Kichijoji - Mitoyo

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kichijoji

住所 :

乙1568 Minocho Yoshizu, Mitoyo, Kagawa 767-0033, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 767-0033

乙1568 Minocho Yoshizu, Mitoyo, Kagawa 767-0033, Japan
O M on Google

すす on Google

溝渕哲也 on Google

一原敏明 on Google

藤谷貴志 on Google

It is a family temple. The reclining Buddha is mysterious.
大西洋一 on Google

義父の一周忌で二回目の訪問です。 お寺の中、案外広いです。 年配者が多いので畳敷きですが、椅子に座って法要を行いました。
This is the second visit of the father-in-law. It is unexpectedly wide inside the temple. There are many elderly people, so they are tatami mats.
所さん on Google

Every year, there is a flower festival in April and there is sweet and pong candy behavior. Children's sumo tournaments and bazaars are held.
宮本康弘 on Google

弘法大師空海様が四国霊場開創の時に開創されたと伝わっています。 慶長八年再建された吉祥寺は元来は大覚寺を本山とする威徳院の末寺でしたが弘化四年に離れた後、昭和十七年に京都醍醐寺派準別格本山に昇格しました。 本尊は薬師如来または大日如来です。大日如来は詫間町の宝寿院の本尊でありましたが明治初年の廃仏毀釈により廃寺となると同時に遷されたものです。 また弘化年間に第ニ十一世密道法印が村内の各家の神仏の護符を集め燃やし、その灰と粘土を混ぜて釈迦涅槃像五十ニ部類を造り釈迦堂に安置しました。 日本三大涅槃像の仏生山法然寺の涅槃像に勝るとも劣らない寝釈迦だと云われています。 今回お詣りに寄った時は本堂の解体修理中で本堂を見る事が出来ませんでしたので後日改めて訪ねたいと思います。
It is said that Kobo Daishi Kukai was founded when the Shikoku Pilgrimage was founded. Kichijoji, which was rebuilt in the 8th year of Keicho, was originally the last temple of the Weitokuin Temple, whose main mountain is Daikakuji Temple. The principal image is Yakushi Nyorai or Dainichi Nyorai. Dainichi Nyorai was the principal image of Hojuin in Takuma-cho, but it was relocated at the same time as it was abandoned due to the abolition of Buddha in the first year of the Meiji era. Also, during the Koka era, the 21st Seidohoin collected and burned the amulets of the gods and Buddhas of each house in the village, and mixed the ashes and clay to create the fifty-two reclining Buddha statues and placed them in the Buddha Hall. It is said to be a sleeping Buddha that is as good as the reclining Buddha statue at Honenji Temple in Busshozan, one of Japan's three largest reclining Buddha statues. When I visited this time, I couldn't see the main hall because it was being dismantled and repaired, so I would like to visit it again at a later date.

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