KeePer LABO Kariya - Kariya

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact KeePer LABO Kariya

住所 :

5 Chome-118-1 Yamaikecho, Kariya, Aichi 448-0036, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 448-0036
Webサイト :

5 Chome-118-1 Yamaikecho, Kariya, Aichi 448-0036, Japan
前田和之 on Google

I had a double diamond keeper premium, but it was the worst. I painted the sheet metal at another shop, and the paint mist was scattered and trusted and brought it to this shop, but the finish left the front windshield fluorine coating agent blown off, the sunroof window was It was full of scales, and the first customer service was desperate because I wanted the store to also bring it, but after finishing it is appropriate, and the best thing is that the facilities are well equipped. The amount of money is 290,000 sheet metal shop, and it is a double diamond keeper premium. I refunded the shop. It was really the worst. Never forget again. By the way, I work at a dealer and in charge of polishing, but when I first brought it, I was told that if I took it to the dealer, I could proceed with the whole painting, but there was nothing like that. is. I guess I wanted to sell it somehow. After all, I understood that expensive polishing should be taken to a specialist or dealer.

以前に乗っていた車から今回、買い替えた車と20年近くこちらのお店を利用させていただいています。 ここ最近、思うんですが細部の汚れの見落としや拭き忘れ等が目立ちます。 こちらもお願いをしている立場で小言を言いたくないですが、素人がパッと見ても判る位で、プロショップにしては少し見落としが多く感じます。 あと、以前はこちらからお願いして落ちにくいシミ・汚れや塗装面まで傷付いていない擦れ汚れ等も要望通りに綺麗に仕上げていただいていましたが、最近は何かかんか理由付けして施工して貰えなくなり経験・技術を持った職人的な店員さんも少なくなったのか!?営業方針が変わったのかな!? 利用する側もそれ相応のお金はお支払をしておりますのに少し残念です。 社内(社員)全体で一顧客の意見を受け入れて頂き改善して頂ければ顧客満足度もさらに上がると思います。
I have been using this shop for almost 20 years with a new car from the one I used to drive. Recently, I think that oversights and forgetting to wipe the details are conspicuous. I don't want to make a small comment from the standpoint of making a request, but I feel that there are a lot of oversights for a professional shop, as even an amateur can understand it at a glance. Also, in the past, I asked from here to finish the stains and stains that are difficult to remove and the rubbing stains that are not scratched to the painted surface as requested, but recently I have done it for some reason. Did the number of craftsman-like clerk with experience and skills decrease? ?? I wonder if the business policy has changed! ?? It's a little disappointing that the users are paying the corresponding amount of money. I think that customer satisfaction will increase further if the opinions of one customer are accepted by the entire company (employees) and improvements are made.
松下秀 on Google

When I inquired on the day, it seemed that there were a lot of reservations, but once I explained the contents of the request, I was able to make a reservation and I am grateful for the response!
Masa ru on Google

I coated it at this shop when I bought a new car. When I was wondering which coating to use, please explain the differences and characteristics of each carefully, which was very helpful. I am very satisfied because you can wash the car carefully afterwards. The waiting space during car washing is clean and Wi-Fi can be used, so waiting time is not a pain. However, when I washed the car once, there was a part like unwashed part in the center of the bonnet, so I decided to give it 4 stars. Other than that, the staff have a good impression and I can recommend it. In the future, if there is no such thing when washing the car, I will review the evaluation.
野崎良一 on Google

お客さんに対する対応がよくなった。 もう10年以上利用していて、これからも 車を綺麗に維持して行きたい。
The response to customers has improved. I have been using it for over 10 years and will continue to use it. I want to keep my car clean.
新二小松 on Google

軽自動車と新車と2台お世話になりました。 丁寧で気持ちの良い接客です。 施工も大満足です。信用して車を預ける事が出来ました。メンテナンスも有りますので年に数回ですがお世話になると思います。その時は宜しくお願いします。
Thank you for taking care of two cars, a mini car and a new car. It is a polite and pleasant customer service. The construction is also very satisfying. I was able to trust and deposit my car. There is also maintenance, so I think that it will be taken care of several times a year. At that time, thank you.
yona yona on Google

今の車になってずっとコーテイングで利用しています。 コーテイングは問題ないと思います。 しかし車内清掃は消臭、消毒みたいな専門的なものでなければ自分でやった方が良いと思います。コーテイングに合わせて車内清掃したらドリンクホルダーやシフトレバーの細かいところはホコリやゴミが残っていました。 あと年に数回しか利用しない人がほとんどだと思いますがオプションの価格改定で値上げも多い(大きいと30%ほど値上げ)ので事前に前回と価格調査をして検討すると良いかもしれません。
I've been using it for coating since it's the current car. I don't think there is a problem with coating. However, if cleaning the inside of the car is not specialized such as deodorization and disinfection, I think it is better to do it yourself. After cleaning the inside of the car according to the coating, dust and dirt remained on the small parts of the drink holder and shift lever. I think that most people use it only a few times a year, but there are many price increases due to price revisions of options (the price will increase by about 30% if it is large), so it may be better to conduct a price survey with the previous time in advance.
浦安海老蔵 on Google

日曜日雨上がり直後だった事もあり20分後に予約を入れられました。 店員さんの説明、対応も良く安心してお任せする事にしましたが…… 純水プレミアム+ホイールクリーニング+エンジンルームクリーン&プロテクト(KeePer施工車です) をお願いしました。 いつもGSで手洗い洗車はお願いしているので何も心配していませんでしたが、初めてお願いした「エンジンルームクリーン&プロテクト+¥5090」 10分少々エンジンルームを開けて終わった後に「手の届く所を綺麗にしました」と言われて??? 前の車で別の会社でしたが、半日預けで¥8000で奥の奥まで、油汚れも取れて綺麗にして貰っているのでその感覚でいましたが、まさかの表面部分だけ… 個人的感覚ですが、見ていて自分でも出来るし千円~2千円位の価値しか見て取れませんでした。 ¥5090取るので有ればもっとちゃんとやって欲しいですし、作業価値に見合った価格設定をして貰いたいです。 個別店舗で価格設定は出来る事では無いと思うので本部案件ですね。 「エンジンルームクリーン&プロテクト」のオプションをお考えの方にはお薦めしません。
I made a reservation 20 minutes later because it was just after the rain on Sunday. I decided to leave it to the clerk's explanation and correspondence with peace of mind ... Pure water premium + wheel cleaning + engine room clean & protect (KeePer construction vehicle) I asked. I was always asking for a hand wash at GS, so I wasn't worried about anything, but for the first time I asked for "engine room clean & protect + ¥ 5090" After opening the engine room for 10 minutes, was it said that "I cleaned the area within reach"? ?? ?? It was a different company in the previous car, but it was a half-day deposit for 8,000 yen, and it was like that because the oil stains were removed and cleaned up to the back, but only the surface part ... It's a personal feeling, but I could only see the value of 1,000 to 2,000 yen, which I could do by myself. It costs ¥ 5090, so I would like you to do it more properly, and I would like you to set the price according to the work value. I don't think it's possible to set prices at individual stores, so it's a headquarters project. Not recommended for those considering the "Engine Room Clean & Protect" option.

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