
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 小川家具

住所 :

Kitamoto, 〒364-0006 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
Webサイト : http://www.ogawakagu.jp/
街 : Saitama

Kitamoto, 〒364-0006 Saitama,Japan
coara hana on Google

見た目?に反して今時な家具が多数あり。シンプルモダンを好みの方には大型家具屋より向いていると思う。 ハード面も申し分ないが、定員さんかと話しかけてきた人が実は社長さんでその対応も申し分ない。 結果、後日購入をしたがその際の対応をした定員は若干不評な為☆をひとつ減らした評価に。
Appearance? On the contrary, there are many modern furniture. For those who like simple modern, I think it is more suitable than a large furniture store. The hardware is perfect, but the person who talked to me about the capacity is actually the president, and the response is also perfect. As a result, I made a purchase at a later date, but the number of people who responded at that time was a little unpopular, so I reduced the number of ☆ by one.
m H on Google

It is a local furniture store. I use it when I want good furniture. Assortment is good, and a well-known clerk responds. There is no atmosphere to be sold and the price is more conscientious than others, so it is safe.
S O on Google

新居で使用する家具4点を購入しました。 元々はネット通販での購入を考えていましたが、妻がネットで良さそうな所を見つけたとの事で、妻と幼い娘を連れ訪問。想像していた以上に、木を主役にした上質そうな家具がたくさんあり、木が好きな私はすぐに気に入りました。インテリアコーディネーターでもある店長(社長)さんが対応してくれ、新居の図面や写真、希望価格帯を元に色々とお勧めしてくれました。ネット通販である程度目星を付けていたので、それより良くて価格も同じくらいなら買おうかなくらいのつもりでしたが、結局すべて購入。結果的にはほとんど店長さんのお勧めに決めました。後にHPのブログを拝見して非常に知識豊富で本当に家具が好きな方なんだと知りましたが、決して押し付けずにあくまでこちらの好みや考えをよく汲んでくださったので良かったです。後日、自社便にて配送され、組立と設置を2人で丁寧にやっていただきました。部屋の雰囲気にバッチリ合い、いつも触りたくなるような滑らかな木の表面の質感など非常に満足しています。ソファーだけ納期間に合わずこれからの配送となりますがこちらもとても楽しみです。最近、買物はほとんどネット通販で済ませてしまっていますが、久々に実店舗でいい買い物ができたなと感じました。ゴミ箱やティッシュボックスケースなども木製の物があり惹かれたので、次は小物を揃えに行けたら、と考えています。 追記:その後ソファーも無事配送設置され、とても快適に使用しています。こちらもイメージ通りで大満足です。子供がいっちょ前にくつろいでおります^_^; 早速子供に汚されたりしていますが、キチンと掃除や手入れして長く使いたいと思わせてくれる良い家具だと感じています。 ご丁寧な返信コメント頂き、ありがとうございました!
I bought 4 pieces of furniture to use in my new house. Originally I was thinking of purchasing online, but my wife found a good place on the net, so I visited with my wife and young daughter. There are more high-quality furniture with wood as the main character than I had imagined, and I immediately liked it because I like wood. The store manager (president), who is also an interior coordinator, responded and recommended various things based on the drawings and photos of the new house and the desired price range. I had a certain amount of starring on online shopping, so I thought I would buy it if it was better and the price was about the same, but in the end I bought everything. As a result, I decided to recommend it to the store manager. Later, when I read the HP blog, I found out that he was very knowledgeable and really liked furniture, but I'm glad that he never pushed me and took in my tastes and ideas. At a later date, it was delivered by our own flight, and the two people carefully assembled and installed it. It fits perfectly with the atmosphere of the room, and I am very satisfied with the smooth texture of the wooden surface that makes me want to touch it all the time. Only the sofa will be delivered in the future because it does not meet the delivery time, but I am also looking forward to it. Recently, most of my shopping has been done online, but I felt that I was able to make a good purchase at a physical store for the first time in a while. I was attracted to the wooden items such as trash cans and tissue box cases, so I'd like to go get some small items next time. Postscript: After that, the sofa was delivered and installed safely, and I am using it very comfortably. This is also very satisfying as I imagined. Children are relaxing in front of me ^ _ ^; It's getting dirty by children right away, but I feel that it's a good piece of furniture that makes you want to use it for a long time after cleaning and caring for it. Thank you for your polite reply and comment!
ckn Trnk on Google

