
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ベーカリーカフェtt

住所 :

Kawata Okanonishi, Yamashina Ward, 〒607-8323 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
街 : Kyoto

Kawata Okanonishi, Yamashina Ward, 〒607-8323 Kyoto,Japan
福岡磨衣子 on Google

Curry cream pasta is the best!
ブーサン on Google

もっと、目立つようにしなきゃ 頑張りがないもったいないですよ
I have to make it stand out more It's a waste without hard work
Y M on Google

It's cheap and delicious. Coffee ¥ 200 + tax.
まじゅ526 on Google

Anyway, you can eat it for around 400 yen separately with pasta, omelet rice, pilaf. Drinks are very cheap and delicious. Bread is also cheap and delicious.
M B on Google

Whichever you eat, it's delicious! ︎ It's the best in the store where you can relax very much! ︎ Bread is delicious and I highly recommend it! ︎
S takechi on Google

数年振りにランチを食べたが、まあまあ美味しかった。この値段でこの味と量なら、充分に満足出来ると感じた。 以前はソースがイマイチで家族の評判が悪かったが、今回はシンプルで素材の味を楽しめて良かった。また、別のメニューも食べに行ってみたい。
I ate lunch for the first time in a few years and it was pretty good. I felt that I was fully satisfied with this taste and quantity at this price. Previously, the sauce was not good and the family's reputation was bad, but this time it was simple and it was good to enjoy the taste of the ingredients. Also, I would like to go to eat another menu.
ゆうきちあき on Google

イートインよりもパンのテイクアウトで利用しています。 カツ&卵のサンドイッチや惣菜パン等、どれも具沢山で手作りのしっかりした味で美味しい! 最近出たキッシュは小さめサイズだけど、卵と野菜の手作りフィリングがたっぷり詰まってて満足感大でした。 カスクートやピザパンなどは購入時にお願いすれば食べやすいサイズにカットしてくれます。旦那さんと奥様お二人でイートインもこなしてらっしゃるので惣菜パン等はランチタイム過ぎには売り切れがちです。
I use it for take-out bread rather than eat-in. Cutlet and egg sandwiches, side dish bread, etc. are all delicious with a lot of handmade and solid taste! The quiche that came out recently is a small size, but it was full of handmade fillings of eggs and vegetables, which made me very satisfied. Cascoot and pizza bread will be cut to a size that is easy to eat if you ask at the time of purchase. Since my husband and wife are also doing eat-in, side dish bread etc. tend to be sold out after lunch time.
ZUSH on Google

まるで社員食堂のような値段帯で、色んなパンや、食事が出来ます。 今時コーヒー220円だなんて。素晴らしい!
You can enjoy various breads and meals at a price range similar to that of an employee cafeteria. Coffee is 220 yen now. splendid!

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