Kedaiji - Kuse District

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kedaiji

住所 :

Horakuji-16 Nakajima, Kumiyama, Kuse District, Kyoto 613-0041, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 613-0041

Horakuji-16 Nakajima, Kumiyama, Kuse District, Kyoto 613-0041, Japan
【くちぴよ】 on Google

It happened to pass by, but it was beautiful.
ホレイシヨ on Google

If the priest is friendly. It is easy to talk.
吉村規男 on Google

The garden in front of the main hall is beautiful.
高木俊彦(チャッピーパパ) on Google

It is a temple that has reached the millennium. About 400 years ago, it was changed to the Jodo sect temple. It is called Kyujinyama Ogisoin.
前田明彦(人形劇だん大福) on Google

Temple of the Jodo sect. There is also a nail-less Jizo that was relocated inside. This is a miracle when you pull out the pain. The guide sign was once in Okubo, Uji City, and is now in the Hirono Community Center.
泉澤栄一 on Google

周囲は田畑が広がる。 その中に やや大きめのお寺が あるので結構目立つ。建物も含め全体的に新しい感じだ。 境内もよく整備されており、なかなか気持ちがいい。
The fields spread around. It is quite noticeable because there is a slightly larger temple in it. It is a new feeling overall including the building. The precincts are well maintained and it feels good.
岡ちゃん on Google

1019年に開基されたと伝えられる華台寺は、九品山往生院(くほんざんおうじょういん)と号し、中世末から近世初期にかけて天台宗寺院として皇室の帰依も深かったといわれています。現在は、浄土宗に改められ観音信仰の寺となり、西国三十三ヵ所の本尊の模刻像と霊場の砂が置かれ、居ながらにして功徳が得られる寺となっています。 この寺には、中島の釘貫(くぎぬき)から移築された地蔵堂があります。 この地蔵堂の本尊である地蔵菩薩立像は、「苦抜(くぬき)地蔵」と呼ばれており、もろもろの苦しみを抜き取ってくださるというありがたい地蔵です。
Hanadai-ji Temple, which is said to have been opened in 1019, is called Kuhonzan Ojoin, and it is said that the imperial family was deeply devoted to it as a Tendai sect temple from the end of the Middle Ages to the beginning of the early modern period. Nowadays, it has been changed to the Jodo sect and has become a temple of Kannon worship. This temple has a Jizo-do that was relocated from Kuginuki on Nakajima. The statue of the Jizo Bodhisattva, which is the principal image of this Jizo-do, is called "Kunuki Jizo", and it is a thankful Jizo that removes all the suffering.
Reiko Tanaka on Google

本殿、釘抜き地蔵堂、水子地蔵と廻っております。 蓮の花と手入れされた松が出迎えてくれます。
It goes around to the main shrine, Nailed Jizodo, and Mizuko Jizo. A lotus flower and a groomed pine tree will welcome you.

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