に小牧城?が眺められるレストランがある 1階では夏らしく戦争についての展示が期間限定である 3階から地上まで外から階段で登れる エレベーターは目立たない
It happens to go near and walk, there is a small rest space on each floor, it seems that anyone can use it, so I think it is good to use it for students or study There is a restaurant on the 6th floor with a view of Komaki Castle ? On the first floor, there is a limited time exhibition of war like summer. You can climb the stairs from the outside from the 3rd floor to the ground The elevator is inconspicuous
masazoo on Google

藤井孔二 on Google

レストラン横にある エレベーターの透かしに 技術がつけられています! 一方方向にしか見えない! これはすごい!と一瞬感動ました。 受付はちょっと薄暗い印象 駐車場は快適でした!
Next to the restaurant In the watermark of the elevator Technology is attached! You can only see it in one direction! it's amazing! I was impressed for a moment. The reception is a little dim The parking lot was comfortable!
Y N on Google

It is a beautiful building. Since it has a seismic isolation structure, it is safe even if it is fitted with glass.

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