
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 吉備津の松並木

住所 :

Kibitsu, Kita Ward, 〒701-1341 Okayama,Japan

街 : Okayama

Kibitsu, Kita Ward, 〒701-1341 Okayama,Japan
銭祐 on Google

吉備津神社に続く参道 普段は静かな道です。R180の交差点はちょっと信号待ちますよ。
The approach leading to Kibitsu Shrine It is usually a quiet road. The intersection of R180 waits for a little traffic light.
西谷廣 on Google

〔吉備津神社〕の参道に三木朱城の句碑が建っている。 吉備の野の藺田のさみどり初詣 朱城 三木朱城:明治21年ー昭和49年、小豆島出身でホトトギス同人。藺田:藺草(いぐさ)を育てる田(いでん)のこと。
A monument to Miki Zhujo is built on the approach to [Kibitsu Shrine]. The first visit to Samidori in the field of Kibi Miki Akijo: From 1891 to 1974, he was born in Shodoshima and is a member of the Lesser Cuckoo. Yabuta: A rice field that grows rushes.
朧月夜 on Google

There is no big building from the station to the shrine, so I'm grateful that the shade of the trees continues along the way.
H. Nishikawa on Google

It is the approach leading to Kibitsu Shrine, and there were some places without sidewalks.
大阪鈴太郎 on Google

The best torii gates and stone pillars will welcome you at the Kibitsu Shrine approach. Located between Kibitsu Station and Kibitsu Shrine, it brings a sense of expectation that changes from tranquility to solemnity.
Run kumamon on Google

◎吉備津神社参道の松並木 ⚫︎松並木の先に一の鳥居と二の鳥居が ⚫︎JR吉備津駅からアクセスすれば松並木を通って吉備津神社に (気分も盛り上がる)
◎Pine trees along the approach to Kibitsu Shrine ⚫︎ The first torii gate and the second torii gate are in front of the pine trees ⚫︎ Access from JR Kibitsu Station to the Kibitsu Shrine through a row of pine trees (Mood gets excited)
がんば on Google

2021/4/4来訪。 郷土記念物の松並木。吉備津への参道となっています。途中に石碑もありのんびりと歩くことがっできます。
Visited 4/4/2021. A row of pine trees, a local memorial. It is the approach to Kibitsu. There is also a stone monument on the way, so you can walk leisurely.
Yuji on Google

吉備津神社へ続く参道です。 本当にのどかで秋晴れの中散歩すると気持ち良いと思います。山と田んぼに囲まれているので、虫の音や葉が擦れあう音が心地よいです。車で吉備津神社へ向かう人も多いと思いますが、こちらへ歩いてみるのも良いと思います。
This is the approach leading to Kibitsu Shrine. I think it feels good to take a walk in the clear autumn weather. Surrounded by mountains and rice fields, the sounds of insects and the rubbing of leaves are pleasant. Many people drive to Kibitsu Shrine, but I think it's a good idea to walk here.

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