鍼灸salon m

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

鍼灸salon m|美容鍼灸で美しさをあなたへ - S-salon-m.com

鍼灸salon m

Contact 鍼灸salon m

住所 :

Nishishinsaibashi, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0086 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Webサイト : http://www.s-salon-m.com/
街 : Osaka

Nishishinsaibashi, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0086 Osaka,Japan
辻久美子 on Google

F57 Zaruba on Google

めちゃくちゃ気さくな先生ですよ(*˘︶˘*) 心斎橋やアメ村からも近いので行きやすいです
It's a very friendly teacher (* ˘︶˘ *) It's easy to go because it's close to Shinsaibashi and Amemura
夜中のシンデレラ on Google

I'm satisfied with the price and effect, but I was disappointed with the poor response.
Saku “さく” Saku on Google

Ella has become smaller in the premium facial course!
大田哲也 on Google

I am worried about the sagging cheeks and double chin, and I am indebted to HIFU and beauty acupuncture. It's good because you can see the effect immediately. I trust you because they will answer your questions politely.
平井孝祐 on Google

お店の雰囲気も良く、個室なので周りを気にせずゆっくり出来ました。 美容鍼と小顔矯正のコースをして貰いましたが、お値段も手頃で施術の効果も、しっかりわかったので良かったです!^_^
The atmosphere of the shop is good, and since it is a private room, I was able to relax without worrying about the surroundings. I had a course of beauty acupuncture and small face correction, but it was good because the price was reasonable and I understood the effect of the treatment well! ^ _ ^
ちょたん on Google

いつも美容鍼とハイフと整体でお世話になってます( ・ᴗ・ ) 美容鍼もハイフも即効性がありビフォーアフターで見ると本当に驚きます。 整体もとても気持ちよくてやってもらった日から身体が軽く楽になります。 先生はとても気さくで美容のことも沢山教えて頂いて楽しい時間です♪ 今後ともよろしくお願いします✩.*˚
I am always indebted to beauty acupuncture, hyphen and manipulative treatment (・ ᴗ ・) Both beauty acupuncture and hyphen have immediate effect, and I am really surprised to see them before and after. The manipulative treatment is also very comfortable and the body will be light and comfortable from the day you have it done. The teacher is very friendly and it's a fun time to teach me a lot about beauty ♪ Thank you for your continued support ✩. * ˚
M K on Google

美顔鍼を利用しました。 効果大でビックリしました。 カウンセリングも施術もとても丁寧でした。 また来たいです。
I used facial acupuncture. I was surprised at the great effect. The counseling and treatment were very polite. I want to come again.

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