3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

Torihamacho, Kanazawa Ward, Yokohama, 〒236-0002 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–9PM
Sunday 9AM–9PM
Monday 9AM–9PM
Tuesday 9AM–9PM
Wednesday 9AM–9PM
Thursday 9AM–9PM
Friday 9AM–9PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Torihamacho, Kanazawa Ward, Yokohama, 〒236-0002 Kanagawa,Japan
T H on Google

There is a space where children can play in the large store, which is helpful for families with children. The interior is fashionable and natural with the warmth of wood. I felt that I was cooking properly. If the chicken cutlet is charred butter sauce, it overlaps with the fat of the chicken, so I felt it was awkward. There is a demerit that butter soaks into rice. It's common in cafe-type stores, but I'm waiting for a response because of the low priority and attention to customers entering the store. Serving is important, but since the number of staff is large, I think it's a good idea to always pay attention to the entrance.
Ram on Google

アド街ック天国の横浜南部市場を見て絶対行きたいと思って行ってきたのですが、こちらもとっても素敵なところでした。 ブランチ横浜南部市場の通りを、八百屋さんやお肉屋さんの前を通りいちばん奥まで進んだら、オシャレなレストラン「kino-COCOCHI(キノココチ)」があります。 元々は家具のお店だそうで、家具や雑貨に囲まれ、海の見える広場がそばに見える素敵な店内。広々とした席でキッズスペースもあり、ゆったり過ごせました。 お食事メニューには15種類以上のサラダバー・スープ・ポップオーバーセットになっていました。 キッズメニューやスイーツメニューも豊富でした。 インスタアカウントフォローでミニソフトプレゼントもあります!牧場で作ってる?!って思う程濃厚なソフトクリームで美味しかったので、ぜひこちらもお忘れなく♡ キッズメニュー(おもちゃ付き)や小さな椅子もありました。赤ちゃんも子どももみんなが過ごしやすいお店ですね。 ・10品目のCOCOCCIランチプレート(限定30食) ・プレミアムハンバーグ ・ペスカトーレスパゲッティ ・ソーセージとコーンマヨのピッツァ ・フィッシュ&チップス
I went to see the southern Yokohama market in the ad street heaven, and I definitely wanted to go there, but this was a wonderful place. If you go down the street of the branch Yokohama Southern Market, passing in front of greengrocers and butchers to the innermost part, you will find the fashionable restaurant "kino-COCOCHI". Originally it seems to be a furniture shop, surrounded by furniture and miscellaneous goods, and a nice interior where you can see the open space with a view of the sea. There was a kids' space with spacious seats, so I was able to spend a relaxing time. The meal menu included more than 15 types of salad bars, soups, and popover sets. The kids menu and sweets menu were also abundant. There is also a mini software gift by following the Instagram account! Are you making it on the ranch? !! The soft serve ice cream was so thick that I thought it was delicious, so don't forget this too ♡ There was also a kids menu (with toys) and small chairs. It's a shop where everyone, both babies and children, can spend time comfortably. ・ 10 items of COCOCCI lunch plate (limited to 30 meals) ・ Premium hamburger ・ Pescatores spaghetti ・ Pizza with sausage and corn mayo ・ Fish & chips
X XX on Google

