
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 石井歯科クリニック

住所 :

Kita, Katori, 〒287-0002 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878797
Webサイト : http://www.ishii-dentalclinic.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9:30AM–1PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–1PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–1PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9:30AM–1PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Kita, Katori, 〒287-0002 Chiba,Japan
伊藤剛 on Google

みつき on Google

院内は新しく綺麗で清潔感があり治療する場所も個室になっていてプライバシーが守られて安心です。 一歳の子供を診てもらったのですが液晶ディスプレイでアンパンマンを見せてもらって待っている間も退屈しないように工夫されてて良かったです! 治療が終わったあとのガチャガチャも嬉しかったです。 先生も優しくて相談などしやすかったです。
The hospital is newly clean and clean, and the place to be treated is also a private room, and privacy is protected and safe. I was asked to see a 1-year-old child, but it was good to devise not to get bored while waiting for anpanman to be shown on the LCD display! I was also happy after the treatment was over. The teacher was also kind and easy to consult.
鯉太郎 on Google

まるで魔法使い。 他の歯科2件で、どうもなっていない、歯を抜くしかないと言われた歯茎の激痛が治らずこちらへ。1日で痛みとしみたのが完治。 病院は建物や内装は気になりますが、治療が一番 先生の腕も良いし、スタッフの感じも良い。 行けば分かります。
It's like a wizard. To the other two dentists, I couldn't heal the severe pain in my gums, which I was told that I had to pull out my teeth. I felt pain in one day and it was completely cured. The hospital is concerned about the building and interior, but the treatment is the best. The teacher's skill is good and the staff feels good. You can tell if you go.
sally k on Google

I was the first dentist to find cavities in my 4-year-old daughter. The first time, he first looked at and touched the dentist's tools so as not to be afraid of treatment. After that, I looked at my teeth and looked at the child's appearance, so it seemed okay, so I brushed a little and finished. This first time seems to have dispelled the fear of the dentist. I was treated for the second time. Both the doctor and the assistant were kind and great, and they praised me for doing my best and doing well, so my children did their best too! When you're done, you can give me coins and grab it ♪ It's a beautiful and nice place! it's recommended!
はらぺこ on Google

長時間椅子に座っての治療が苦手な人や、子供には早くてとても良いと思いますが、丁寧な治療を希望する人には向きません。 建物も新しく綺麗で、治療も早いと良い評判を聞き通い出しましたが、その評判に期待をし過ぎました。 初回サービスかと思う口ぶりの歯石取りやクリーニング等は、通常通りしっかりと料金を取られます。 口を開け口内を触れられている際に返事が必要な質問をされたり、治療後に鏡を見ての確認等もほとんどありません。 治療中は器具が他の歯に強く当たる事もあり、欠けないか心配になります。通い出してから虫歯も明らかに増えました。 たまたまかなと目を瞑る事も何度かありましたが、不安になってきたのでセカンドオピニオンか他の歯医者に通う事を検討中です。 質問した事には丁寧に返答いただけたりと先生はお優しいのですが、早さを売りにしている感じです。
I think it is very good for people who are not good at sitting in a chair for a long time or for children, but it is not suitable for people who want careful treatment. I heard a good reputation that the building is new and beautiful and the treatment is quick, but I was expecting too much from that reputation. You will be charged for the tartar removal and cleaning of your mouth, which you think is the first service, as usual. When I open my mouth and touch my mouth, I rarely ask questions that need to be answered, and I rarely look in the mirror after treatment. During the treatment, the device may hit other teeth strongly, and I am worried that it will not be chipped. The number of cavities has obviously increased since I went out. I happened to close my eyes several times, but I'm getting anxious, so I'm considering going to a second opinion or another dentist. The teacher is kind enough to answer the questions politely, but I feel that he is selling the speed.
しゅうたん on Google

大人にも子供にもおすすめな歯医者です!! 他の歯医者で虫歯治療をしていましたが、いつまでたっても治療が終わらないため、セカンドオピニオンで受診しました。 すると、1回通って治療が終わり、前の歯医者で治してもらった虫歯が取りきれてなかったようでその歯も気づき治してくれました。 前の歯医者がどれだけ酷かったか、石井歯科さんのおかげで分かりました。 治療内容の説明を丁寧にして頂き、画像を交えながら自分の歯の状態を理解できました。 自分が通って、とても信頼でき腕の良い先生だと分かったので子供達も石井歯科さんにお願いするようになりました。 子供のタイミングに合わせてくれ、最後には頑張ったご褒美にガチャガチャのコインをくれ、待合室にあるガチャガチャで消しゴムのおもちゃがもらえます! 子供達はそれを楽しみに、歯医者行くぞ!っとなるので助かっています。 これからも利用したいです。
A dentist recommended for both adults and children! !! I had been treating cavities at another dentist, but the treatment never ended, so I went to a second opinion. Then, after going through the treatment once, it seemed that the cavities that had been healed by the previous dentist could not be removed, and he noticed and healed those teeth. Thanks to Mr. Ishii Dental, I knew how terrible my previous dentist was. I was able to understand the condition of my teeth by carefully explaining the treatment details and using images. As I went through and found out that I was a very reliable and skillful teacher, my children started to ask Mr. Ishii Dental. At the end, you can get coins for Gacha Gacha as a reward for your hard work, and you can get an eraser toy at Gacha Gacha in the waiting room! Kids are looking forward to it and will go to the dentist! I am saved because it makes me feel better. I want to continue using it.
ひだぴょんとらら on Google

