和菓子 isshin

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 和菓子 isshin

住所 :

Kitakyuhojimachi, Chuo Ward, 〒541-0057 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://www.instagram.com/suiren_isshin/
街 : Osaka

Kitakyuhojimachi, Chuo Ward, 〒541-0057 Osaka,Japan
カラニアナオレ on Google

A bracken rice cake shop that is inevitable in a line. It is an image that is always lined up when I go around noon. The walnut warabi mochi in this shop is excellent and will sell out if you don't go early, so I think it's better to line up from the opening. It is so delicious that it surpasses the warabi mochi I have eaten so far, so if you like it, please try the walnut warabi mochi.
nakau31taka on Google

開店前に到着したのですが、すでに10組以上の列が さすがの人気店です わらび餅が人気 わらび餅 深煎りきなこと、苺大福と、宇宙一のアップルパイと、 わらび餅はのみものです と言う商品名のドリンクを購入。 相変わらずとろけるようなわらび餅は絶品! わらび餅はのみものです は、きな粉ミルクをチョイスしました。 わらび餅が中に入った飲み物で、スッキリして甘くて美味しい〜〜〜〜! アップルパイはすごい名前ですが、 青森県のお知り合いのお店の方から仕入れているそうです。 冷凍で、自然解凍して食べるのですが、冷凍と思えない生地のザクザク感!! これも美味しかったー また来訪したいと思います、ごちそうさま!! 美味しくいただきました ごちそうさま!!
I arrived before the store opened, but there are already more than 10 pairs of lines It ’s a very popular shop. Warabimochi is popular Warabimochi Deep roasted soybean flour, Ichigo Daifuku, the best apple pie in the universe, I bought a drink with the brand name Warabimochi. Warabimochi that melts as usual is exquisite! Warabimochi is a drink Choosed Kinako milk powder. It's a drink with warabi mochi inside, and it's refreshing, sweet and delicious! Apple pie is a great name, It seems that they are procured from a store I know in Aomori prefecture. It's frozen, naturally thawed and eaten, but the dough is crunchy, which doesn't seem to be frozen! !! This was also delicious I would like to visit again, feast! !! It was delicious Feast! !!
TS HG on Google

京都で修行をして、大阪で独立された一信さんのわらび餅屋さんです。わらび餅は、その辺で売ってるものとはレベルが違いました、おいしいです。ココナッツなど、種類によっては、その場で仕上げ作業をしてくれます。 お店は一人で切り盛りされており、そのせいもあって行列になっています。人雇えば?と単純に思いましたが、そこの理由はわかりませんでした。
It is a bracken mochi shop of Mr. Kazunobu who trained in Kyoto and became independent in Osaka. Warabimochi is delicious, at a different level than the ones sold in that area. Depending on the type, such as coconut, it will do the finishing work on the spot. The shops are run by one person, which is why they are lined up. What if I hire people? I simply thought, but I didn't understand the reason.
tae on Google

お昼時に前を通るといつも行列。 とても人気があり、リピーターが多いお店です。 店主さんは、やさしい物腰で一人一人に対して丁寧に接してくださいます。 わらび餅のお味もいろいろあり、注文した人に対して詳しく説明してくれます。 今は、お店に入るのは同時に5人まで。 5人いる場合、前の人がでてきたらお店に入ります。 きなこのわらび餅(24切れ)と、手揚げもち(黒胡椒味)を購入。 わらび餅は、常温で持ち帰り、食べる前に冷蔵庫に入れました。 とろっとろ、とろける食感がステキ!! 香ばしいきなこがたっぷり!! 手揚げもちは黒胡椒のぴりっとした辛さ、2~3粒食べようと思ったのに、おいしくって手が止まらず次々食べてしまいました^^ わらび餅の種類は、きな粉、抹茶、クルミ、ほうじ茶、ニッキ、紅芋、山椒、塩アーモンド、オレンジ、、、そのほかもいろいろ 聞いたら丁寧に教えてくれます。 わらび餅ドリンクもあるみたいなので、次回はぜひぜひ食べて(飲んで)みたいです☆
Whenever I pass in front of me at noon, there is a line. It is a very popular shop with many repeaters. The shop owner treats each person carefully with a gentle demeanor. There are various flavors of warabi mochi, and they will explain in detail to the person who ordered. Currently, up to 5 people can enter the store at the same time. If there are 5 people, we will enter the store when the previous person comes out. I bought Kinako Warabimochi (24 slices) and hand-fried rice cake (black pepper flavor). Warabimochi was taken home at room temperature and placed in the refrigerator before eating. The melty and melty texture is wonderful! !! Plenty of fragrant soybean flour! !! The fried rice cake was spicy with black pepper, and I thought I'd eat a few grains, but it was delicious and I couldn't stop eating it one after another ^^ There are various types of warabi mochi such as kinako, matcha, walnut, roasted green tea, nikki, red potato, Japanese pepper, salted almond, orange, and more. If you ask, they will tell you politely. There seems to be a warabi mochi drink, so I definitely want to eat (drink) next time ☆
キシモトタケオ on Google

平日の11時頃に行きましたが割とスムーズに購入出来ました。店主さんでしょうか非常に和やかな対応で商品説明も丁寧にして下さいました。 店内も趣のある雰囲気です。
I went around 11 o'clock on weekdays, but I was able to purchase it relatively smoothly. Is it the shop owner? He was very friendly and gave me a polite explanation of the product. The inside of the store has a quaint atmosphere.
なめしさん on Google

I had my mother buy it for takeout. The warabi mochi I drink seems to be insanely delicious, and he bought me a warabi mochi. It took a lot of time ヽ (´o `; I think the procession is so bad that the turnover rate is bad. It feels like it contains warabi mochi. It's different from what I imagined, but it's light and delicious. I thought it would be better not to mix the kinako too much so that you can taste the kinako's jerky taste. I cut it after sprinkling it and eat it. I think there is only a line of warabi mochi in Trun Trun. But I'm worried about the price. Considering the warabi and the cospa of the main office in Hirakata, I wonder if this is a repeat. I think it's good for you!
Lucas Luk on Google

Not to miss their drinks using 和菓子 as base with good taste and texture
Aaron H on Google

Very good sweets, can get very expensive very quickly. Items expire quickly too so might not be ideal from bringing back home to your country.

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