Kimchi land Tsuruhashi - Osaka

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kimchi land Tsuruhashi

住所 :

2 Chome-8-21 Tsuruhashi, Ikuno Ward, Osaka, 544-0031, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 544-0031
Webサイト :

2 Chome-8-21 Tsuruhashi, Ikuno Ward, Osaka, 544-0031, Japan
山田眞希子 on Google

韓国好きにはたまらない! チャミスルがいろんな味があって感動した! 何度も期待場所です。
It's irresistible for Korean lovers! I was impressed by the various flavors of chamisul! It is an expected place many times.
George GK on Google

お店拡大して、品揃えも増え、移転されてからも重宝してます。鶴橋駅から御幸の森コリアンタウンまでの途中の商店街の中にあります。 荷物になるのわかっててもここで買うことが多いです。 お店の人は韓国のかたで家族経営なのかな?何人かいてます。買わないと無愛想な感じの人はいてますね!まあ、典型的な雰囲気です。比較的まだましだけど、、笑 今年になってから、写真のようにお客さんが列を作るようになって大繁盛!そうなれば、人って余裕ができるんでしょうか!とてもにこやかで、よい対応をしてくれます。ドリンクも増えました。私が買うのはえごまの粉やナツメ、ホットクの粉、乾麺など。。 韓国のスプーンやお箸も、少ないながら他で無いものを売っててそそられます。
The store has expanded, the product lineup has increased, and it has been useful even after it was relocated. It is located in the shopping district on the way from Tsuruhashi Station to Miyukimori Korean Town. Even if I know it will be a baggage, I often buy it here. Is the person in the shop a family-owned person in Korea? There are several people. Some people feel unfriendly if they don't buy it! Well, it's a typical atmosphere. It's still relatively good, but lol Since this year, customers have been lining up as shown in the photo, and it is very prosperous! If that happens, can people afford it? They are very smiling and will respond well. Drinks have also increased. I buy perilla flour, jujube, hotteok flour, dried noodles, etc. .. Korean spoons and chopsticks are also intriguing to sell, although they are few.
転生輪廻 on Google

Ramen was cheap. I will come again.
Ywhy Andy on Google

가게이름은 김치랜드인데 김치는 별로없고 종류도 적음. 대신에 다른거 과자나 음료, 술, 라면, 조미료, 양념장 등 종류가 엄청많아서 이것저것 살게 많거나 시간이 없을때는 여기서 한꺼번에 쇼핑하기 좋을 듯 합니다. 족발이나 냉장식품, 매운고추도 있네요. 하지만 다른 일본분들 리뷰에도 많이 적혀있는 것 처럼 가격은 약간 비싼편이에요. 시간이 많으시면 코리안타운까지 가셔서 구입하시는 것도 나쁘진 않을듯... 츠루하시역에서 걸어서 5분정도로 매우 가깝고 접근성 좋음. 가는길이 골목이 좁고 주말에 사람 많이 몰리면 계산할때 밖에까지 줄을 서야하는 경우도 가끔있습니다.
The store's name is Kimchi Land, but there are few types of kimchi. Instead, there are so many kinds of snacks, drinks, liquor, ramen, seasonings, seasonings, and so on, so it would be nice to shop here all at once when you have a lot to buy or have no time. There are also pork feet, refrigerated foods, and spicy peppers. However, as it is written in many reviews of other Japanese people, the price is a bit expensive. If you have a lot of time, it would not be bad to go to Korean Town and purchase it... Very close and easy access, about 5 minutes walk from Tsuruhashi Station. If the road to go is narrow and crowded on weekends, sometimes you have to line up outside to check out.
香取犬 on Google

韓国の珍しい品物が沢山あり、調味料やとうがらしの種類も沢山です。 韓国ならではの鍋等があり楽しいです。 私はチャンジャを買いましたが小さなスーパーマーケットの様な感じです。店員さんも親切です。
There are many rare Korean products, and there are many types of seasonings and chili peppers. It's fun to have hot pots that are unique to Korea. I bought a changer but it feels like a small supermarket. The clerk is also kind.
昌司小林 on Google

色んな食材が売ってます 今 話題の 地球?️グミも 売ってました お値段は 大体 こんなもんじゃないかな 安っ と思える物と 高っ と思うのがありました···
Various ingredients are on sale The much talked about Earth ?️ gummy was also on sale I think the price is like this There was something that seemed cheap and expensive ...
黒田美栄子 on Google

色んな韓国の食品が揃うお店。 私は、入荷しずらいバナナウユやピヨットを買いに行きます。 ポイントカードもあります。 でも、何より好きなのは、オンニが気さくで優しくて、 いつも楽しくお喋りしてます。
A shop where you can find various Korean foods. I go to buy banana uyu and pi yacht which are hard to arrive. There is also a point card. But what I like most is that Onni is friendly and kind. I always enjoy talking.
チャンネルペキみるブゥー on Google

韓国の商品が沢山あっていい(^^) 他の韓国食品店に比べるとキムチランドの方が少し安いと思います! 店員さんも優しい人ばかりなので商品について分からないことがあれば優しく答えてくれますよ!
It's okay to have a lot of Korean products (^^) I think Kimchi Land is a little cheaper than other Korean food stores! All the staff are kind, so if you have any questions about the product, they will answer kindly!

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