若い女が一人で行ったからなのか、冷たい高圧的な中年女性に対応され悲しくなり帰りました。 気に入った生地があったので、この生地で作れるソファはどれですか?と聞いたら 目の前にありますけど。 と言われてそんなの見ればわかるし終始馬鹿にされた態度でした。 ホームページを見て、スタッフに相談してくださいと書いてあったので相談したら高圧的な態度でまともに話もできませんでした。 帰りにカウンターの前を通るとこそこそカウンター内の男性スタッフと話していて、チラチラこちらを見ながら笑っていたのも不快です。 新築で家を建て、奮発して長く使えるソファをとかなり遠くから2時間以上かけて、こちらの店まで行ったのに残念でした。 こんな対応しか出来ないならもういっそ話しかけてこないでください。 ニトリのがマシです。
Perhaps because the young woman went alone, she was saddened by the cold, high-pressure middle-aged woman and went home. I had a favorite fabric, so which sofa can I make with this fabric? If you ask It's right in front of me. It was said that I could understand it by seeing such a thing, and it was an attitude that was ridiculed from beginning to end. I looked at the homepage and said that I should consult with the staff, so when I consulted, I couldn't talk properly with a high-pressure attitude. When I passed in front of the counter on my way home, I was talking to the male staff inside the counter, and it was unpleasant to laugh while glancing at this. It was a pity that I built a new house and took more than 2 hours from a long distance to get a sofa that can be used for a long time. If you can only do this, please don't talk to me anymore. Nitori's is better.
ENA on Google

なかなか穴場 センスよい家具だらけ! 本当にびっくりしました、なかなかこんなセンスよい家具屋さんないですよ、それも北本!
Quite a little-known spot Full of tasteful furniture! I was really surprised, there isn't a furniture store with such a good taste, that is Kitamoto!
Y N on Google

It's an era where you can always buy surprisingly affordable furniture, but after all cheap things get tired and break. It was cheap in the first place, so I don't use it carefully. When I bought a big sofa with a low back a year ago, I realized that I should use really good ones for a long time because it is a sustainable era. Not only is it nice and easy to use, but the cover can be washed ... I feel that there are many products that have been carefully devised in real life, and the clerk also gives necessary explanations. I was able to shop comfortably. Also, when I buy furniture, I talk to my husband that I will buy it here.
菊間克実 on Google

新居に住むに当たり、いわゆるファンシーケース以外の家具を小川家具さんで揃えさせていただきました。 インテリアのイメージはあったものの、どこで買うのが適しているのか分からず手当たり次第に家具店を回っていたある時、小川家具さんに出会い何度も通って小川家具さんで買うことに決めました。 当初はダイニングとリビング用の家具を買うつもりだったのですが、私のこだわりにピッタリと合う色、サイズ、使い勝手の家具を紹介していただいていくうちに、全て揃えることになりました。 コスパ最高、セミオーダーメイドで作っていただけるサイズの家具まであって、丁寧な説明と提案が大変ありがたかったです。
When I lived in my new house, Ogawa Furniture arranged furniture other than the so-called fancy case. Although I had an image of the interior, I didn't know where to buy it, and when I was randomly visiting furniture stores, I met Ogawa Furniture and decided to go there many times and buy it at Ogawa Furniture. At first, I was planning to buy furniture for dining and living room, but as I was introduced to furniture with colors, sizes, and usability that fit my particular needs, I decided to have all of them. We were very grateful for the polite explanations and suggestions, even for furniture of the highest cost performance and size that can be made semi-custom-made.
mimi on Google

店に置くためのレジカウンターをお願いしました。 サイズや色などわがままを言いましたが、すぐに製造元に問い合わせてくださいました。届くのが楽しみです。 かれこれ20年ほど前にこちらで買った革張りのソファーを今も使っています。 今は高校生になる娘が幼稚園の時使っていた小さな椅子と机のセットも彼女の部屋でテレビ台となっています。 長く使える家具を買うならお勧めします。
I asked for a cashier counter to put it in the store. I said selfishness such as size and color, but immediately contacted the manufacturer. I'm looking forward to it. I still use the leather sofa I bought here about 20 years ago. The small chair and desk set that my high school daughter used when she was in kindergarten is now a TV stand in her room. I recommend it if you buy furniture that can be used for a long time.

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