美容整体サロン小顔製作所 大阪サロン

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 美容整体サロン小顔製作所 大阪サロン

住所 :

Kitahorie, Nishi Ward, 〒550-0014 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://www.kogao-seisakusho.com/salon/%23salon_osaka
街 : Osaka

Kitahorie, Nishi Ward, 〒550-0014 Osaka,Japan
on Google

本格小顔矯正・美脚矯正・肩幅矯正 に通っています。初回でしっかりとカウンセリングしてくださり、個々の悩みも細かく聞いてくださり、施術中もこれはどこに効くのかなど とても丁寧です。痛みは全くなく、気持ち良くて眠ってしまう時もある程です。効果は施術後すぐに現れました!★
I go to full-scale small face correction, beautiful leg correction, and shoulder width correction. He gave me counseling at the first time, listened to my individual concerns in detail, and was very polite about where this would work during the procedure. There is no pain at all, and sometimes I feel comfortable and fall asleep. The effect appeared immediately after the treatment! ★
どれみかん on Google

I had a shoulder width correction. I was happy that the effect came out immediately after receiving the treatment. Also, the staff taught me various things and it was a great learning experience.
ka Y on Google

肩幅&骨盤矯正 腰の痛みが取れたり、骨盤の傾きが整ってきました。肩幅もサイズダウンしてきて嬉しいです。 施術中に強い痛みはなく、上手く調整して下さります。継続していって、毎回悩みが改善されるのが楽しみです。スタッフの方の対応もすごく丁寧で、毎回しっかりと話を聞いてくれて、個人のニーズを尊重していただけます。サロンも、新しくなり綺麗で 駅からも直結なので雨の日でも通いやすいです。
Shoulder width & pelvic correction My lower back pain has disappeared and my pelvis has been tilted. I'm glad that the shoulder width has also been reduced in size. There is no strong pain during the procedure and it will be adjusted well. I'm looking forward to continuing and improving my worries every time. The staff are very polite and listen to us every time, so that you can respect your individual needs. The salon is also new and beautiful, and it is directly connected to the station, so it is easy to go even on rainy days.
TOMO N on Google

小顔矯正のコースで通ってます。清潔なサロンで居心地も良いです。 いつも肩がバキバキで肩甲骨も凝り固まってるけど施術後は明らかに身体が軽くなってるし顔のたるみも引き締まってるし、技術の高さに感動してます。 今後も継続して通って行きたいです!
I go on a small face correction course. It is a clean salon and comfortable. My shoulders are always fluttering and my shoulder blades are stiff, but after the treatment, my body is clearly lighter and the slack in my face is tightened, and I am impressed by the high level of technology. I want to continue going there in the future!
t m on Google

本格小顔矯正3回プレミアコースを受けました。 ずっとエラが張っているのが気になって、初めて矯正に踏み切りましたが、一回で1センチ以上小さくなるなんて、早くやっておけばよかったと思うくらいで、大満足です!痛みも全くなく、うたた寝したくらいです。残り2回が楽しみです!
I took a full-scale small face correction 3 times premiere course. I was worried that the gills had been stretched all the time, so I decided to correct it for the first time, but I was so happy that I should have done it as soon as possible because it would be 1 cm or more smaller at one time! There was no pain at all and I just took a nap. I'm looking forward to the remaining two times!
M K on Google

本格小顔矯正を受けました。 1回目で、変化がありびっくりしました。 自分の悩みに沿って進めていただけるので、 初めて小顔矯正行かれる方も安心して 通えると思います。次も楽しみです。
I received a full-scale small face correction. At the first time, I was surprised that there was a change. Because you can proceed according to your own worries For those who are going to correct small face for the first time, feel at ease I think I can go. I'm looking forward to the next one.
さかす on Google

I used to go for shoulder width correction, but I wanted to ask again before the wedding, so I applied for the course 3 times! It's been more than a year since the last time, but I'm happy because the shoulder width size hasn't increased much since the last time. The shoulder width and refreshing feeling after the treatment will give you a shock every time! It's only one time left, but thanks to Kogao Seisakusho, I'm even more excited to wear the dress ☆
miyuka 0802 on Google

移転して、四ツ橋駅からすぐ心斎橋からも近く便利になりました! 小顔矯正を受けました。 顔の矯正だけでなく、肩や肩甲骨からしっかりほぐしていただき浮腫もスッキリ。 カラダ全体の血流がよくなった感じで、帰りは手足までポカポカでした。 施術は痛くないので安心です。
After relocating, it's convenient because it's close to Shinsaibashi, right from Yotsubashi station! I received a small face correction. Not only the correction of the face, but also the edema is refreshed by loosening it firmly from the shoulders and scapula. I felt that the blood flow in the whole body had improved, and on the way back, my limbs were warm. The procedure does not hurt, so you can rest assured.

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