Kimura Internal Medicine Clinic - Takizawa

1.5/5 に基づく 4 レビュー

Contact Kimura Internal Medicine Clinic

住所 :

310-102 Tsuchizawa, Takizawa, Iwate 020-0638, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8999
Postal code : 020-0638

310-102 Tsuchizawa, Takizawa, Iwate 020-0638, Japan
天音灰宮 on Google

診察してすぐに説教 その中でも何かアドバイスもらえるのかと耐えていても、治療の術なんかないとさじを投げられ、挙句馬鹿にされる 2度と行かねー
Preaching immediately after examination Even though I could endure that I could get some advice, I was thrown a spoon if I had no treatment, and I was foolish. I'll never go again
まいおお on Google

I think it's good for people who have a hard time waiting because it's relatively free, but it's not suitable for people who want to have a proper medical examination. I thought I wouldn't have a flu test even though I had a high fever.
岩人 on Google

以前、胃の検査をお願いした事があるが 「予約が必要だ」とまるでそんな事も知らないのかとでも言いたげな態度を取られる この時点でおかしいなとは思いつつも結局指定された日時に検査を受け、結果は異常なし その際もこっちが抱えていた不安を煽るかの様な小馬鹿にした態度を取ってきた あまりにも失礼だと感じたのでこちらからも強く言い返したが 「じゃお薬出します」とあからさまに嫌そうに言われる始末 患者の悩みに対してきちんと耳を傾け対応してくれる病院が他にもある中で あえてこういう場所を選ぶメリットはないと思っている
I've asked you for a stomach test before `` I need a reservation '' as if I do not know such a thing At this point, the test was conducted at the specified date and time, but the results were normal At that time, I took a small foolish attitude as if to incite the anxiety I was having I felt so rude that I strongly replied here The disposition that is obviously told to hate "I'll take your medicine" While there are other hospitals that listen and respond to patients' worries I don't think there is any advantage to choosing such a place
なゆう on Google

医院長の対応はとても悪いと思います。以前、体調が悪く目眩を起こした時受診しましたが、それはあんたの生活習慣の乱れで甘ったれてんじゃないの?と言われました。その後別の病院に行き、循環器の病気が見つかり入院しました。専門のはずなのに見つけれなかったここには二度と行かないと思ってました。 しかし、健康診断で引っかかり、この病院の息子さんが心臓系の専門だと勧められ再度受診することになりました。 息子さんの診察はとても丁寧で、検査もしっかりしてくれました。 看護師さんもいい人ばかりでしたので、息子さんの時には受診しようと思います。
I think the doctor's response is very bad. I had a medical examination before when I was sick and dizzy, but isn't it because of your disorder in your lifestyle? They said. After that, I went to another hospital and found a cardiovascular disease and was hospitalized. I was supposed to be a specialist, but I couldn't find it, so I thought I would never go again. However, I was caught in a medical examination and was recommended to have a son of this hospital specializing in the heart system, so I decided to have another visit. The son's examination was very polite and the inspection was solid. The nurses were all good people, so I think that I will have a medical examination when I am a son.

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