
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

- Shikouseisou-osaka.jp



Contact 四條畷市交野市清掃施設組合(四交クリーンセンター)

住所 :

Kisaichi, Katano, 〒576-0004 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878999
Webサイト : http://www.shikouseisou-osaka.jp/
街 : Osaka

Kisaichi, Katano, 〒576-0004 Osaka,Japan
中村定彰 on Google

西ノ薗英幸 on Google

しおしょうゆ on Google

中に電気自動車用の充電器と公園がありますが使用はできなさそうです。 もったいない
There is a charger and park for electric vehicles inside, but it seems that it can not be used. Wasteful
Naoto Zushi on Google

四條畷交野市の二市が運営するゴミ処理施設 清潔そのもので異臭などはまったくない 職員の方の説明もとても丁寧
Garbage disposal facility run by two cities in Shijonawate Katano Clean itself and no odor at all The explanation by the staff is also very polite
M ino on Google

It is a waste-fired power plant manufactured by Kawasaki Heavy Industries, located in a mountainous area that cannot be seen from the city, and is a clean center with recycling equipment. In addition, even ordinary citizens can bring in oversized garbage directly.
山本美樹男 on Google

Citizens can bring in non-burnable garbage and oversized garbage. I was able to cleanly organize the large trash that was no longer needed. Advance reservation is required.
くるみポンチ on Google

粗大ゴミの持ち込みは休日でも車ならとてもスムーズにできます。 あらかじめコンビニで券を買って電話予約して、当日持ち込みになります。 土日の午前でも予約制なので入口の受付で名前を書いてから10分かからない程度でした。
Bringing in oversized garbage can be done very smoothly by car even on holidays. You can buy a ticket at a convenience store in advance, make a phone reservation, and bring it on the day. Even on Saturday and Sunday mornings, reservations are required, so it took less than 10 minutes after I wrote my name at the reception desk at the entrance.
gu福太郎 on Google

粗大ごみの持ち込みで今回初めて利用しました。 前日までに電話で予約をする必要があります。 その際に何をいくつ持ち込むのか、各ごみのおおよそのサイズの確認があります。 また、通常の粗大ごみを出すのと同様に自治体の粗大ごみ処理券をあらかじめ購入して持参する必要があります。 いくら分必要になるかは予約時に説明があります。 新しい施設だけあって構内はとてもきれいで対応いただいた方もみなさんとても親切でした。
I used it for the first time this time because I brought in oversized garbage. You must make a reservation by phone the day before. At that time, there is a confirmation of the approximate size of each garbage, what to bring and how many. In addition, you need to purchase and bring a municipal oversized garbage disposal ticket in advance, just as you would with regular oversized garbage. How much you will need will be explained at the time of booking. There was only a new facility, and the premises were very clean, and all the people who responded were very kind.

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