KeePer LABO(キーパーラボ) 大府店 - Obu

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact KeePer LABO(キーパーラボ) 大府店

住所 :

Ebatacho, Obu, 〒474-0036 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Postal code : 474-0036
Webサイト :
街 : Aichi

Ebatacho, Obu, 〒474-0036 Aichi,Japan
山本恵三 on Google

自分では洗わない細かな箇所まで丁寧に洗ってもらえて感激です。 次回は車内を片付けて車内清掃も一緒にやってもらおう。
I am thrilled to have you carefully wash even the smallest details that you do not wash yourself. Next time, let's clean up the inside of the car and have it cleaned together.
スズキ太郎 on Google

初来店した際、高校生みたいな店員の不快な聞き取りを受けた。持ち込んだのは新車購入2年目だった。HPで見つけ思い切って施工を決めてきているのに、「なぜ新車が納車されたときにクリスタルキーパーを施工しなかったのか!?」としつこく聞かれた。新車の方が効果は抜群ということが言いたいのは分かるし分かっている。そんなこと今更言われてもどうしようもないし、クリスタルキーパーを知ったのは最近と答えても「ああそうですか、なぜ新車の段階で来られなかったのですか!?」と繰り返された。見るからに高校生(のような感じの店員)だったので、この子に感情的になっても仕方ないと、ハイハイと聞き流した。 うかつにも2年目にも施工を受けたが、若い女の店員とやる気のなさそうな店員(あの高校生店員か?)が施工した。大声でおしゃべりしながら、よそ見しながら、適当に施工されている感じであった。リーダー格の店員もいたのだが手も口も出さず放置。客が店内から施工の様子を見ているのによく平気でやれるものだ。拭き取りも雑でレベルは低いと思う。以降別の店に変えました。
When I visited the store for the first time, I received an unpleasant interview with a high school student. It was the second year of purchasing a new car. Even though I had decided and decided to install it on the website, I was persistently asked, "Why didn't you build a crystal keeper when the new car was delivered?" I understand and understand that the new car is more effective. I couldn't do anything if I said more about it now, and even if I said that I knew the crystal keeper recently, it was repeated, “Oh, yes, why didn't you come at the stage of the new car !?” I was a high school student (like a sales clerk) because I watched it, so I heard that I couldn't help feeling emotional to this child. It was constructed in the second year, but a young clerk and an unmotivated clerk (that high school clerk?) Constructed it. While talking loudly and looking away, it felt like it was being constructed properly. There was also a clerk with a leader, but left it with no hands or mouth. It is something that customers can do well even when watching the construction from inside the store. I think that the level is low because the wiping is rough. Since then I changed to another store.
ゆいちゃん on Google

お店の駐車場に車停めると店員さんが出て来て予約してますか?とか聞かれてから案内されこちらに掛けてお待ち下さいと 決まったメニューはございますか?とか色々聞かれて作業に入ります 困ったときは店員さんに相談すると車の表面見てこれをやった方がいいとアドバイスくれます 店内は無料wi-fiあります パスワードも書いてあります 気持ち暑いですが? 外に出て入るとやっぱり涼しいと感じられます トイレは暑すぎ???自動販売機で水分補給しないとヤバイ 自分の車を店員さんが作業しているところを見れます コーティングする時はクリアのシャッターを閉めて作業します かっこいい店員さんも(=^ェ^=)
Do you make a reservation when the clerk comes out when you park at the parking lot of the store? When you are asked, please be guided and wait Is there a fixed menu? I asked a lot and started work If you need help, consult with the store clerk to advise you to do this by looking at the surface of the car. There is free wi-fi in the store The password is also written I feel so hot If you go outside, you will feel cool. Toilet is too hot and must be rehydrated with a vending machine You can see where the clerk is working on his car Close the clear shutter when coating. Cool clerk (= ^ é ^ =)
村崎智 on Google

