Kifune Shrine - Ota City

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kifune Shrine

住所 :

3 Chome-9-19 Omorihigashi, Ota City, Tokyo 143-0012, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 143-0012
Webサイト :

3 Chome-9-19 Omorihigashi, Ota City, Tokyo 143-0012, Japan
牟田安秀 on Google

I worshiped today and received the handwritten red stamp. Thank you very much for your kindness and politeness and for the cold tea. I will visit you again.
竹澤伸一 on Google

御朱印を頂きに参拝しました(3/11)。 拝殿の手前には小さな橋があります(しかも、その下を手水舎を水源となるようイメージした川を模した浅溝が境内を横切るように掘られているなど凝った造形になっています)。
We visited to receive the red stamp (3/11). There is a small bridge in front of the worship hall (in addition, a shallow groove imitating a river imitating the Temizuya as a water source is dug so as to cross the precincts) .
8939 497 on Google

大森貴舩神社。 御祭神は高龗神。
Omori Kifune Shrine. The god of ritual is Takanogami.
Akito Fuyu on Google

It's a shrine that is cherished locally.
きじばる潜狸 on Google

東京に貴舩神社があった…! 厳正寺参拝に合わせて付近のマップを見ていたら意外な神社を発見したので、併せて参拝しました。 ちなみに紛らわしいことに、京都の方は貴『船』神社、京都内の鞍馬街道筋にある深泥池の分社は貴『舩』、で大森のこちらも貴『舩』神社でした。じゃあ京都の総本山以外は貴『舩』なのかというと、品川にも貴『船』神社があるらしく、紛らわしくてよく分からない…。 ついでに当社のご近所にある公園は貴『船』堀公園です…。 けれども、今回は蛇窪神社ー厳正寺関連の由緒を探るのが目的なので、そこは気にしない事にします。 由緒書きはちょっとコントラストの関係で私の目には読みづらいため、他の参拝者の方の内容をコピー・編集させていただきましたが、厳正寺(創建当時は海岸寺)よりも先に当社はあったらしく、法圓上人が雨乞いの祈願をしたのは、この貴舩神社があったからでしょうね。 やはり神仏習合こそが古来の日本信仰…。 貴舩神社の祭神は高龗の神と呼ばれる龍神であり、もともと海苔の養殖地で漁業も行われていた大森らしいと言えますね。 私自身と海の体験を話しますと、漁業をしたことはありません。 ただ、宮崎カーフェリーに乗って宮崎から神戸に一晩の航海を何回か体験したことがあります。 初めて乗った時は、遠いフィリピン辺りの南海に日本には上陸しないはずの台風が発生したばかりの6月でした。しかし、宮崎港の突堤から外海に出ると途端に激しい揺れが船を襲います。その時は船酔いで吐き気がする中で、折角お金を払ったからと夕食のバイキングをおなかに詰め込んだ物でした。船員さんたちは皆腕を大きく広げて揺れに耐えていましたが…船内レストランも入浴も全て提供時間が迫っていたので乗客の皆様は熟練船員を上回るムーブメントを取った物でした。 食事と入浴を慌ただしく済ませると消灯時間がやって来ますが、なかなか寝付けません。船齢25年の旧式ディーゼルエンジンの振動もさることながら、波が凄いのです。宮崎カーフェリーの全長は170m。総トン数は11931トンに達し、黒船や咸臨丸よりも大きいのですが、台風をはらんだ海の前には笹の小舟と変わらず、夕食バイキングの後には船舶に掛かる波や負荷のフルコースでした。 これが横揺れのローリング、前後揺れのピッチングか、とか波間にフェリーが落ち込んだ時に船体がきしむ音で、ホギングやサギングなどの大昔に軍艦の入門本の図説を思い出した物でした。 海の男が強いとはこういう事なのです。 日々大自然と戦い、目には見えない航路や魚群を探し当て、的確に判断し、魚群が逃げないうちに漁を済ませ、漁獲物の鮮度が落ちない内に、或いは乗客や積み荷を安全確実に約束した時間までに港へ導かねばならないのです。 現代のシーマンや自衛官の教育の厳しさや、漁師の気性の荒さはこうした環境が育んだものです。 ましてや数人しか乗れない小舟で海に漕ぎ出し、科学も未発達な大森貴舩神社創建当時の鎌倉時代から前近代の漁業者にとって水を司る龍神というのは大変重要な物だったのでしょう。 さて、話を現代の貴舩神社に戻しましょう。 戦後の再建ながら木造の本殿の左隣に末社があります。 2軒ある右の質素な鳥居が由緒にある熊野神社で、左の赤い鳥居も鮮やかな末社が貴舩稲荷神社だそうです。 熊野と貴舩稲荷で扱いに差がありますが、貴舩の名前もついているし、お稲荷様はトヨウケヒメノミコトという女性らしいので、少しお洒落にしておかないといけませんね(汗)。 拝殿の前に小さな石造りのアーチ橋がありますが、この下は暗渠になっており、昔は小川が流れていたようです。せめて神社の中でも剥がしてあげれば良いのにとは思うのですが、暗渠から出たての水は悪臭を放ちますので、こればかりはどうしようもないですかね…。 当社ご近所のその名を冠した貴船堀公園もおそらく暗渠か堀を埋め立てて造った公園だろうと推察されますが…こうしたところからでもで水質を改善していかないと東京湾の酸素不足による環境の悪化は収まらないので、都や自治体には何とかしていただきたい物です。下水場で基準値まで処理した水を流すとか、下水管の清掃など、出来ることはあると思います。 自分語りが過ぎましたが、このコロナのご時世で17:00近くにもかかわらず、宮司さんは手書きで御朱印を書いていただけました。 まだまだ東京は知られていない、過去のよすがを探る場所がいっぱいあります。 それをできるだけ見たい、と私は思います。 [由緒] 創建年代は不詳。 社伝によれば、第90代亀山天皇 文永3年(1266年)年6月3日、鎌倉の人 より田中大夫が海岸寺(現在の厳正寺)の開祖・法圓上人(北条重時の六男)とともに当地に転居し、奉持していた氏神である熊野神社を末社として当社に祀ったという。 このことから、厳正寺の建立以前の平安時代より鎮座し1000年に及ぶ歴史を有すると推測される。 三頭の龍が神使として仕えているといわれ、あさりを断って祈願すれば腫物が治癒するという伝承があった。 明治5年(1872年)村社に列し、明治18(1885)年に大森総鎮守となる。 文化10年(1813年)に造営された社殿は関東大震災で倒壊し、再建された社殿も昭和20年(1945年)4月の空襲で焼失した。 戦後昭和26年(1951年)から5年の歳月をかけ、昭和30年(1955年)に現社殿が再建されている。