被せをしている歯が欠けて治療していただきました。麻酔も痛みが無く、技術の高い先生でしたので、ナイトガード(マウスピース)もお願いしました。 出来が良く違和感なく使用しています。とても快適ですよ。頼って来られる患者さんも多いようにお見かけしますので、予約は絶対必要だと思います。安心できる先生で良かったです。
The tooth I was covering was missing and I was treated. The anesthesia was painless and he was a highly skilled teacher, so I asked for a night guard (mouthpiece). It is well made and used without any discomfort. It's very comfortable. It seems that many patients can rely on us, so I think it is absolutely necessary to make a reservation. I'm glad I was a reassuring teacher.
h s on Google

以前子どもを通わせていた歯医者が最悪で 周りの評判が良かった石井歯科さんに 1年以上前から通わせています。 子供が4歳のころから通わせているのですが 最初、前の歯医者にひどい荒治療をされ、 もう歯医者さん自体、 子供が完全に拒絶している状況でした。 処置室に入るのも一苦労。 治療なんて絶対無理の状況からの スタートでしたが、事情を説明すると、 歯科助手さん、石井先生、皆さんすごく優しく対応して下さいました。 最初は機械を触らせてあげたり フッ素の味を選ばせてあげたり、 2回目は歯磨きからやってみたり…と。 ゆっくり慣らしてくれました。 数回慣らした後、 いざ治療!となったのですが やはり前の荒治療を思い出してしまったようで大泣きし、部屋から出てしまい治療できず…。他に待っている方もいるのに 30分以上子どもに時間をかけてしまいました…。こちらがすみませんと謝ると 全然大丈夫ですよ!もう少し 慣らしましょうねと優しく言ってくださり…お会計も処置してないのでいらないですよとの事で… 本当に優しく対応して下さいました( ; ; ) 数回慣らしを重ね、無事治療出来ました! 現在も石井歯科さんにお世話になっており おかげさまで今は治療も怖がる事なく 子どもが定期検診を先生に会える〜!と 楽しみにしているくらいです☺︎ 下の子の歯の相談にも気軽に乗ってくださり 石井先生はもちろん 歯科助手さんたちもいつもニコニコで 子供に優しく接して下さり 怖がっていたら手を握って優しくトントンと 落ち着かせてくれています☺︎ 治療もとても早く一度子供の歯を抜いた時は あまりの手際の良さにこちらが びっくりしてしまったくらいです!笑 本当にいい歯医者さんに 出会えてよかったです! 子どもが怖がらない歯医者さんを 探している方はかなりおすすめです! これからもお世話になります(*´꒳`*)
The dentist who used to send children is the worst To Mr. Ishii Dental, who had a good reputation around him I have been attending for over a year. I've been attending since my child was 4 years old At first, the previous dentist gave me a terrible rough treatment, The dentist himself It was a situation where the child was completely rejecting. It's hard to get into the treatment room. From a situation where treatment is absolutely impossible It was a start, but to explain the situation, Dental assistant, Dr. Ishii, everyone kindly responded. At first, let me touch the machine Let me choose the taste of fluorine, The second time I tried brushing my teeth ... He got used to it slowly. After getting used to it a few times Treatment! It became After all, he cried so much that he remembered the previous rough treatment, and he got out of the room and couldn't treat it ... There are other people waiting I spent more than 30 minutes on my child ... If you apologize for this, I'm sorry It's okay at all! A little more Please kindly tell me to get used to it ... I don't need it because I haven't paid for it ... Thank you very much for your kindness (;;) After repeated break-in several times, I was able to treat it safely! I am still indebted to Mr. Ishii Dental Thanks to you, I'm not afraid of treatment now Children can meet the teacher for regular checkups! When I'm looking forward to it ☺︎ Feel free to get in touch with your younger child's teeth. Of course Mr. Ishii Dental assistants are always smiling Kindly treat your child If you're scared, hold your hand and gently It calms me down ☺︎ Treatment is very quick, once the child's teeth are pulled out This is because of its great dexterity I was surprised! Lol To a really good dentist I'm glad I met you! A dentist who is not afraid of children Those who are looking for it are highly recommended! Thank you for your continued support (* ´꒳` *)

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