Kissa-Jin Cafe - 2961-1 Nakatsugawa

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kissa-Jin Cafe

住所 :

2961-1 Nakatsugawa, Gifu 508-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 508-0001
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM

2961-1 Nakatsugawa, Gifu 508-0001, Japan
修蓮孔優 on Google

The atmosphere was good, the food was good, the hospitality was good, and it was the best cafe for me. I will go again ♪
いちごケーキ on Google

モコモコパフェ(チョコ)いただきました? ソフトクリームもチョコもあっさりしていて、食べやすかったです! 友達の食べた抹茶は間に白玉、小豆が入ってました。かなりボリュームがあるので完食した頃には身体が良い感じで冷えました。(笑) お店は落ち着いた雰囲気で、Wi-fiも使えます。
Mokomoko Parfait (chocolate) I got it ? The soft serve ice cream and chocolate were light and easy to eat! The matcha that my friend ate had white balls and red beans in between. There is a lot of volume, so when I finished eating, my body felt good and became cold. (Lol) The shop has a calm atmosphere and you can use Wi-fi.
荒井里美 on Google

Frequently visited cafes ? Desserts are all delicious ? It seems that there is a matcha dessert, so I want to eat it soon ?
Flowerまる on Google

いちごパフェ!美味しかったです? お店の人も気さくでいい感じです‼️ 残念だったのはせっかくの美味しいスイーツなのに写真を撮りまくって全然食べようとしなかった他のお客さん? …と言っても早く食べてくださいとは言えませんけどね?
Strawberry parfait! It was delicious ? The shop staff is also friendly and nice! ️ It was a pity that other customers who took pictures and didn't try to eat at all even though it was a delicious dessert ?… I can't say that you should eat it as soon as possible ?
SMILE KOA on Google

お店やお庭の雰囲気がとても素敵でした。 重厚感のある店内で、とても落ち着けます。 お皿もお店の雰囲気にあってるなと思いました。 コーヒーもデザートのバスクチーズケーキも美味しかったです。デザートは日替わりで変わるみたいなので、また違う日にも訪れたいなと思います。 近所の方々?が多くいらっしゃいました。女性客が多かったです。カウンターもあったので、1人で来てもゆっくり過ごせるかなと思います。
The atmosphere of the shops and garden was very nice. It is very calm in the profound store. I thought that the dishes would match the atmosphere of the shop. Coffee and dessert Basque cheesecake were delicious. Desserts change every day, so I'd like to visit again on another day. Neighbors? There were a lot of people. There were many female customers. There is also a counter, so I think that you can spend your time slowly even if you come alone.
永野拳 on Google

国道19号沿いの道を曲がってすぐにこんなカフェがあるとは、情報は仕入れないとだめだなあとつくづく感じました。 駐車場はちょっと停めにくいので注意。 かわいい、というより落ち着いた雰囲気の店です。 スイーツの「宝石箱」はシェアOKなので、つついて食べましょう。 コーヒーは定番のブレンド以外に エチオピア グァテマラ マンデリン と、3つの種類の豆を焙煎度合い(浅煎り、中煎り、深煎り)で分けてあります。 また、ランチにいくらしらす丼が食べられます。これは、隣にこじんまりとしたお魚屋さんがあったので、その関係かと。 次回はランチを食べに行こうかと思います。
I felt that it would be useless if I didn't purchase the information that there was such a cafe right after turning the road along Route 19. Please note that the parking lot is a little difficult to park. It's a shop with a calm atmosphere rather than cute. You can share the sweets "jewelry box", so let's poke it. Coffee is not a standard blend Ethiopia Guatemala Mandelin And, three kinds of beans are divided according to the degree of roasting (light roasting, medium roasting, deep roasting). You can also eat a bowl of salmon roe for lunch. I wonder if this is related to the fact that there was a small fishmonger next door. Next time I'm going to have lunch.
和装和ごころ研究家 秋田桃子 on Google

喫茶店だけどランチを侮るなかれ! 海鮮丼にモコモコソフトも付いてくる♪ オススメです。
It's a coffee shop, but don't underestimate lunch! Mokomoko software is also included in the seafood bowl ♪ I recommend it.
popocron (ポポクロン) on Google

手作り満載の素敵なお店♪ 拘りが至る所に!ティラミス絶品すぎました。 ソフトクリームもミニちゃうかった! 定期的に訪れたい。雰囲気も含めて和みながら楽しむお店
A nice shop full of handmade ♪ Insistence is everywhere! Tiramisu was too exquisite. The soft serve ice cream was also mini! I want to visit regularly. A shop where you can enjoy while relaxing, including the atmosphere

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