There was a Kifune Shrine in Tokyo ...! When I was looking at the map around Genseiji Temple, I found an unexpected shrine, so I visited it at the same time. By the way, it is confusing that the Kyoto person was Kifune Shrine, the branch of Midorogaike on the Kurama Kaido in Kyoto was Kifune, and Omori was also Kifune Shrine. Then, if it is your "Fune" other than the head temple of Kyoto, it seems that there is also your "Fune" shrine in Shinagawa, so it is confusing and I do not understand well. By the way, the park in our neighborhood is Kifune Hori Park ... However, this time the purpose is to explore the history of Jakubo Shrine-Genseiji Temple, so I will not worry about that. Since the historical writing is a little difficult to read to my eyes due to the contrast, I copied and edited the contents of other worshipers, but our company preceded Genseiji Temple (Kaiganji Temple at the time of its construction). It seems that it was because there was this Kibune Shrine that the Honorable people prayed for rain. After all, Shinbutsu Shugo is the ancient Japanese belief ... The deity of the Kifune Shrine is a dragon god called the god of Takanori, and it can be said that it seems to be Omori, who was originally fishing in the seaweed farm. Talking to myself about my experience with the sea, I have never fished. However, I have experienced several overnight voyages from Miyazaki to Kobe on the Miyazaki Car Ferry. When I first got on the train, it was June when a typhoon that should not have landed in Japan had just occurred in the distant South Sea around the Philippines. However, as soon as we went out to the open sea from the jetty of Miyazaki Port, a violent shaking hit the ship. At that time, I was feeling seasick and nausea, and I was stuffed with a supper buffet because I paid for it. All the sailors spread their arms wide and endured the shaking, but ... The onboard restaurant and bathing were all approaching time, so the passengers took a movement that surpassed that of skilled sailors. If you finish eating and bathing in a hurry, it will be time to turn off the lights, but it will be difficult to fall asleep. The waves are amazing, not to mention the vibration of the old diesel engine, which is 25 years old. The total length of Miyazaki Car Ferry is 170m. The total ton number reached 11931 tons, which is larger than the Kurofune and Kanrin Maru, but in front of the typhoon-filled sea, it was no different from a small boat of bamboo grass, and after the dinner buffet, it was a full course of waves and loads on the ship. .. This was the rolling of rolling, the pitching of back and forth, and the sound of the hull squeaking when the ferry fell into the waves, reminiscent of the illustrations of the introductory books on warships such as hogging and sagging. This is what it means for a man in the sea to be strong. Fight nature every day, find invisible routes and schools of fish, make accurate decisions, finish fishing before the schools of fish escape, and ensure that passengers and cargo are safe and secure while the freshness of the catch does not decline. You have to lead to the port by the promised time. The rigor of education of modern seamen and SDF personnel and the harshness of fishermen are the result of this