
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact お菜屋わだ家つくば店

住所 :

Kenkyugakuen, Tsukuba, 〒305-0817 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8987
Webサイト : http://www.wada-ya.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–3PM
Sunday 11:30AM–3PM
Monday 11:30AM–3PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–3PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–3PM
Thursday 11:30AM–3PM
Friday 11:30AM–3PM
街 : Ibaraki

Kenkyugakuen, Tsukuba, 〒305-0817 Ibaraki,Japan
山野井健二 on Google

結婚記念日でお伺いしました。 何を食べても美味しく、スタッフさんも明るく気配りも素晴らしく、非常に満足でした! 特に豚しゃぶ最高でした? また食べに行きます?️
I visited you on your wedding anniversary. No matter what I ate, it was delicious, the staff were cheerful and attentive, and I was very satisfied! Especially the pork shabu-shabu was the best ? I will go to eat again ?️
Ryuichi Nemoto on Google

豚しゃぶがおいしかった! 食べ方は店員さんが丁寧にオリエンしてくれます。 コース料理は一品目のサラダから美味しかったです。あのドレッシング売ってるのかな? 欲しい。抹茶フォンデュも美味しかったです。 駐車場はお店の裏にあります。 和田アキ子さんプロデュースのお店らしく、来店した芸能人と一緒に撮った写真や足型があったりします。
Pork shabu was delicious! The clerk politely orients how to eat. The course meal was delicious from one salad. Is that dressing sold? I want it. Matcha fondue was also delicious. The parking lot is behind the shop. It seems to be a shop produced by Akiko Wada, and there are photos and footsteps taken with the entertainers who visited.
ケロコ on Google

In a private room, the clerk was also polite. The food I ordered had many kinds of side dishes, and I enjoyed it with my eyes and taste. You can choose from 3 main types, but since it's the main, I might have been happy if there was a little more. I was happy that the matcha fondue, a dessert, was delicious twice. It will be a spoiler, so I will not write it in detail. Please look forward to it. I want to go again.
ぬるんまりこ on Google

研究学園駅からすぐにあるホテル内のレストランです。このホテルすべてのレストランが美味しいのでいつもどこに行くか迷ってしまうのです。 わだ家さんは、いつもコースを予約してます。今回はコロナゼロコース、2人で5670円のお得なディナーを当日予約しました。18時まではハッピーアワーとゆうことでドリンク半額なので思わずいっぱい頼みます笑 まずはビールで乾杯!先付けは胡麻豆腐と合鴨のスモーク、もっちりとしたお豆腐も美味しいー。それから彩り野菜のサラダバーいろんなお野菜もりもりでおいしいです、生のにんじん好きだから嬉しい。煮物は、鶏肉がはいったもの。お酒が進む甘い味わいでした。 鯖の焼き魚は、脂が乗ってて太っちょ、鯖!こんなにおおきなのははじめていただきました。大根おろしによく合います、お酒も進みます。 ここでわだ家オリジナルのガリサワーをオーダー、結構思ってた味です笑笑。 前回も食べて感動したわだ家さん特製の出汁しゃぶ。これ、本当お出しが真似できないたまらない味なのです。甘いお醤油を使ってるそうなんですが、黄金に光るスープはいくらでも飲めちゃいます。作り方も変わっていて、水菜、ネギを鍋に置き、その上に豚肉を乗せて巻いていただきます。スープと一緒にいただくと野菜のシャキシャキと豚肉の甘味がよく出ていてとっても美味です。他では味わえないのでぜひ食べて見てください!!! グラスワインの白も追加、大きなワイングラスだったのでコスパめっちゃ良いワインで嬉しいー! 締めは土鍋ご飯をチョイス、食べきれないお米はお持ち帰りしましたー!甘めのご飯、炊き加減もバッチリ! デザートはゆずシャーベット、角切りの柚子がごろっと入っていて柚子好きにはたまらないです。 店員さんがみなさん柔らかな印象で、いつも本当親切なイメージ。応援したくなるレストランのひとつですー!
It is a restaurant in the hotel located right next to Kenkyugakuen Station. All the restaurants in this hotel are delicious so I always wonder where to go. Wadaya always reserves a course. This time, I booked the Corona Zero Course, a great dinner of 5670 yen for two people on the day. Until 6 pm, it's a happy hour, so it's half price for drinks, so I'll ask for a lot lol First of all, toast with beer! Smoked sesame tofu and duck, and chewy tofu are also delicious. Also, the colorful vegetable salad bar is delicious with various vegetables, and I'm happy because I like raw carrots. The simmered dish is chicken. It was a sweet taste with sake. Grilled mackerel fish is fat and fat, mackerel! It's the first time for me to be so big. It goes well with grated radish, and sake goes on. I ordered the original Gari Sour from the Wada family here, and it tasted pretty good. The soup stock shabu-shabu specially made by Mr. Wadaya who was impressed by eating it last time. This is an irresistible taste that you can't really imitate. It seems that they use sweet soy sauce, but you can drink as much golden soup as you like. The method of making is also different, put the mizuna and green onions in a pot, and put the pork on it and roll it. When served with the soup, the crispy vegetables and the sweetness of the pork come out well and it is very delicious. You can't taste it anywhere else, so please try it! !! !! White glass of wine was added, and it was a big wine glass, so I'm glad that the cospa is a very good wine! At the end, I chose clay pot rice and took home the rice that I couldn't eat! Sweet rice, cooked perfectly! The dessert is Yuzu sorbet and diced yuzu, which is irresistible for yuzu lovers. The clerk has a soft impression and always has a really kind image. It's one of the restaurants you'll want to support!
香取線香 on Google

