4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 川島 KAWASHIMA

住所 :

Mitonocho, 〒500-8182 Gifu,Japan

Webサイト : http://kawashimayuri.com/
街 : Gifu

Mitonocho, 〒500-8182 Gifu,Japan
チロル on Google

It's expensive overall, but you can buy fashionable sweets. I think you will be pleased with souvenirs.
みさ on Google

ALCカフェ時代ファンでした。 移転されてから初めてお邪魔して、ALCではなかったファーブルトンを購入しました。 川島さんの看板商品のようですが、私にとってはカラメル部分の食感が好みではなかったです…。 ALCではサブレも少数の入数で買いやすく、あれもこれもと色々な味を購入し楽しみましたが、 移転後は入数も単価もあがり、そんなに食べきれないのでおいそれと大人買いがしづらくなり、そこは残念。 皆さん絶賛のプリンを今度は買ってみようと思います。 季節ごとに変わるケイクも楽しみです。 追記 プリン買ってみました。 うーん…そんなに絶賛するほどの美味しさは感じられず、私はリピートなしです…
I was a fan of the ALC Cafe era. For the first time since I was relocated, I bought Fabreton, which was not ALC. It seems to be Kawashima-san's signature product, but I didn't like the texture of the caramel part ... At ALC, it was easy to buy sable with a small number of pieces, and I enjoyed buying various flavors as well. After the move, the number of items and the unit price went up, and I couldn't eat so much, so it became difficult to buy adults, which is a shame. I'm going to buy the acclaimed pudding this time. I'm looking forward to the seasonal cakes. postscript I bought a pudding. Hmm ... I don't feel that delicious enough to praise it, and I have no repeats ...
ぺこ on Google

ALC時代の頃からよく伺っていました。 率直な感想は、、、 以前のお店の方が断然断然良かったです。 以前はサブレも3枚入り180円などがあったので、色々な味を楽しめるのでついつい買いすぎてしまうのが良かったのに、今は量が増えて500円。 贈答用にはいいかもしれませんが、自分用には量が多すぎるので1種類くらいしか買いづらいのと、 その他の焼き菓子などたくさんあったのに、種類も5分の1くらいに減ってしまって、本当に残念。。。 冬限定の、ボンボンショコラの単品もなくなってしまったし。 美味しいには美味しいですが、親しみやすさや買いやすさがなくなってしまったので 、今日は何があるかな?というワクワクが全くなくなってしまいめっきり足が遠退いてしまいました。 販売の方も昔からいる明るいハキハキしゃべる女の子は感じ良いてすが、新しいスタッフも小声で何をしゃべっているかぜんぜんわからないし、愛想もないし、残念でなりません。 リピートはしにくいお店です。 自分用ではなく、贈答用なら買ってもいいかもしれません。
I've been listening to it since the days of ALC. The frank impression is ... The previous shop was definitely better. In the past, there was a sable for 180 yen with 3 pieces, so it was good to buy too much because you can enjoy various flavors, but now the amount has increased to 500 yen. It may be good for gifts, but it's too much for me, so it's hard to buy only one type. There were many other baked goods, but the number of types was reduced to about one-fifth, which is a real shame. .. .. The winter-only bonbon chocolate is gone. It's delicious to be delicious, but it's no longer friendly or easy to buy. What's up today? The excitement of saying that has disappeared completely, and my legs have gone away. The cheerful and cheerful girl who has been selling for a long time feels good, but the new staff does not know what they are talking in a whisper, and it is unfriendly and unfortunate. It is a shop that is difficult to repeat. You may buy it for gifts, not for yourself.
1819 Wao on Google

私ごときがおこがまし感想ですが…素晴らしい味のクオリティとこだわり‼️旨い?流石の人気店でした✨素材の味を最大限に引き出し味を最優先に考えた菓子づくり川島祐里さんのお菓子がもっといろんな人に食べてもらえたら嬉しいですね(o^-')b !素敵なお菓子をありがとうございました??️?
It's my impression that I'm afraid ... Great taste quality and commitment! ️ Delicious ? It was a popular shop of Ryuishi ✨ Making sweets that maximize the taste of the ingredients and give top priority to the taste It would be great if Yuri Kawashima's sweets could be eaten by more people (o ^-' ) b! Thank you for the wonderful sweets ??️?
信治 on Google