environment. Even more so, the dragon god that controls water must have been very important for fishermen from the Kamakura period to the pre-modern period when the Omori Kifune Shrine was founded, where only a few people could ride in a small boat and row into the sea. Now, let's return to the modern Kifune Shrine. Although it was rebuilt after the war, there is an end shrine on the left side of the wooden main shrine. Kumano Shrine has two simple torii gates on the right, and Kibune Inari Shrine is the last shrine with a bright red torii gate on the left. There is a difference in handling between Kumano and Kibune Inari, but the name of Kibune is also attached, and Inari-sama seems to be a woman named Toyoukebime Nomikoto, so I have to make it a little fashionable (sweat). There is a small stone arch bridge in front of the hall of worship, but there is a culvert underneath, and it seems that a stream used to flow. I think it would be nice to peel it off even inside the shrine, but the water that comes out of the culvert gives off a foul odor, so there's nothing I can do about it ... It is presumed that Kifunehori Park, which bears the name of our neighborhood, is probably a park built by reclaiming an underdrain or a moat. The deterioration will not subside, so I would like the capital and local governments to do something about it. I think there are things you can do, such as flushing water that has been treated to the standard value at a sewage plant or cleaning the sewage pipe. I've talked too much about myself, but even though it was around 17:00 in this corona era, Mr. Miyaji was able to write a red stamp by hand. Tokyo is still unknown, and there are many places to explore the past. I want to see it as much as possible. [honorable history] The date of foundation is unknown. According to the shrine, the 90th Emperor Kameyama, on June 3, 1266, from a person in Kamakura, Daio Tanaka was the founder of Kaiganji Temple (now Genseiji Temple), Hojo Shigetsune. It is said that he moved to the area with (the sixth son of the time) and enshrined Kumano Shrine, the deity he had been holding, as the last shrine. From this, it is presumed that it has a history of 1000 years since it was enshrined in the Heian period before the construction of Genseiji Temple. It is said that the three dragons are serving as priests, and there is a tradition that if you refuse the clams and pray, the tumor will heal. In 1872, he was listed in the village shrine, and in 1885, he became the guardian of Omori. The shrine built in 1813 was destroyed by the Great Kanto Earthquake, and the rebuilt shrine was destroyed by air raids in April 1945. It took five years from 1951 (Showa 26) after the war, and the current shrine was rebuilt in 1955 (Showa 30).
中村誠司 on Google

The grounds were well maintained and cleaned. Goshushi was absent from the office.
内田勝也 on Google

貴舩神社。 京浜急行、平和島駅から徒歩で15分ほど。 商店街を抜けたところにあります。 境内に橋があります。
Takafune Shrine. About 15 minutes on foot from Keikyu and Heiwajima stations. It is just outside the shopping street. There is a bridge in the precincts.
hiraku on Google

I met him during the run. It was a refreshing atmosphere with cleanliness.

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