紫峰牛のひつまぶし(1500円+税150円)を注文。 メニューの写真どおり。牛の味が美味い。出汁はもうちょっと薄くていいと思うけど、ひつまぶしにしても美味しい。肉の量もあるし、ご飯おかわりしなくてもお腹いっぱいになりました。大食いの人は足りないと思いますが。デザートはゆずシャーベットでしたが、相方が頼んだ抹茶のデザートの方が美味そうでした。抹茶フォンデュみたいな感じでフルーツをつけて食べ、締めはホットミルクを注いで抹茶ラテにしてました。 ちなみにある店員の対応が微妙だったので、そこは残念でした。お客が来てるのにシカトはないでしょ。笑 予約したと伝えてるのに理解してないようだったし。意味わからん。 和田あき子に報告しなければ。笑
I ordered Hitsumabushi (1500 yen + tax 150 yen) of Shiho beef. As shown in the picture on the menu. The taste of beef is delicious. I think the soup stock should be a little thinner, but it's delicious even with Hitsumabushi. There is a lot of meat, and I'm full without having to refill the rice. I don't think there are enough people who eat big. The dessert was Yuzu sorbet, but the matcha dessert that my partner ordered seemed to be more delicious. I ate it with fruit like matcha fondue, and poured hot milk to make matcha latte. By the way, it was a shame because the clerk's response was subtle. There are no shikato even though customers are coming. Lol I told you I made a reservation, but I didn't seem to understand it. I do not know the meaning. I have to report to Akiko Wada. Lol
MS 27 on Google

(2021. 6. 20) 父の日とその父の誕生祝いを兼ね、ランチで訪店。 正面入り口のドアには、オーナーである和田あき子氏の大きな手形があり、びっくりしました。 入店時は検温とアルコール消毒。今や当たり前の儀式になりました。 通された席は、お店奥のテーブル席。隣の席とは大きなシェードで隔てられており、プライベート感がありました。また、店内は薄暗い雰囲気で落ち着いた印象。自分たちの席の背後には4人用の個和室があり、そこは落ち着けそう。今度は和室を利用したいなと感じました。 両親は和膳、それぞれ塩麹の唐揚げ、豚肉のトマト煮をチョイス(1980円)。自分と奥さんはしゃぶしゃぶランチの雅(1500円)をオーダー。 配膳までの待ち時間は20分程でしょうか。自分たちは色々と会話をしていたので気になりませんでしたが、急ぎの人には合わないかもしれませんね。 各々の食事はお盆に載せられて出てくるのですが、テーブルがそれほどおおきくないので、4名がフルに座っているとかなり窮屈でした。ここはもう少し余裕が欲しいところ。 自分が注文したしゃぶしゃぶについて言えば、肉は柔らかく味わいもあり、一緒に巻いて食べる水菜やネギとの相性良し。鍋の出汁も美味しく頂くことができました。口に運ぶ前に黒胡椒を一さじ乗せると、ピリッとしながら風味が良くなりGOOD。付け合わせのおかずも無難に食べられます。 デザートにはゆずシャーベット。暖かいサンピン茶も出して頂き、ホッと一息つけました。 1500円の価格であること、雰囲気がなかなか良かった事を考えれば良い内容であったと思います。両親も喜んでくれたようで良かった。 最後に店を出る時、店員さんが出口間際まで見送りに来てくれたことに感激。このような接客は大変嬉しいものでした。 また、ちょい贅沢なランチをしたい時に再訪しようと思います。
(2021. 6. 20) Visited the store for lunch to celebrate Father's Day and his father's birthday. I was surprised to see the big bill of the owner Akiko Wada on the front entrance door. Temperature measurement and alcohol disinfection when entering the store. It has become a common ritual now. The seats passed through are table seats at the back of the store. It was separated from the seat next to it by a large shade, giving it a sense of privacy. In addition, the inside of the store has a dim atmosphere and a calm impression. Behind their seats is a private Japanese-style room for 4 people, which seems to be calm. I felt that I wanted to use a Japanese-style room this time. My parents chose Japanese set, fried salted koji, and pork simmered in tomato (1980 yen). I and my wife ordered Shabu-shabu lunch Ya (1500 yen). Is the waiting time until serving about 20 minutes? We didn't bother because we had a lot of conversations, but it may not suit people in a hurry. Each meal comes out on a tray, but the table isn't that big, so it was pretty cramped when four people were sitting full. This is where I want a little more room. Speaking of the shabu-shabu I ordered, the meat is tender and tasty, and it goes well with the mizuna and green onions that I wrap and eat together. The soup stock in the pot was also delicious. If you put a scoop of black pepper on it before you bring it to your mouth, it will be spicy and flavorful, and it will be GOOD. You can safely eat garnished side dishes. Yuzu sorbet for dessert. We had you serve warm Sampin tea and took a rest. I think it was good considering that the price was 1500 yen and the atmosphere was quite good. I'm glad my parents were happy too. When I finally left the store, I was impressed that the clerk came to see me off until just before the exit. I was very happy to have such a customer service. Also, I will come back when I want to have a little extravagant lunch.
ゆあ on Google

Yeah ❗️‼ ️ Such a thing! Is it okay to have a good shabu-shabu? Somehow, the food that is priced does not disappoint. At first, it's less! I thought, but I'm very satisfied and can cry. The desserts are also cute and delicious. .. .. please
ZIWEN PAN on Google

Definitely one of the best しゃぶしゃぶ in Tsukuba. Worth to go and the price is also reasonable.

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