株式会社 東宝ハウス新都心

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社 東宝ハウス新都心

住所 :

Kishikicho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0843 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://www.tohohouse-sts.co.jp/
街 : Saitama

Kishikicho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0843 Saitama,Japan
濵内教行 on Google

対応が素晴らしく、とても勉強になりました。 場所も駅から近く清潔感があり、 女性の方でも伺いやすい雰囲気だと感じました。
The response was excellent and I learned a lot. The place is also near the station and there is a feeling of cleanliness, I felt that the atmosphere was easy for women to ask.
I T on Google

I asked for mediation of a new house. I was very satisfied with the mortgage loan as well as the property, and I was able to purchase a very satisfying home. Thank you very much.
Rino Hanafusa on Google

We confidently recommend it to anyone looking for a home.
Yoshihiko Maehara on Google

物件の良さもさることながら、担当の久保さんの人間のあたたかさに触れてとても良い出会いになりました。 アフターサービスも充実しているようで、これからも末永いお付き合いをよろしくお願いいたします。
Not only the goodness of the property, but also the warmth of the person in charge, Mr. Kubo, made me a very good encounter. After-sales service seems to be substantial, and we look forward to your continued relationship with us.
hayato goto on Google

I'm really glad that Mr. Ishibashi was in charge of this time. I think it was because of Mr. Ishibashi's atmosphere that I was able to meet a good property and the image of the house looked bright and nice. Thank you for making my home the best, even though there were other people who wanted it.
山田豪史 on Google

Not only the person in charge but also the staff were very kind and I was able to leave it at ease. After-sales support is also solid, and it seems that you can leave everything in your future life with peace of mind.
髙橋淳子 on Google

It was helpful to have a system called Miracare Club where you can ask about how to apply for living benefits and final tax returns after purchasing a house. I'm very grateful because I didn't know what to do after I bought the house.
withyou 0125 on Google

高い金利で色々とローンを組ませようとしてくる悪質な不動産。 担当者がかなり悪質でしたので、ここで購入するのは不快だと思い、やめた。 言葉遣いが、幼稚で不快にさせてくる。 買う意思がないと分かると、対応が適当になる。 購入検討してるこちらに寄り添う姿勢は見られない。

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