平日の15時頃に遅めのランチで利用したせいか、比較的空いていて静かでゆったり出来ました。 注文したのは、ランチメニューのカレー。 サラダとパンとスープがブッフェ形式で付いてきます。 サラダは水菜や大根、海藻、レタス、コーン、ビーンズといった具合でこれと言って充実している感じはしませせんでしたが金額を考えれば十分かなと。 しいて言えばノンオイルのドレッシングが欲しいところ。サラダ食べて太っちゃったら意味なしおですからね。 スープは油っぽくて甘くてあまり好みではありませんでした。他に、フライドポテトや白身魚のフライ等もありました。 肝心のカレーは大きな器に盛られてきて、 とても美味しそうです。 味はレトルトっぽい味でココナッツが多少効いてるのでしょうか? 最初は甘めなのですが最後にピリッとスパイシーさも感じられ、レトルト好きの私にはピッタリ。 ボリュームもしっかりありお腹一杯になりました。 雰囲気は全体的にナチュラルでとてもオシャレです。 中央らへんには、子供が遊べるスペースがあり、 我が子も途中から食事そっちのけですっかり遊びに夢中に。 有名ホテルのブッフェと比べると当然内容は劣るのですが、ちょうど良い価格設定と子供も楽しめて親もゆっくり食事ができると考えれば、コスパがよく子連れの家族には特にオススメ出来ると思います。 店員さんも親切で感じが良かったです。 ごちそう様でした!
It was relatively vacant, quiet and relaxing, probably because I used it for a late lunch around 15:00 on weekdays. I ordered the curry from the lunch menu. Salad, bread and soup are included in a buffet style. I didn't feel that the salad was full with water vegetables, radishes, seaweed, lettuce, corn, beans, etc., but I think it's enough considering the amount. Speaking of which, I want a non-oil dressing. It doesn't make sense if you eat salad and get fat. The soup was oily and sweet and I didn't really like it. There were also french fries and fried white fish. The essential curry has been served in a large bowl, It looks very delicious. The taste is retort-like and is coconut working a little? It's sweet at first, but at the end it feels spicy and spicy, which is perfect for me who loves retort. The volume was solid and I was full. The atmosphere is generally natural and very fashionable. There is a space for children to play in the center. My child is completely absorbed in playing with the meal from the middle. Of course, the contents are inferior to the buffet of a famous hotel, but considering that the price is just right and that children can enjoy and parents can eat slowly, I think that cospa is especially recommended for families with children. The clerk was also kind and nice. thank you for the food!
Saya Yoshi on Google

週末は、横浜南部市場 食の専門店街 -SHOKUSENGAIや、三井アウトレットパーク 横浜ベイサイドでのお買い物からの kino-COCOCHI yokohama(キノココチヨコハマ) @kinococochi_yokohama でディナー。 BRANCH横浜南部市場施設奥、海が見える海辺広場前の開放感あふれる大きなカフェレストランです。 ディナータイムは、夕日や夜空がとても綺麗なロケーションで、目の前は海風を感じられる広場なの。 昼間も、明るく開放的な景色が楽しめるし、心地よいライフスタイルをカタチにした空間づくりにこだわっていて素敵。 家具や雑貨も扱っていて、店内は木のぬくもりを感じられます。暖かい時期は、テラスも気持ちよさそう。 カフェレストランは店内90席以上、ゆっくりくつろげるソファ席、子供が遊べるキッズスペースがあるのでファミリーやママ友との利用にもおすすめ。 お食事も、それぞれが頼んだものに大満足。 どれも美味しくて、自家製ドレッシングや野菜たっぷり、魚介たっぷりなど贅沢なプレートにテンションが上がりました。 子供を連れていきやすいお店って、どうしてもお料理は思ったようじゃなかったりすることもあったりするんだけれど。。。 ここは、心にも体も満たされるお料理がいただけるのが嬉しかった。 オーダーしたのは・・・ ペスカトーレスパゲッティ―香草焦がしバターソースで キノコと海老の和風パスタ スペシャルキッズプレート シーザーサラダ 半熟卵のせ 生ハムやアヒージョ、バーニャカウダなどのタパスも充実。 今回デザートは食べられなかったんだけれど、 デザートも人気のニューヨークチーズケーキやランチ限定のスフレパンケーキも人気らしいので次回食べてみたいです。 ドライブがてら、ティータイム、ランチ、ディナーなどまた利用したいお店の一つを見つけました
On weekends, from shopping at Yokohama Southern Market Food Specialty Store-SHOKUSENGAI and Mitsui Outlet Park Yokohama Bayside kino-COCOCHI yokohama Dinner at @kinococochi_yokohama. BRANCH Yokohama Nanbu Market A large cafe restaurant with a feeling of openness in front of the seaside plaza where you can see the sea. At dinner time, the sunset and night sky are very beautiful, and in front of you you can feel the sea breeze. Even in the daytime, you can enjoy bright and open scenery, and it is wonderful to be particular about creating a space that gives shape to a comfortable lifestyle. We also handle furniture and miscellaneous goods, and you can feel the warmth of wood inside the store. The terrace looks good during the warmer months. The cafe restaurant has more than 90 seats, sofa seats where you can relax, and a kids' space where children can play, so it is recommended for use with family and mom friends. I am very satisfied with the food I ordered. All of them were delicious, and I was excited about the luxurious plates such as homemade dressing, plenty of vegetables, and plenty of seafood. At a restaurant where it's easy to bring children, there are times when the food doesn't seem to be what you expected. .. .. I was happy to have a dish that will satisfy my body and soul. I ordered ... Pescatores spaghetti-with herb charred butter sauce Japanese-style pasta with mushrooms and shrimp Special kids plate Caesar salad with soft-boiled egg Tapas such as prosciutto, ajillo, and Bagna cauda are also available. I couldn't eat dessert this time, New York cheesecake, which is also popular for dessert, and souffle pancakes, which are limited to lunch, are also popular, so I would like to try them next time. I found one of the shops I would like to visit again, such as driving, tea time, lunch, dinner, etc.
スイーツ王子Rui on Google

