KICK P.E.(キック ピー イー)Produce by MAFG

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact KICK P.E.(キック ピー イー)Produce by MAFG

住所 :

Noginomoricho, Ogaki, 〒503-0852 Gifu,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899
Webサイト :
街 : Gifu

Noginomoricho, Ogaki, 〒503-0852 Gifu,Japan
高橋正寿 on Google

柔術クラスに参加しました! 先生の指導が丁寧でわかりやすいので、初心者の方でも格闘技を始めやすい環境だと思います! またクラスに参加したいと思います!!!
I participated in a Jiu-jitsu class! The teacher's guidance is polite and easy to understand, so even beginners can easily start martial arts! I would like to join the class again! !! !!
加藤賢寛 on Google

It was very beautiful and well equipped and I wanted to go there every day!
ツナマヨ on Google

I was interested in being a mixed martial arts gym, and the other day I had a tour and a free trial. Since all the owners have experience in fighting, the persuasive power of various exercises is different. The next day, as expected, I had general muscle pain (laughs). It seems that there are many women who go there because they also have personal training. It's located along Route 258 in Ogaki, so it's recommended not only for neighbors but also for those who have to move by car!
柴田幹哉 on Google

内装がとにかく綺麗! トレーナーさんも最高で楽しくしっかり鍛えられる!!
The interior is just beautiful! The trainer is also the best, fun and well trained! !!
山下周作 on Google

病院の近くにあって、メチャクチャキレイなジムでした! サーキットトレーニング等のメニューもあって、良かったです(*^^*)
It was a messy gym near the hospital! It was good that there was a menu such as circuit training (* ^^ *)
竹中たけヒーロー on Google

内装がとてもきれい! スタッフの方も親切で、楽しくトレーニングさせてもらってます。
崔高正 on Google

柔術は年齢関係なくできるし、ケガしにくいし、想像以上に良い運動になります! 自分は45歳なんですが、最初は総合格闘技に興味があり、始めたんですが、その後の柔術の部の会員さんを見ていると、白帯の方がほとんどで、温厚で優しそうな方ばかりが練習に来ていて、そこから今、1ヶ月無料体験で通っているところですが、最初はデビッジ先生が見た目で外国の方なんだ!厳しそうだなと第一印象は怖そうに見えていたのですが、いざ初めての練習から、とても優しく、常に僕の目を見て、うまくできなくても、とにかく何度も丁寧に教えてくださり、しつこいようですが、とにかく怒らず、その人に合わせたレベルで、うまくできなくても全体を見ながら、誰もほったらかしにせず、平等に優しく丁寧に教えてくださるので、柔術の入会を決めました(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) 他に日本人の有段者の方もインストラクター的な立場で、一緒にスパーリングをしながらリアルタイムで、「何で今、倒されたか分かりますか?」と説明してくださり、有段者の方も、会員さんも皆さんが優しいので、勇気を出して無料体験に行ってみて良かったです? 練習後のお酒とごはんのおいしさは、ガチでやばいです!練習後、1キロ以上、体重落ちてます? 体があったまってくると、会員さんの汗もすごくて、飲み物のありがたみ、食べる幸せを感じられます(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) 歩いて3分のところに住んでますが、びびって行く勇気なかったですが、ドキドキしましたが、連絡して良かったです?
Jiu-jitsu can be done regardless of age, it is hard to get injured, and it is a better exercise than you can imagine! I'm 45 years old, but at first I was interested in mixed martial arts and started, but when I saw the members of the Jiu-jitsu club after that, most of them were white belts, and they seemed gentle and kind. I just came to practice, and now I'm going for a free trial for a month, but at first, Mr. Davidge looks like a foreigner! The first impression seemed scary when it seemed to be harsh, but from the first practice, it was very kind, always looking at my eyes, and even if I couldn't do it well, please teach me politely over and over again. It seems to be persistent, but I decided to join Jiu-Jitsu because I will not get angry anyway, and at a level that suits the person, I will look at the whole even if I can not do it well, and will teach me equally, kindly and politely without leaving anyone alone. (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) In addition, Japanese stepped people also from the standpoint of an instructor, while sparring together, explained in real time, "Do you know why you were defeated now?", And the stepped people are also members. Everyone is kind, so I'm glad I took the courage to go to the free trial ? The deliciousness of sake and rice after practice is really bad! After practicing, I've lost more than 1 kg ? When the body gets warm, the members sweat so much that they appreciate the drinks and feel the happiness of eating (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵). I live 3 minutes on foot, but I didn't have the courage to go scared, but I was thrilled, but I'm glad I contacted you ?
林慧 on Google

I felt that it was very efficient to have a lot of equipment and to be able to pick up and train by part. The staff is also soft and can train in a comfortable mood. Also, the inside of the store is fashionable and beautiful!

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