スタッフの入れ替わりが多い店なのが気になりますが、今回のコーティング施工の時には一緒に車を見てくれて、どのメニューで解決出来るか真剣に考えてくれました。 実際に部分的に水垢落としをしてくれて、コーティングの仕上がりがどれ位キレイになるのか見せてくれたり、除去出来る物と出来ない物をしっかり教えてくれます。 仕上がりも想像以上にキレイで、今後のお手入れ方法までしっかり教えてもらいました。 知りたがりなので、遠慮なく何でも質問してしまいましたが、逆にそれが店員さんにとっても良かったのかもしれません。 本当に何でも知っていて、プロって凄いなぁ!と感心しました。 オススメ出来るお店です。
I'm curious that the store has a lot of staff changes, but at the time of this coating construction, he looked at the car together and seriously thought about which menu could solve the problem. It actually partially removes descaling, shows you how beautiful the coating is, and tells you exactly what you can and cannot remove. The finish was more beautiful than I had imagined, and I was taught how to care for it in the future. I wanted to know, so I didn't hesitate to ask any questions, but on the contrary, it may have been good for the clerk. I really know everything, and professionals are amazing! I was impressed. It is a shop that can be recommended.
Yasuomi Noritake on Google

They washed the car cleanly and showed us a menu that meets their needs. Even those who responded should have been tired from washing the car all day long, but they smiled and sent me off, and I wanted to ask them to wash the car again. However, due to the corona support, there was no magazine to read while waiting for the car to be washed, so I had a lot of free time. If you don't have a smartphone, you may want to bring something that can kill your time.
小川典子 on Google

He always gives a pleasant greeting in a loud voice. Younger brothers who seem to be easy to talk to, so if there is something you want to ask after washing the car, it is easy to talk, so I will ask various things. It is also a shop that you will want to use next time.
やまもとかずみ on Google

以前にあった店舗から現在の場所に移転 元より交通量が多い幹線道路沿いにあり 大きな交差点に近く出入りが困難でした 店舗も手狭で車を入れるスペースも狭かったですが、移転した今の店舗は出入りもしやすいし、全体的にスペースが広くなりました 去年の年末前にクリスタルキーパーで車をキレイにして貰い、1ヶ月後の無料洗車 に行きました マークXだったので車のサイズがLサイズだと思っていましたが、Mサイズと判明 価格も思っていたより安く、とてもキレイにして貰い満足です 土日祝は予約でいっぱいなので、施工時間を待つのに代車を借りたりゆっくり丁寧に施工をと思う方は平日をオススメします 土日祝が雑な施工とは言えませんが、次々の予約をこなしているので気分的に 時間のゆとりがある平日が良いかと ネットからも予約が出来るし、不明な点は電話をするとキチンと説明をしてくれます
Moved from the previous store to the current location Located along a highway with more traffic than originally It was difficult to get in and out near a big intersection The store was too small and the space for cars was small, but the new store has become easier to get in and out, and the space has become wider overall. I got a car clean with a crystal keeper before the end of last year, and a free car wash one month later went to Since it was Mark X, I thought that the size of the car was L size, but it turned out to be M size The price is cheaper than I expected, and I am satisfied with the cleanliness. Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays are full of reservations, so if you want to rent a substitute car or think about construction slowly and carefully to wait for the construction time, we recommend weekdays. Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays are not a rough construction, but I feel like I am making reservations one after another. I wonder if weekdays with plenty of time are good You can make a reservation online, and if you have any questions, just call and they will explain to you.
紫庵 on Google

洗車と室内清掃を頼みましたが残念でした。やる人が悪いのかは、わかりませんがやり残しが多数ありました。 確認をお願いしますと見に行きましたが日陰で見づらく確認が出来なかったこともありますが他の店舗は、光が当たるところで確認させてくれたりダブルチェックもしてるところもあります。この店舗は、非常に残念です。
I asked for a car wash and room cleaning, but I was disappointed. I don't know if the person doing it is bad, but there were a lot of leftovers. I went to see it when I asked for confirmation, but sometimes it was difficult to see because it was in the shade, but at other stores, there are places where I can check it in the light or double check it. This store is very disappointing.

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