訪れたのは、神奈川県横浜市金沢区にある「kino-COCOCHI yokohama」 開放的な温かな空間 木の心地は居心地良し その様正に夢見心地 ブランチ横浜南部市場の奥 夕日や夜空が映えるロケーション 女子受け必至の気持ち良さ キッズスペースありでママにも優しい |AfternoonTea 14:00-17:00限定メニュー ・ニューヨークチーズケーキ ・カソナードショコラ ・シフォンケーキ2種 ・プリン ・プチタルト5種 甘味が奏でるアンサンブル 10種の盛合せに酔いしれる。 |3種のココットグラタン 赤・白・青の3種のグラタン 好・喜・嬉の3種の感情抑えきれず ・ポルチーニグラタン ・ポークポトフ ・エッグカレー 3色ドリアを楽しめるだけで贅沢なのに 15品目のサラダバー、スープ、ポップオーバーまで付いてくる 神コスパとはコレのこと 贅沢仕様に酔いしれる。
I visited "kino-COCOCHI yokohama" in Kanazawa Ward, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture. An open and warm space The comfort of the wood is cozy That's exactly how you dream Branch Yokohama Southern Market Location where the sunset and night sky shine Inevitable comfort for girls There is a kids space and it is kind to moms | Afternoon Tea 14: 00-17: 00 limited menu ・ New York cheesecake ・ Casonard Chocolat ・ Two kinds of chiffon cake ·Pudding ・ 5 kinds of petite tarts Ensemble with sweetness I get drunk with the assortment of 10 kinds. | 3 kinds of cocotte gratin Three types of gratin, red, white and blue I can't control the three emotions of good, happy, and happy ・ Porcini gratin ・ Pork Potov ・ Egg curry Even though it's luxurious just to enjoy the three-color Doria Comes with 15 salad bars, soups and popovers God cospa is this Get drunk with luxury specifications.
Clay Cook on Google

Very nice salad bar and pasta!
Michael Westbay (Westbaystars) on Google

Barrier free interior with lots of room between tables. The salad bar is all up high, not very wheelchair accessible. But there are plenty of non-oil selections.
Annie Sobol on Google

Stopped for a quick bite during lunch time. Had the lunch special with salad bar and coffee set. The salad bar was basic and fresh. The service was friendly and they had plenty of seats available. The restaurant is located within the shopping area of Branch Yokohama Nanbu Market. Parking is free - use the ticket at the machine before leaving elevator area.

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