First visit after relocation. Is this a stylish and stylish shop in New York or Paris instead of Gifu? The inside of the store is as much as I think. The clerk also smiled and answered the question, and sent off to the entrance like a beauty salon. I ate Fabreton for the first time, but I am very satisfied with the taste of the ingredients. The pudding is rich in custard and is a hard type that goes well with caramel. Guam, various tastes and textures, and a gentle taste that is carefully made with aroma. All of them were delicious because of the material, effort, and love of the owner. Next time I'm going to buy chocolate.
黒古里あんな on Google

JR岐阜駅から徒歩圏内にある洋菓子屋さんです。全面ガラス張りでオシャレな見た目のお店でした。イートインスペースはなく、テイクアウトのみ行ってます。プリンを購入したのですが、やや固めのプリンでした。甘さも控え目で、凄く食べやすく美味しかったです。 It is a pastry shop within walking distance from JR Gifu station. It was a fashionable shop with all glass walls. There is no eat-in space, only take-out. I bought a pudding, but it was a little hard pudding. The sweetness was modest, and it was very easy to eat and delicious.
It is a pastry shop within walking distance from JR Gifu station. It was a fashionable shop with all glass walls. There is no eat-in space, only take-out. I bought a pudding, but it was a little hard pudding. The sweetness was modest, and it was very easy to eat and delicious. It is a pastry shop within walking distance from JR Gifu station. It was a fashionable shop with all glass walls. There is no eat-in space, only take-out. I bought a pudding, but it was a little hard pudding. The sweetness was modest, and it was very easy to eat and delicious.
純米吟醸 on Google

川島。 2020年10月、美殿町にリニューアルオープンした洋菓子屋さん。 以前は柳ヶ瀬のやながせ倉庫にあり「A.L.C.cafe」という名前でしたので、知っている方も多いかと思います。 私も以前のお店は何度か利用させていただいていましたが、こちらに移転されてから、ようやくの初訪問。 お店に入ると、まず蛭川みかげ石の大きなテーブルが凄い存在感を出しています。 この日購入したのは ・カスタードプリン14個 ・発酵バターサブレギフトBOX ・発酵バターサブレ3種セット 「川島」と言ったら、「カスタードプリン」 濃厚で甘いカスタードプリンに、キャラメルの苦味のバランスが良い。 小ぶりで1個300円とちょっとお高めですが、美味しいです。 そして発酵バターを使ったサブレ。 自宅用に購入したのは、バター、ピスタチオ、胡桃と黒糖の3種のサブレ。 これがまた珈琲にもあうしとても美味しい。 日持ちもするので、手土産にも最適。
Kawashima. A pastry shop that was reopened in Mitono-cho in October 2020. It used to be in the Yanagase warehouse in Yanagase and was named "A.L.C.cafe", so I think many of you know it. I used to use the previous shop several times, but it was my first visit since I moved here. When you enter the shop, the big table of Mikage stone from Hagikawa has a great presence. I bought this day ・ 14 custard puddings ・ Fermented butter sable gift box ・ Fermented butter sable 3 types set When you say "Kawashima", you say "Custard pudding" Rich and sweet custard pudding with a good balance of caramel bitterness. It's small and it's a little expensive at 300 yen per piece, but it's delicious. And sable using fermented butter. I bought three kinds of sables for my home: butter, pistachios, walnuts and brown sugar. This is also good for coffee and is very delicious. It lasts a long time, so it's perfect as a souvenir.
Koo on Google

It was in the shopping district and I went by car, but there was no parking lot, so I put it in the parking lot in front of me. The price was high, probably because it was a high-class confectionery. Buy puddings, chocolates and baked goods. The custard pudding (¥ 324) was rich and very delicious, unlike the ones that you can easily buy at convenience stores. When I put it on the plate, I struggled because I couldn't remove the contents cleanly. The chocolate was delicious and the price was nod. It was an atmosphere that I couldn't eat in. It is fashionable and tastes good as a gift for celebrations. I think it's a good reward for yourself.

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