Kawatomi Foods - Hirakata

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kawatomi Foods

住所 :

1097 Kikugaokacho, Hirakata, Osaka 573-0091, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8789
Postal code : 573-0091
Webサイト : https://www.kawatomifoods.com/

1097 Kikugaokacho, Hirakata, Osaka 573-0091, Japan
?? on Google

輸入肉、特に豚肉は業務スーパーの方が断然安いですね。 牛には特化してるけど、鶏・ラムに関しては極端に品揃えが少なかったので、期待とは違って残念でした? 全体的に決して安くは無かったです。
Imported meat, especially pork, is definitely cheaper at commercial supermarkets. I specialize in beef, but I was disappointed because there was an extremely small selection of chicken and lamb ? Overall it was never cheap.
寝屋河童 on Google

The meat was more affordable than the market price and looked good. Since the business day is once a month, customers come one after another, but the turnover is fast.
寺西成夫 on Google

This is my favorite butcher shop. Imported meat is reasonable, but the domestically cut meat is delicious. It is best to cut and eat a 1kg chunk while baking it.
ちびたこぶと on Google

なぜ評価が良いのかわからない? たまたまなのか自分が購入した肉はかたくまるで年齢のいった肉を偽装?って思われても仕方ない!
Not sure why the rating is good? Is it just a coincidence that the meat I bought is a sham of old meat? It can't be helped!
to to on Google

日曜のびっくり市に BBQ用、家用のお肉を購入。 豚バラブロックg138円、 近江牛松阪牛の切り落としg298円、 豚トロg198円等などお買い得。 牛タンはちょと高めの g498円だけど、全て美味しいお肉。 コロナ禍でメール会員の くじ引きはまだやってないけど 当たれば1万円の商品券が! 当たったことは無いけれど、、 しかして、いくらか当たった後に 名物?の金賞コロッケと唐揚げを 必ず買って帰ります!
In a surprise market on Sunday Purchase meat for BBQ and home use. Pork rose block g 138 yen, Omi beef Matsusaka beef cut off g 298 yen, Bargains such as pork toro g 198 yen. Beef tongue is a little expensive It's g498 yen, but all the meat is delicious. For mail members with Corona I haven't drawn lots yet If you win, you will get a gift certificate of 10,000 yen! I've never hit it, but ... But after hitting some Specialties? Gold medal croquette and fried chicken I will definitely buy it and go home!
奈良知生 on Google

普段は肉の卸売りですが、月に1日だけ実施の"びっくり市"は一般小売り開放デー。さすがお肉の質も良く、ブランド牛売り場では松坂牛だって試食可能です♡ ※googleマップ上は長文クチコミがしづらいため、個人ブログに詳細情報を記載しています。google検索:キーワードは【ミシュランごっこ。】+【店名】でお会いできれば幸いです。~食べ歩きグルメin奈良・大阪「ミシュランごっこ。」~
Normally it is meat wholesale, but "surprise city" implemented only on a monthly basis is general retail opening day. As expected, the quality of meat is also good, and at brand sales clubs you can try tasting Matsuzaka beef ♡ * Because it is difficult to do long review on google map, detailed information is stated on personal blog. google search: the keyword is 【Michelin doggy. 】 I would be pleased if you can meet with + [store name]. ~ Gourmet for Eating in Nara · Osaka "Michelin Goko." ~
おけいはん on Google

感謝祭だったけど、そこまで安いと思わなかったかな。 100g/600〜800円が沢山あったけど そういうのは買えないので 結局100g/148円の安い牛バラを買って帰りました。
It was Thanksgiving, but I didn't think it was that cheap. There were a lot of 100g / 600-800 yen I can't buy that kind of thing After all, I bought a cheap beef rose of 100g / 148 yen and went home.
swang on Google

6月27日に買った豚肉の賞味期限が6月20日でした。 家に帰って食べた後に気付きました。 冷凍で味も問題無かったし安かったので不問にしますが、気分の良いモノではありません。 倫理観ゼロ。雑ですね。 長年やってるようですが、よく食中毒被害者を出さずにやっていけてますね。 それとも隠してるのかな。 2度と行くことはないですね。 月1のびっくり市に行きました。 正直ガッカリでした。 言うほど安く無いです。ラムーや業務スーパーの方が安い位です。 値段だけ言ってる訳じゃありません。肉質も大した事ありません。 安い肉は確かにありますが少ないです。 開店30分ほどでスグ売り切れます。ただの客寄せです。 業務スーパーでも精肉に力を入れてる店舗があります。 そこの方が圧倒的に安くて良い肉が買えます。 ここは二度と行きません。 あと車で行く方は開店直後は駐車で数十分待たされるので覚悟して行って下さい。
The expiration date of the pork I bought on June 27th was June 20th. I noticed it after I got home and ate. It was frozen and the taste was fine and it was cheap, so I don't care, but it doesn't feel good. Zero ethics. It's rough. It seems that he has been doing it for many years, but he can often do it without causing food poisoning victims. Or is it hidden? I will never go there again. I went to the surprise market on the 1st of the month. To be honest, I was disappointed. It's not as cheap as it sounds. Ramou and business supermarkets are cheaper. I'm not just talking about the price. The meat quality is not a big deal either. There are certainly cheap meats, but few. It will be sold out in about 30 minutes after opening. It's just a crowd. There are stores that are focusing on meat even in business supermarkets. You can buy good meat there, which is overwhelmingly cheaper. I will never go here again. If you are going by car, please be prepared for parking for tens of minutes immediately after the store opens.

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