Kinohana Clinic

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kinohana Clinic

住所 :

Taishido, Setagaya City, 〒154-0004 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト :
街 : Tokyo

Taishido, Setagaya City, 〒154-0004 Tokyo,Japan
shinichi sudo on Google

The teachers and nurses are all kind and the response is great.
yu-suke on Google

体調が悪く風邪かな?と思い初めて行きました。 待ち時間も少なくとてもスムーズに診察と検査をしてもらいました。 結果的に風邪ではなかったので行って良かったです。 ありがとうございました。
Are you sick and have a cold? I went for the first time thinking. There was no waiting time and I had the examination and inspection proceeded very smoothly. As a result, I didn't have a cold so I'm glad I went. Thank you very much.
にゃんこぷいぷい on Google

先生は良く人を褒めてくれる方で 人を伸ばすのが上手な方だと思いました。 禁煙外来に来て人に褒めもらえるなんて 思ってもみませんでした。 お陰でやる気が湧いて 通って先生の顔を見ようと 思う気持ちになります。
In a teacher who gives up people well I thought it was a good person to stretch people. I would like to come to a non-smoking outpatient and have people give up I did not think it. I am motivated by thanks I want to go through and see the teacher's face I feel like I feel.
madoka on Google

平日の夜、風邪の診察で急遽お邪魔しました。 受付の方も、先生もとても優しく感じの良い方で、必要十分なコミュニケーション。待ち時間も少なく、案内も的確でとても良かったです。
On a weekday night, I was suddenly disturbed by a cold examination. The receptionist and the teacher are both very kind and pleasant, and necessary and sufficient communication. The waiting time was small and the guidance was accurate and very good.
Hiroyuki Ozaki on Google

Web問診票を導入されていて、すごく便利でした。 インフルエンザの予防接種を受けに行きましたが、在宅で問診票入力、保険証の提出が終わっているので、検温→予防接種→お会計で滞在時間10分程度。凄くスムーズでした。
The Web questionnaire was introduced and it was very convenient. I went to get a flu shot, but since I have already entered the questionnaire and submitted my health insurance card at home, it takes about 10 minutes to stay at the temperature measurement → vaccination → checkout. It was very smooth.
鎌田祐也 on Google

妻が妊娠初期の悪阻で軽度の脱水症状になったときに点滴が可能か問い合わせた際、お盆前で忙しい時期にも関わらず快く受け入れてくださいました。 処置の際にも皆さん本当に優しく、妻も安心して、点滴が終わる頃には顔色も良くなり精神的にも回復していました。本当に感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです!
When my wife asked if IV drip is possible when she suffered from mild dehydration due to early embargo, she kindly accepted it despite the busy period in front of Obon. During the procedure, everyone was really kind and my wife was relieved. By the end of the drip, my complexion had improved and I had recovered mentally. I'm really grateful!
Mamaru on Google

Thanks to this teacher, I succeeded in quitting smoking! I regret why I didn't go earlier. At the end, I was very happy to have the hospital staff bless me! The receptionist is also very kind, and it is a very good hospital with the teacher's personality overflowing in the hospital.
はしたく on Google

先日利用させていただきました。 電話対応から先生の対応まで全て親切に対応してくださり、また何かあったらこのクリニックを利用したいと思いました。患者さん1人1人に親身になり話を聞いてくださっている様子が伺えました。いままで病院やクリニックを利用してきたことはもちろんありますがここのクリニックの素晴らしさが少しでもみなさんに届けばと思い口コミさせていただきます。
I used it the other day. He kindly responded to everything from telephone calls to teachers, and I wanted to use this clinic if something went wrong. I heard that each patient was kind and listened to the story. Of course, I have used hospitals and clinics so far, but I would like to make a word of mouth if I can bring the wonderfulness of the clinic here to everyone.

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