
3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact スカイレンタカー本町店

住所 :

Kitakyuhojimachi, Chuo Ward, 〒541-0057 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Webサイト : https://www.skyrent.jp/osaka/osaka-honmachi/
街 : Osaka

Kitakyuhojimachi, Chuo Ward, 〒541-0057 Osaka,Japan
韋建合 on Google

The service is very bad, if you have an accident, you can't respond quickly. And even though I wrote it in the contract that will cover the insurance for the second time, I can't bear it at all.
na ruto on Google

最悪の店 保険に加入にもかかわらず、騙して事故負担金を要求する。店発見された後も、さまざまな理由で全然返金しない。 最悪の体験。
Worst store Despite having insurance, he tricks him into demanding an accident contribution. Even after the store is discovered, I will not refund at all for various reasons. The worst experience.
Takehiro Sakai on Google

喫煙可能車両の取り扱いはなさそう。 休憩時に車の点検をしましたが良好でした。 以前から付いてた傷の見落としの可能性があるのでサインする前にしっかり確認してください。 地下1Fからの出発となります。出発前の傷の確認もそこで行いますし、道路へ上がらないとGPS信号が弱いです。
It seems that smoking vehicles will not be handled. I inspected the car during the break and it was good. Please check carefully before signing as there is a possibility of overlooking the scratches that have been attached before. Departure from the 1st basement floor. We also check for scratches before departure, and if you don't go up the road, the GPS signal is weak.
ru MIzu on Google

他の方々の星一つの多い口コミ同様の事が起こりました...。 借りる前に車体裏等見えない所は特に隅々まで写真と動画を詳細に記録を残す事をお勧めします。チェック欄に無いところは特に念入りに。 何かあってからでは遅いので前もって万全の対策が必要です。
The same thing happened as other people's one-star word-of-mouth communication ... Before renting, it is recommended to keep a detailed record of photos and videos, especially in every corner of the car body where you cannot see it. Be especially careful where there is no check box. It will be late after something happens, so you need to take all possible measures in advance.
おちょら on Google

3回ほどお車を貸して頂きましたが、車もとても綺麗で状態も良く、とても素敵なレンタカー屋さんだと思いました。 特に一番良かったのは、私は初心者で二十歳なのですが、初心者二十歳でも保険に入れたことです。他のレンタカー屋さんは保険に入れなかったのでとても有難いサービスでした。 店員さんの接客も素早く丁寧で、返却時もとてもスムーズに対応してくれました。 大阪でレンタカー借りるなら、ここしかないです!
I rented a car about 3 times, but the car was very clean and in good condition, and I thought it was a very nice rental car shop. The best thing was that I was a beginner and 20 years old, but even a beginner 20 years old was insured. Other car rental shops did not have insurance, so it was a very thankful service. The clerk's customer service was quick and polite, and he responded very smoothly when returning. This is the only place to rent a car in Osaka!
S S on Google

It was a general rental car correspondence without being written in a low rating. Rather, it was a pleasant response. The car is also the latest vehicle and the price is low, so I would like to continue using it in the future.
88 funkcore on Google

It is a fraudulent company that comes from customers. I have a business and use it for about an hour. I was told that I smelled a cigarette when I returned it, and I was charged a fine of 20,000, but I refused because I didn't smoke. If you refuse after that, it will be reduced to 2000 yen, and it is said that it is only cash, not a card. I wondered if the employee would put it in his pocket like this. Everyone be careful. You should never use it again and do not use it to protect yourself.
N T on Google

低評価の人がいますが、とても丁寧な接客でした。 場所が少しわかりづらいですが、大きなビルにありますよ。 地下に駐車場があるので、出るとも入るときも自分で地下の駐車場が出し入れ必要です。急な坂なので、ペーパードライバーの方は怖いかも。お値段は、リーズナブルでした。
There are people with low ratings, but the customer service was very polite. The location is a little difficult to understand, but it's in a big building. There is a parking lot in the basement, so you need to go in and out of the underground parking lot yourself when you go in and out. It's a steep slope, so the paper driver may be scared. The price was reasonable.

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