Keifukuji - Tottori

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Contact Keifukuji

住所 :

景福寺 135 Shinhonjicho, Tottori, 680-0812, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88777
Postal code : 680-0812

景福寺 135 Shinhonjicho, Tottori, 680-0812, Japan
川上順三 on Google

The tomb is maintained
kokichi takata on Google

It ’s a temple of the Soto sect.
保科久江 on Google

パートナーの実家のお墓があるので 墓参りです。
Because there is a grave of a partner's parents' home, it is a grave visit.
tabiroh on Google

Mr. Osho is kind and teaches us various things that we do not understand, such as legal affairs and graves.
因幡国白兎 on Google

There are also many gravestones of Goto Matabei and large natural stones that you can experience history. I visited Mt. Koya and saw many tombstones of the Warring States Warlords, but there were various tombstones and I could feel the history again. Since the gravestone may conflict with personal information, I refrain from posting photos.
田中正典 on Google

「景福寺」は古くからのお寺です。 豊臣期の武将とその夫人、その子や鳥取藩政期の家老や藩士、剣豪、絵師等多くの先人が眠っておられます。 その中に正門を入りすぐ右側に藩士で史家、岡島正義(おかじままさよし)のお墓があります。 今風に言えばジャーナリストです。 過去の記録書類や日記を調査繙いて実地踏査して事実を解明したり、自分の生きた時代の出来事を鵜呑みにはせず現地に赴いて取材し確かめています。 岡島氏は1784年(天明4年)に生まれ 1859年(安政6年)75歳で亡くなります。40代まで藩の仕事に従事、その後の35年間に亘って「因府歴年大雑集(いんぷれきねんだいざっしゅう)」15巻等を手掛けました。 時代は1632年(寛永9年)から1854年(嘉永7年)までの222年間をまとめ記録に残しました。 その恩恵を今の時代の人たちが受け継ぎ後世に伝えていくことができます。 今日はそのお礼に伺いました。 (合掌)
“Gyeongbok Temple” is an ancient temple. There are many predecessors such as Toyotomi warriors and their wives, their sons, Itomo and Toshitori swordsmen, swordsmen and painters. Entry to the main gate is the grave of a historian and historian Masayoshi Okajima on the right. I ’m a journalist. We investigate past records and diaries, conduct field surveys to clarify the facts, and visit the local area to check the events of their own life. Mr. Okajima was born in 1784 He died at the age of 75 in 1859 (Ansei 6). Engaged in the work of Samurai until his forties, and worked on 15 volumes of “Inpure Kindan Izasyu” over the next 35 years. The era was recorded in a record of 222 years from 1632 (Kanei 9 years) to 1854 (Kainaga 7 years). The benefits of this era can be passed on to future generations. Today we asked for that thanks. (Gassho)
tatsuya on Google

There is a grave of Goto Matabe and his wife. In addition, the tombs of the Toro Tori-Takashiro Iro Arao family are lined with large and small tombstones.
T T on Google

後藤又兵衛の息子為勝が鳥取藩に仕えた縁から菩提所として景福寺に又兵衛夫婦と為勝の墓があります。又兵衛の遺髪が埋められていることは非常に珍しいです。 他にも鳥取藩城代家老の堀尾家代々の墓もあります。 近くの玄忠寺と一緒に訪問したいお寺です。
Goto Matabe's son, Tatsukatsu's son, has served the Tottori clan, and there is a grave of Matabe and his wife and Tatsukatsu at Gyeongboji Temple as a bodice. In addition, it is very rare that Bei's hair is buried. There is also the grave of the Horio family of the Tottori Kashiro dynasty. It is a temple that I would like to visit with the nearby Genchu-ji Temple.

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